
Alright, Alright, Alright. Where do I begin.

These light bearers are known as "Guardian". They were blessed by the oh, so great Traveller, to fight in a losing battle. The Traveller sends his little light named "Ghosts" to resurrect the chosen few. Those things I never trusted them, not even mine. *sounds of static and electricity* Shut up, and don't give me that look. Where was I, oh ya. Thousands of them raise every day just fight the Cabal, Fallen, Vex, Hive or even the Taken. But, they aren't ready for what lies beyond sol. I have seen those things and what they can do. I have been preparing all of this time for their arrival, but with what they found on the moon I think they are closer than I anticipated. So, I... *Sound of a metal door opening*

The Drifter turns around to see a lone Guardian standing at his entrance. The Drifter started slowly manoeuvring his hand to his hand cannon, He spoke to the Guardian.

"Oh, oh, oh, Hey there brother! I was in the middle of recording something. But yeah, what brings you here. The next game of Gambit starts in three hours. Came a little be early?" He tightens his grip on the hand cannon.

The Guardian walks more into the Drifter's domain. The way he walked and the helmet he wore remainded him of a warlock but the robe that wore resembled more of a hunter.

The Drifter continued speaking "The silent type? Aye, I already know a few like you, so what brings you here?" said the Drifter a little bit annoyed by this rude Guardian that entered uninvited.

The Guardian looked at the strange man in front of him, inspecting him. Then he looked straight into his eyes. The Drifter knew that he was looking dead at his eyes through his helmet. The Drifter now was visibly annoyed.

"Now, now! You wouldn't want to get here old Drifter angry, would you? Now, do we have any business?"The Drifter now clutching his hand cannon. Ready to end one of this guardian's many lives, he even thought of ending his Ghost. But he resents that part because he would get in more trouble.

At that moment the Guardian finally spoke "I came looking for you. I got some information that you are one of the eldest living Guardian? Is that true?" The Guardian asked in an elegant voice.

The voice of the Guardian peeked it reminded him of someone but he couldn't but his finger on who. So the drifter answered the poor Guardian with a smirk on his face "Yep, I'm one of the eldest living light-bearers but I am no Guardian I can tell you that. So is that all, you just wanted to confirm my age or are you here for something else?"

The Guardian answered back to the drifter in that elegant voice. "Why don't you consider yourself a Guardian?" The drifter quickly replied "That Guardian stuff has its codes and shit that tie down the guardian, but I don't want to be tied down by some wannabe, down washed hacks called the Vanguard. Anything else?" The guardian continued "For my main purpose coming here was to question you about the dark age and your experience of it."

The Drifter smirk slowly turning into a smile "And that is all. You want me to tell you about my life during the dark age. And that's all you wanted?" The Guardian noded. The Drifter continued "Since a could talk all day about it, but I kinda on a tightly scheduled today, so if you can't make it worth my time I would love to resume this... I don't know a few years then ill be probably free. So, how about it?"

The Guardian looking right at the Drifter sighed and started talking "Something worth your time, ehh... Like this." The Guardian pulled something out of his robe that piqued the Drifter's interest even more. The Drifter loosens this grip of his hand cannon and cheerfully started talking."Oh, you now made it worth my time. So what to do you wanna know?" The Guardian answered. "Everything, I think that this is enough for that." Drifter replied "Of course, since you wanted to hear everything how about we go to the derelict. There are a lot of prying eyes and ears here. That good enough for you?" The Guardian quickly replied "Yes, but I don't have a ship... Mine currently is under repair..." Drifter puts a hand on his shoulder and says "Bruh..."

The drifter started to walk out of the room, he stood at the entrance for a sec then turned around to the Guardian and said " Whatcha waiting, we gonna fly with my backup ship. Meet me at the landing zone here in about 6 to 10 mins at most." The drifter left. The Guardian went out and waited for Drifter's return. After almost an hour of waiting the Drifter came back with a ship. The Drifter yelled out of his window. "Get in this thing, it doesn't have enough fuel to hover here." The Guardian quickly got up and got near the ship. It looked old and beat up, the engine sounds were like it was dying. The Drifter yelled again "Are you in or not?" A small hatch opened at the top of the ship. The Guardian jumped at the ship, climbed at the top and entered it. I was cramped even for a one-man vessel. The Drifter jus turned the ship around and said "Ok, buckle up. We are jumping!" Before the Guardian could grab something to hold on to and immense force throw him back at the end of the ship. That's the last thing he remembered, later he woke up still on the ship but it wasn't moving. A voice echoed outside the ship. "Wake up sleepy head we are here." The Guardian got out of the hatch to see the Drifter standing on a metal rail. "Where are we?" The Guardian asked. "The derelict. My real ship and that back there." He pointed to a strange object attached to the ship, it looked like a black hole. "I don't even know whats that anymore. But, we are here for a reason. So get up here.

A crudely made staircase stood next to that rail where he stood. The Guardian walked up it to find the Drifter sitting at a table with a deck of cards. "How about we play while I tell you my stories. Hmm?" The Drifter asked. The Guardian replied by sitting down and saying "Fine by me."

"Ok, I shuffle, you deal." The drifter said while shuffling the deck.

"How about I start,eyy."

"Alright, Alright, Alright. Where do I begin?

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