
Nothing At All

Adia flinched as she looked up into Kalmin's eyes. They were threatening her, like a viper pressing down on its prey, like a king looking down on a criminal, she was being inspected. A little smirk wandered onto her face, it was interesting. Being watched like this. 

"The places on the map?"

"Don't play dumb,"

"I can't even repeat the question that you asked?" Adia rolled her eyes. She turned back to Kalmin and grinned, propping herself on the table, "am I not allowed to know simple geography?"

"You're a sc- you were picked up from the streets and tossed into this position," Kalmin muttered, leaning one hand against the bookshelf, his body leaning over Adia now forcing her to press her body into the books. "I doubt the prince's temporary predecessor would bother to educate you on the geography of this place."

"Are you saying I'm not worth being educated?" Adia asked. 

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