'Azula would've thought death was more painful, dark, or empty, instead of a dark void, Azula opened her eyes and was greeted by a clear blue sky above her a gentle breeze flowing in the wind and green grasslands under her, she couldn't move though, as her body and limbs felt too heavy.'
'Where am I?' thought Azula as she tried to move her head around sunshine, trees, and not a person in-sight.
"Hi!" spoke a little girl, appearing in her view, she was barely six, had golden eyes like Azula, yet her hair was pure white as was the dress she wore.
"Who are you?" asked Azula.
"A little girl," chuckled the girl, lying next to her in the grass.
'Great...' thought Azula as she was showered, with grass. "Stop it."
"C'mon! Get up!" said the girl, jumping up-easily. "Time's is of the essence."
"I'm too tired," replied Azula, closing her eyes.
"Come on! It's not your time yet!" said the little girl, nudging Azula. "Get up, mom!"
"What! What did you call me?" asked Azula, shocked, and looking at the white-haired girl.
"Mom! Now come on, little Ly wants a teacher to teach her about life, firebending, and all. Get up, I'll help you, mommy," said Ly, offering Azula her little hands.
"Ly...that's a funny name," replied Azula as she lifted her arms that seemed to weigh a ton.
"I'know...you gave it to me," said Ly.
Azula felt rising, through the sky, then felt submerged in water, the pressure and choking hold on her as she was soon pulled out by someone.
"Breathe!" yelled a voice she remembered Zhan. Then she coughed the water out of her lungs and breathing in the sweet air.
"You two are a bunch of suicidal idiots!" screamed another figure, her vision cleared to show it was Mai.
"Shut it. You had a better idea?" asked Zhan, one hand wrapped around Azula and the other holding onto Appa.
"How did you know that would work?" asked Katara, pulling the two onboard.
"It did?" asked Azula, surprised.
"Yeah, check it out," said Mai, pointing at their little handiwork: every last air-machine and ship was lying in the sea, the skies and sea freed, from the Fire Nation.
"Good thing it worked," replied Azula as she soon felt exhausted. "I'm too tired to fight anymore."
"We all are," added Mai.
"How do you think the other fared?" asked Zhan, sitting down and exhausted as well.
"Hope they're doing better than us," said Zuko, having woken up that cheered up Mai's mood. "How did we do?"
"We won," replied Mai, hugging Zuko.
"Good to know," said Zuko.
Although the reunion was cut short by a bright beam of light, piercing through the sky and illuminating far.
"I hope that was Aang or wasn't..." said Katara, starting to fly with Appa to the location, where the light had shone.
They rode through the sky for half an hour before they arrived at their destination. Littering the ground were several massive air-ships, all destroyed except for one, and it contained by people they knew.
"Ty Lee!"
Suffice, to say the group was overjoyed to be reunited once more, they were all alive and together.
"Looks like you had some problems," said Toph.
"Yeah, those two got stuck in a blown-up ship," replied Katara, hinting at Mai and Zuko, who had the most 'seeable' injuries. "While Azula and Zhan had thought, that it was a great idea to create a massive tidal wave and nearly drown themselves."
"Well...we had it better," said Suki. "Other than Sokka breaking his leg, Toph nearly falling to her death and acrobat-girl over here thinking it'd be a great idea to go through the engine."
"It worked! Besides, you're not the one who needs a ten-hour bath," replied Ty Lee, whose hair and clothes were all messed up, dusty and dyed black from the coal. "At least my two BFF's are okay!"
"So...guess it's finished then," said Azula, going past the others and eyeing the slumped body of Ozai.
"Well...actually..." mumbled Aang before Ozai awakened eyeing Azula with a venomous stare.
"So...the prodigy has returned... you're a disgrace...worthless...to your family...and to your heritage-" Ozai' insults, however, ended abruptly with Azula simply punching his lights out.
"Listen up, you worthless piece of flesh! I'm not some tool you use or discard when you feel like it; my name is Azula! I have emotions and feelings too! I! Am! Not! Some Agni-damned weapon you use when you feel like it, you pathetic excuse of a man!" yelled Azula, in his unconscious face, then she sighed heavily, and felt good, better than she had been in her life. "Okay, not to scare anybody with any crazy or evil stuff, but that felt good."
"Wow! Didn't think you had it in you, Princess," replied Toph to the incident.
"I'll say," added Zhan. "That was something."
"...and long overdue," said Zuko.
"Alright, I think it's time we go home," said Azula, after everything.
"As the Princess demands it," replied Zhan, picking her up.
"Put me down..." laughed Azula, getting lifted off the ground. "Oh, nevermind."
"Hope our Uncle Iroh is doing better," said Zuko.
"Knowing him, he's likely sipping tea and playing Bai Sho," replied Azula, laughing with everybody as the Comet departed the world, not to be seen, for another hundred years.
Peace was that luxury once to the world a time when only a ceasefire was the only rest you could get, and the war was in every corner of the world, not anymore.
The Royal Palace, once the citadel of Fire Nation, dominance was now filled with various people from all over the globe: earthbenders and waterbenders, the war was over, it was time for peace now.
