
Bad News

Lucas stared at the picture frame in his hand. Disturbingly, his chest tightened as he did so. Despite himself, he continued to stare at the woman in the photograph with soft amber eyes that had charmed him to his doom. Her red copper hair fell to her face in waves, enhancing her high cheekbones and full, lush lips. She was magnificently staring at him in the photograph as if she was real.

The photo was of him and Alexandria seated into a wooden bench, his arms protectively draped around her slender shoulders. He looked at the camera with a lofty grin stretched across his face.

It was the happiest moment of his life. He could clearly recall that day in clear and vivid detail, as though it had happened just yesterday. 

The photograph was taken almost five years ago. They looked fine in the photo. He wondered what went wrong. Ever since he married Alexandria, things went downhill. 

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