

Distractions… were never something he would let even 100 meters within his view so why was it that he was being so easily strung along with these dark-skinned handsome distractions. Dark-skinned, golden-eyed, and black-haired distractions.  Since when had that those long dark-locked become distractions to him. 

He didn't remember. But somewhere along those lines, he had begun to be strung along by every motion that distraction would make. Somewhere along the line, he had gotten used to being strung along and now he was looking forward to it, allowed himself to fall victim to it. Golden eyes... those were the most fatal distractions now.

Dominic continued forward, turning the corner as he headed towards the meeting room along with Kalmin and Boris, greeting servants as they passed by. 

"Good morning your highness," a servant girl greeted as she bowed before Dominic, a bright smile on her face, "God bless our kingdom for bringing our prince back to us safely."

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