Azula was a bit nervous about the prospect once enemies now would be friends and allies once again.
"Hi!" greeted Katara as she was already hugging Azula before she could say anything. "Good to see you again."
"You too; I can't believe this is over," she replied, patting Katara.
On this occasion, she hasn't dressed in her royal robes or outfit anymore. Those already reminded her of her, bad-past, and she went for a more simplistic look, her loose long-hair, and simple red-robes to cover her body.
"I can't believe I befriended a Fire Nation Princess," said Sokka.
"Then what was Zuko?" asked, Azula causing the three to laugh a bit. "Looking, good Sokka."
"Just wait, I'll be out of this cast in a week," he said, currently stuck with a cast on his leg and a crutch.
"You do that wolf-boy," replied Azula, patting him on the back. Then I saw somebody approach them. "I think your family wants to say hello as well."
"Dad! Mom!" cheered the two siblings as they ran over to hug their father and mother, Kya was in a wheelchair, yet that didn't stop the happy reunion.
"Well, they seem happy," said a voice behind Azula.
"They are, I am...and so should you..." replied Azula, turning around. "...Mai."
"I am..." said Mai, despite that she still looked and acted her usual self. Although her face and mood had warmed, "surprised you aren't up there."
"Eh. I'm not suited to that position anymore," replied Azula.
"I recall back in our childhood you were pretty much acting and speaking like the next Fire Lord," said Mai.
"Yeah, but now that there is no war, what do you expect the Fire Lord to do?" asked Azula. "Other than sign, speak, sleep, and hear noble and merchant complaints."
"So what will you do?" asked Mai.
"Nothing other than being the new Fire Minister," replied Azula.
"Fire Minister?"
"Zuko and I had talked about lessening the Fire Lord' power, the Fire Sages would return, yet he wanted to make sure another war wouldn't ever happen again," spoke Azula. "As the Fire Minister, I'd be in charge of overseeing the other departments, military included. With that, the Fire Lord won't be able to initiate another war or commence military action without the Fire Minister's approval. As well as dealing with the foreign relations of the other nations."
"So you're going to play the part of overseer and peacemaker?" teased Mai. "Two-conflicting sides, how in Agni' name would that suit you?"
"Either, that or I could you sit on my ass all day," chuckled Azula. "And that will not happen."
"What you girls laughing about?" asked Zhan ask the two newly arrived guests.
"Plans," replied Azula.
"Oh yeah! Here's my bro!" said Sokka, slapping Zhan on the back. "My brother from another continent and mother."
"He is happier than ever now, with mom back," replied Katara. "Guess this is his way of saying thank you."
"Well, I could say you two can be brothers," said Azula. "Both are goofballs you can invent and plan stuff, and one of you can fight."
"Which one?" asked Katara, laughing to herself.
"I'll let them figure it out," replied Azula.
"I bet you're the annoying brother then," said Zhan to Sokka.
"...and you're the jester then," replied Sokka.
"Looks who's talking peg-leg," teased Zhan.
"Lily-head," replied Sokka.
"Jeez, why don't you two just wrestle and get it over with?" asked another familiar face, dressed in her unique uniform Suki and her Kyoshi warriors.
"That would be a bit unfair regarding his condition," said Zhan.
"Very funny. So how does it feel to be back in the uniform?" asked Sokka from Suki.
"It feels great!" cheered another recognizable and cheery girl.
"Let me guess, Ty Lee?" asked Azula, with Ty Lee nodding.
"Suki was very impressed with my skills and all, that she said I could join them," spoke Ty Lee. "I got lots of friends now, but don't worry, I always got time for my two BFFs."
"Guess it was a matter of time before Ty Lee joined a group where wearing make-up is mandatory," said Mai.
"Your just jealous," teased back Ty Lee, her smiling self.
"Am not..." replied Mai.
"Alright ladies ease up the Fire Lord has come," spoke, Zhan while Zuko appeared before the masses with Aang beside him both wearing their traditional outfits.
"Today, this war is finally over! I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation. And I will. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. But with the Avatar's help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace."
Zuko's speech was immediately replied by loud clapping and cheering by the gathered people.
"Who knew Zuzu could be a good speaker?" asked Azula.
"I maybe," replied Zhan, looping an arm around Azula's waist. "So what's next, my Princess?"
"Who knows what the future brings?" replied Azula, leaning against him. "Rebuilding, work, a demanding future..."
"How about something simple: marriage, family, and old age?" he asked.
"Why not..." replied Azula, shaking her head - he would still be the same, no matter what and with her.
On a shady alley dark at night, we find two-man.
"You got the stuff?" said one man with a trench coat.
"Yes now did, you bring the product? Said the other man while lighting a cigarette.
"Here it is as promised," he reaches, inside his trench coat handing a folder to the other guy, "now will you give me my payment?"
"Here, take this briefcase inside you will find the stones you ask for," passing it over.
The man on the trench coat slowly opens the briefcase to find it empty inside, "What is the meaning of this?" To been greeted by a gun.
"Is easy I will just add to my collection, use no stones and not even leave a comment, or I will put a bullet in your head," he said while smirking.
PS: Thanks for everything and don't be like that guy give me all your stones.