

Antonio's head rose up quicker than he expected and along with the other's at the table, they turned to look at the person behind Antonio. Their eyes widened and lips spread into a smile. 

"Well well," Falls grinned, his eyes eying Justin. "Look who turned up."

Justin grinned. "Nice to see you too."

Addison grinned, raising her hand up. A worker immediately walked to her side seconds after her hands rose. "Get us four more chairs," Addison ordered. 

"Yes my lady," The worker nodded before turning around and walking away. 

"Of course we have space for more," Addison chuckled. 

"What brings you here?" Antonio asked, his head nodding over to The Crowly's table. "I thought you were going to sit over there."

"Hmm… well change of plans," Justin grinned, "they got a bit carried away with their connections so here we are."

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