
The Girl

Litian looked a bit taken aback by his comment but brushed the thought away and continued, "Second commander Feline thought about that and recommended we take a small group of medics with us and some guards,"

"Hmm?" Dominic asked, cocking his head, "why medics?"

"Small villages are prone to diseases because they are easily spread when there's a small space but a large number of people or even small amounts of people," Litian began.

"So she wants to make a trade?" Dominic asked to no one in particular. He grinned after a moment of thought, "that's quite clever. Help them in exchange for trust and use a small number of medics so we can prevent them from taking most hostage since the ratio of medic to guard will be quite tipped... plus reducing the loss if some medics get sick too. I like it."

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