

Author: AnonAuthor
Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1Prologue: Somber Madness

{Soul Detected!}

{Soul Captured!}

{Commencing Forced Awakening on Soul}

*What's happening, where am I?!*

{Soul Awakening Successful. Congratulations, You Have Been Granted Another Chance At Life!}

*Life!? I can live again? Does that mean I can go back to before everything went wrong for me?*

{Negative. You Will Be Sent To Another Universe. Do You Have A Preference?}

*You mean like Isekai? That's awesome! I've long awaited for this! I know the perfect place, the Naruto Universe!*

{Processing Request... Request Approved. Commencing Scan of Soul... Scan Complete!}

*What just happened?*

{How do wish to start your new life?} Reincarnation/Transmigration}

*Oh, so you're just going to ignore my question all together huh..*

{How do wish to start your new life?} Reincarnation/Transmigration}

*Not going to acknowledge that jab either? Oh well, let's get back on track then, before I answer I'd like to ask a few questions.*

{Request Granted... 120s... 119s... 118s... }

*Two minutes, that's quite stingy of you, but doable. First of all, if I was to pick Reincarnation could I decide to which family I'm born into?*

{Negative. In A Reincarnation Scenario Your Soul Would Be Placed Inside A random expecting mother in a location of your choosing. 110 Seconds... }

*In the possibility that I choose Transmigration will I be able to understand and comprehend the worlds language? *

{Affirmative. This only extends to Transmigration. 105 seconds...}

*Alright third question, for both Reincarnation and Transmigration can I decide when I'm born or sent?*

{Affirmative. Up To A Certain Point. For Reincarnation only the desired year can be chosen. In Transmigration a desired location can be given. 100 seconds... }

*Next, how many wishes or requests am I allowed to make to make my new life better? Basically do I get any wishes? *

{Souls With Low Level Karmic Luck Receive One Bonus Request. 95 seconds...}

*Lastly, is it possible to have that request be to customize my own body and abilities? In the context of it being a semi-transmigration?

{Processing Request... Request Approved with Applicable Limitations. 90 seconds...}

*Limitations? What type of limitations? *

{Desired Abilities mustn't surpass Souls Karmic Points. 85 seconds...}

*Karmic Points? Are these also applicable for all and any wishes made?*

{Affirmative. Request made cannot be made without sufficient Karmic Points. Soul's Karmic Points: 500. 80 seconds...}

*Heh, so my loophole wasn't flawless, and I get the feeling 500 points aren't going to enough.*

{79 seconds... 78 seconds...}

*Can you show me how many points obtaining ... would take?*

{1500 Karmic Points. 75 seconds...}

*Yeah I though so. What about the Rinnegan, Sharingan, and Byakugan? *

{750 Karmic Points. 73s...}

*That's surprisingly not that far off my budget, unfortunately I'm still 50 points short. Oh, what about the Ketsuryūgan?*

{500 Karmic Points. 69s...}

*Eh, that's actually well within my budget. I guess not being able to make either the Rinne Sharingan or Tenseigan lowered its price. If I do get the Ketsuryūgan I'll still be left with 200 extra points. Hmm.. Could I get the price of the Akuma Clan's Kekkei Genkai? (Jugo's Clan)*

{200 Karmic Points. 60s...}

*Seriously?! 200 points, that's kinda low, so what's the catch?*

{Only Known Strain Of Akuma Clan DNA Is A Product Of A Mutation, Side Effects Of Possessing This Strain Include: Mental Instability, Sporadically Feeling Sudden And Uncontrollable Urges To Kill. 50s...}

*I see, that's not something people would want, but then again I'm not necessarily normal either. Now then, time to checkout. I've decided to go with the Semi-Transmigration, when, around 5 years after The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's Attack, where, the outskirts of Kumogakure. For abilities I'm going to have to go with the Ketsuryūgan and the Akuma Clan's Kekkei Genkai.*

{Processing Request... Request Approved.}

*As for my appearance, what are my options? *

{Soul Can Customize, Age, Body Type And Appearance.}

*Age: 6 years old. Body Type: Athletic. Appearance: Use my old body as a template and just give me some white hair. I should try and appear like I belong, right?*

{Processing... Body Customization Complete.}

*Yeah, didn't really think you'd respond.*

{Soul Extraction

And Transmigration Process Initiating... Please Stand By... }




Kumogakure Outskirts, Land Of Lightning

Under the shade provided by an enormous mountain a small white robe wearing child lay. His frail body leaned against the rough surface of the mountain seemingly in deep sleep. As for the child's appearance he could be considered incredibly cute, specially with his brown chubby cheeks resembling a pair of cinnamon cakes. While his wavy hair resembled silver silk threads as it wildly cascaded down to his shoulders.

In the next second the sleeping child's eyelids parted away revealing a set of pale amethyst eyes. Expressing excitement as he quickly inspected his new body before raising his head to look at the clear blue sky above.

"So the Transmigration Process was successful.."

'Great! Now time for business! I decided to be a bit older to start with some Chakra Reserves, however what I'm mostly going to use for the time being will be Natural Energy. That's if-'

What cut off the newly awakened boy's thoughts was the green glow his body was emanating. It took but a few breathes of time for him to uncover the mystery, this was the aforementioned Natural Energy. He wasn't certain how he'd active the Akuma Clan's Kekkei Genkai, but it seems he wouldn't have to.

'Unlike my Chakra Reserves which I can't really sense, it feels like I can literally touch the Natural Energy all around me, and it feels so.. so.. Good!'

Being overwhelmed by the seemingly unlimited amount of Natural Energy being swallow by his body. The young boy tried his best to maintain his sanity as his self control was waning.

'I need to execute my plan against the Akuma's Beserk state now! The Natural Energy enhanced all my senses which should make things easier, but hopefully I don't lose control before then.'

Clenching his jaw and his fists, the nameless boy closed his eyes and concentrated on his surroundings. Every second that he did his consumption of Natural Energy only escalated further. Fortunately in the following second his eyes burst open and he stormed off.


Running down the mountain pass the boy entered a large forest filled with giant oak trees. Entering the forest he came to notice that his vision was starting to heighten further and his body was slowly transforming. His light brown skin was turning very pale, his teeth became elongated and razor sharp. Simultaneously his eyes were losing their original color instead becoming a deep purple while his sclerae darkened.

'I've got to hurry! The transformation is almost over, at this rate I'll go on a murder spree.. C'mon go faster, I've got to go faster!'

Unexpectedly his body itself seemed to answer his prayers as small boosters manifested in his calves increasing his speed.

'Yes, with this I'll surely make it! I have to make it! I refuse to lose control, I'm both smarter and stronger than this thing!'

With the speed boost from his transformed calves, the now monster like being stormed through the forest. He kept advancing towards with every step of his containing more urgency than the last.

'Almost there, I'm... almost... there... alm...'

Making one last effort with all the available power of his transformation the beast leaped forward leaving behind the tall trees for a large flowing river. One which thanks to his previous explosive leap was directly underneath the beast.

'Now, please work! Ketsuryūgan!'

Activating his secondary ability, the monsters deep and menacing purple eyes turned a crimson red. Instantly followed by the two gazes meeting, the monsters and its reflections, sending the monster into a world of crimson. One where the white haired boy from before patiently stood with his arms crossed behind his back.

'Welcome, I've been waiting for you. Now what am I going to do with you?'

He calmly and openly pondered although his crimson eyes shined brightly, as he stared at the pale white monster in front of him.

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Table of Contents
Volume 1