
Chapter thirty-three: Family Photo

~~~ Yet, it wasn't enough for you all the love I had to give. I did my best to keep you satisfied, I guess you'll never know how much I tried, I really tried. And if ever our paths should cross again, well, you won't find me being the one who gets lost. Once, I had so much to give, but you just refused my love. From now on, you're only someone that I used to love...~~~

-Natalie Cole-


After taking another deep breath, I came out of the cubicle and checked my makeup in the mirror. My heart still hadn't returned to its normal beat, but I can't in the bathroom any longer.

I was about to step out of the door when I heard muffled voices near the men's' room and my breath hitched when I recognized that one of them was Luke. He was talking to someone of the same age. I don't have a plan to listen to them, but it wasn't my fault because...

...first, the man he's talking to whom he called 'Patrick' was babbling so loud as if the one he's talking to was a few meters away.

...secondly, they were in the hallway, in front of the men's bathroom, but since it's the only way to get out and go back to the venue, I unintentionally heard a part of their conversations.

"Really? Then why didn't you tell her the truth?" asked the guy who has a deep frown on his forehead.

I got confused inside... who were they talking to? What truth didn't Luke tell her?

And--- why do I care?

They didn't seem to notice me.

"Come on, dude, it's your chance!"

'Haist, why does he need to shout? Luke was just in front of him! And jeez! why do they have to stand in the middle of the hallway? Can't they talk into somewhere more private?'

I mentally rolled my eyes when I was just a few steps from them.

"What happened to you? I thought---"


The guy instantly stopped speaking when he heard my voice. They looked at me with both surprises written on their faces.

"--- ohh..." the guy blinked repeatedly.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I go to the venue?"

"Huh---Oops, sorry."

"Thanks... and uhm... I don't want to be rude, but can you stand on the side because you're 'not really' blocking the way." I faked a smile and emphasized the words 'not really' because they have a big torso, so they literally blocking the way.

"I'm sorry."

I couldn't help raising an eyebrow when I heard Luke mutter those words.

"Are you?" I asked, looking him in the eye while the guy from the other side has his gaze moving from me to Luke.

"Yeah, we're blocking the way." He nodded, returning the stare that I was giving him.

"Oh, alright." I shrugged, still having the fake smile on my lips.

I walked past them but I heard the guy's voice before I noticed him running next to me.


I simply glanced at him but continued my pace.

"Hi, I... uhm... I'm Patrick."

Instantly I stopped my steps and looked at him then down to his hand. He stopped and stood in front of me with his hand waiting for a handshake.

"I'm Patrick Fernandez, Luke's assistant."

If it wasn't rude to raise an eyebrow and tell him --- 'And so? I'm not interested'--- I already did, but of course, I didn't.

"Samantha Soriano." I accepted his hand and it was only then he stepped aside.

But when I thought he's going back to his boss, well, I was wrong as he walked with me to the venue.

"Wow! I didn't know you were prettier in person."

"What?" I asked him, confused about what he said.

"I - I said I finally meet you. You're my boss wife, right?"

I shake my head. "Nope, ex-wife is the right word."

"But I--- ahh, never mind." My head snapped towards him when he slapped his forehead. "You know what, I've heard stories about you. He said you love romantic movies, you're afraid of cockroaches like your daughter and you're a good cook---"

... but he stopped when he noticed my confused state.


"... huh? Did I say he?"

I looked at him seriously.

"... oh... uhm... never mind what I said!" he said giving me an awkward smile as he started scratching the back of his neck.

I sighed.

'Seriously, how many times does he have to mention the word 'never mind'?

Walking back to the venue, his words keep plunging on my head. 'He said you love romantic movies, you're afraid of cockroaches and you're a good cook.' Who was Patrick Fernandez referring to? Was it Dale? Dad? Or Luke?

I got more confused because the only people I remembered who knew these things were my family and of course, Jack, but Luke? I Don't know. I'm not sure as I don't remember telling him my phobia about cockroaches, he never went with me to the cinema or even watched a movie in our living room. And about cooking--- well, yes, I remembered that he started eating dishes that I prepared for him when Cali turned one, but he never once told me that he liked the food I cooked.


I was pulled back from my thoughts when I heard my daughter called me, her small hand holding my arm.

"Yes, my baby?" I asked her, lowering my height down to her level.

"Have you seen Daddy?"

"Ahh..." my mouth formed an 'A' shape as I was surprised by her question. But before I could answer, she squealed as we heard Luke's voice behind me.

"I'm here, my princess."


I remained in my place and watched him effortlessly lift Cali into his arms. I wonder how long he has been standing behind me or has he followed us and I haven't noticed?

"Daddy, can we take a group photo with mommy? I mean, a family photo."

I gulped not with Cali's request, but with the kind of look that Luke gave me before smiling at his daughter.

"Yes, of course, princess. We can have photos together as many as you want."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Yup." He nodded, then kissed her forehead.

Deep inside I couldn't explain how happy I felt while watching the rare scene in front of me--- but I raised an eyebrow when I suddenly realized that Cali had only asked her father. What about me?

"Aren't you going to ask mom?"

"Oops! I'm sorry, mommy, but I know you would agree because I already asked this to you a few months ago when we were in our room in Untie Jack's apartment and you said yes."

"Ohh... did I?" I pretended to be surprised when the two glanced at me, Luke and Patrick.

"Yeah, you said we can have---"

"Sure, baby! Come here!"

I interrupted her and immediately took her from her father's arms because knowing my daughter, she's the most talkative in class and even among her friends. She can talk all day and can easily get and understand the words she has read or heard. And if I don't want her to start babbling about all the things that we talked about, especially about her father, then I have to take her.

"Let's go to your hello kitty booth." I kissed her cheek and started walking towards the booth that has Hello Kitty design and stuff toys without taking a Luke at the confused Luke and Patrick behind.

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