
There's Even Clarity On The Darkness Time Ch 23


The sun started to rise, and so did Azula as was occasional for a firebender to rise and set with the sun, as on any regular but, today was anything from regular it was the Day of Black Sun and the Invasion. Azula knew there wasn't much time before it happened a couple of hours at, the most and she, had some things to clarify before that.

She rose from her bed and made her way over to the mirror, starting to wash her face and do her hair herself she wasn't interested in hanging around any servants this morning. Once she was dressed and done, Azula made her way outside, where Zhan was waiting.

The Royal Garden was quiet since no regular person came here, only the Royal family are permitted invited. A perfect place for a face-to-face, private talks.

"Hi Azula," said Zhan, sitting on a nearby bench, having arrived here earlier.

"Hey," replied Azula, sitting down as well.

"So...how do you feel?" Zhan asked, looking at her.

"Troubled..." she replied, a deep feeling of being torn between two worlds in herself…

"Let us walk...clear our heads..." he said, rising from his seat.

"Sure..." she replied, starting to follow him.

Azula join Zhan for a walk they had some small talk and a few questions from Azula like: what should we do? What could she do? And if she should do anything? Overall, Azula thought that she would've been better off if she didn't know anything of her past.

"This should be an easy choice, right?" She asked, their journey leading them to the cliffs. "I mean, I am the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation."

"Shouldn't this be easy?" She looks at Zhan directly at his eyes, Zhan could tell from staring at her eyes that she was lost.

"I'm not sure, this is that easy," he replied, eyeing the ocean. "Our past haunts and guides us. Listening to one may cloud the other."

"That doesn't make my dilemma any easier!" she replied, sighing deeply. Crouching down onto the grass and plucking a blade of grass. "Please...give me something."

"Azula...if you want my advice, then I can give you this follow your feelings and your heart, choose what you want to do. Don't do something others are forcing upon you," Zhan said to Azula while he was at ease.

"Maybe..." replied Azula looking at the blade, of grass then she let it loose as it glided upward in the wind. Inhaling deeply, then exhaling Azula found some clarity in her eyes.

"Alright, I am done... And there is no time to waste. I have made my choice."

"As, I've said I'll follow you whatever you chose, Orders?" he asked, waiting for her request.

"I don't order you around," she replied with a weak smile on her face. "But get Mai and Ty Lee."

"As you wish, my Princess," he replied, going to fetch the two girls.


The Invasion force was here as expected earthbender forces and waterbender troops. Zhan was impressed that they had managed to get beyond the Great Gates of Azulon and reach the Royal Plaza.

Utilizing some weird ships, that could go underwater and peculiar earthbender tanks a pity, that they were walking into a trap and didn't know it. The home guards were putting up a real fight, making the attackers fight for every inch the ballista towers had been, destroyed but that was just a small obstacle more troops were arriving to hold them off and lead them to the trap.

Yet he soon saw a glider fly nearby, guess the Avatar found out that nobody was home, neither the people or the Firelord. That was also his queue to make his way downward. Azula wanted all three of them down in the bunker after she had dealt with the Avatar.


Azula was still a little uneasy about her choice yet, Azula has cast the dice. She will not let others dictate what she has to do or how others want her to feel. No doubt some would disagree with her choices, but that was their problem she would do, what she wanted.

No sooner did the metal doors in the bunker flew open the Avatar, the water tribe boy, and the blind earthbender girl had arrived.

"Hello. I had a hunch you had survived," spoke Azula calmly, addressing the Avatar and his group.

"Where's the Firelord?!" asked, Aang they got tricked.

"I suggest you leave...now!" said Azula, rising from her seat, then she disappeared into the rocky ceiling via an earth pillar.

Surprisingly, the group as three Dai Li agents appeared and filled the bunker with hundreds of earth spikes covering the ceiling ground and cavern sides before they sank into the earth themselves.

Meanwhile, above them a certain, Princess was walking through the makeshift tunnel, she had the Dai Li make, a few hours ago.

Walking through the tunnel, with only her blue fire illuminating the way until another light source appeared, Zhan holding a torch with Mai and Ty Lee close to one another.

"You had to pick this cramped place?" asked Mai, a little annoyed at the choice of location.

"Quit whining Mai, I could've chosen near a lava-pit, but Ty Lee would've complained then," replied Azula. "Anyhow...Mai, you did what I asked?"

"Yeah, yeah. I visited your uncle, done, and done," said Mai. "You sure about, this Azula?"

"I am. I said, you didn't have to follow me," said Azula.

"Like we'd run off now," replied Mai, arms crossed and a tiny smile on her face.

"Yeah, Azula! We're not going to abandon you now!" added Ty Lee.

"What do you plan now?" finished Zhan with the speaking. They would support Azula, no matter what she'd do.

"Alright. Here is what we are going to do..."


Omake: An Apron Instead Of A Ring


"Mai, if it's okay with you, here," Zuko said while walking toward Mai. "As thanks for the other day," while extending a wrap apron.

Mai looks at Zuko, "An apron?" she grabs the apron with both arms.

"Yes, to be honest, I thought about getting, something disposable but when I asked a coworker, they said an apron would be good," Zuko said while scratching his face while briefly blushing.

Mai gave Zuko a warm and cheerful smile, "thank you," while she gently hugs the apron.

'Thank goodness seems like she's happy,' his heart was pounding when he saw her smile.

"Hahaha, by all means, please use it at home," he said while scratching the back of his head.

"Eh!?" she was a little excited.

"Is it okay for me to visit your home once more? Completely, unexpected and surprised, his comment.

Zuko figure out he just said, "ah, not my home, no uhh, I meant you should use it at your own home..." he said while reddening like a tomato and wildly waving his arm hastily.

"Ah, haah! of course, that's what you meant! I'm sorry!! While flush and rosy.

Mai felt embarrassed, completely blushing in a sweet and confused way while placing the palm of her hand on her face while her eyes close, 'I jumped to the wrong conclusion this is embarrassing."

"... But."

"As long it's you... it would make me happy if you visited me once more."

"Then, umm, I'll visit again once, more," said Mai while swaying back and forth.

"Okay, um, if It's okay, with you then another time..." he said while nervously scratchy the back of his head.

"Are you two going take a break in the afternoon?" said Zhan while carrying his coffee mug.

Interrupting the Zuko and Mai, both turn to their head to look at Zhan, PLEASE, STOP IT CHIEF!! Both yell they were so red that a tomato would be jealous.


We can see a good dress man with a black and white checker pattern suit, while he opens his lighter to turn on his cigarette.

"Guess who is waking-up over here, time to cash-out." he throws the cigarette on the floor and steps on it as he walks closer to the victim.

"Can we get it over with," he expressed while spreading both his arms, while the man on the suit signals him to be patient.

"Maybe street thug kills people while looking at them on the face, but I am not afraid."

"You see, you only needed to give me those, sweet stones sadly, you fail me. Just hope the next person is not as foolish as you."

"Truth is the game was rig from the start," he points the gun at his captive to only see a bright flash.



PS: Thanks for everything and have a good day.


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