
A new place Ch 8


'The current predicament they were in could be described as somewhat uncomfortable...but the feeling...the freedom, she would do anything to feel it again, and while keeping Zhan here, then that's a plus.'

The relocated to the Meeting Room, where is regularly use here we can find; Azula, Firelord Ozai, War-Minister Qin, and Zhan. Zhan was describing before them the various bits and pieces of the flying contraption. 'While Azula didn't recognize much of the details, but so far, her only interest would be to fly once more.'

"So that's the basic principle behind it," Zhan finished discoursing.

'As much as an inventor he was, she was surprised how simple they were. While she didn't grasp much of the subject, there weren't a lot of details to his 'flying machine,' by the look, she saw on the war minister's face, Azula could tell that he was asking himself: 'why didn't nobody invent this sooner?'

"Could we produce these in sizeable amounts?" asked Ozai.

"Of course we could M'Lord, but the other details are what hinder this," he replied.

"Explain," said Ozai.

"The metal frame is the easiest to construct the hindrance is the delicate controls for the wings, someone, fit needs to know how to fly one, the testing proves, that a much weaker soldier would crash. We will need experienced firebenders to operate the turbine, the other upgrades needed," Zhan continues to explain.

"Is this worth it?" asked the war-minister. "By your explanation, we'd like to train an entire regiment of skilled troops. Troops that could be a real aid elsewhere."

"I think you're thinking wrong, war-minister," said Azula, rising from her seat next to her father, going over to Zhan. "While this project may seem costly, think of the benefit."

Zhan added, "either do quality over quantity or do it the other way around."

"Are there any nations in the world that could catch something faster than a bird? With these, we could rain fire straight from the sky! Ba Sing Se great walls will mean NOTHING! We could just go over them," she said, enthusiastically, "considering the resources needed in exchange for the opportunity to control the skies by our own will. I'd take it in a heartbeat."

"Indeed," smiled Ozai. "War-minister! I'm ordering the re-construction of this flying construct, effective immediately."

"Father!" said Azula, grabbing Zhan by the arm. "Since Officer Zhan constructed the machine himself, it would be wise to allow him to head the re-building...and as well construct other weapons."

"Azula?" whispered Zhan to her.

"I've...visited his estate and seen some, of his ideas and plans, there are dozens of them," she added.

"Azula!" he whispered louder to her.

"I'd guess his skills are better suited here than on a battlefield," she finished.

"Agreed," replied Ozai, after a bit of thinking, "officer Zhan, I'm transferring you from the front-lines to the war-department Ordered by Fire Lord himself."

"Yes, M'Lord," he replied.

"Very well then, you're all dismissed, war-minister Qin, a moment. I want to discuss something," added Ozai.

"Yes M'lord," he replied, while Azula and Zhan were leaving the room.


Once outside, he had grabbed her by the arm, spinning her around, her back to the wall.

"Mind telling me, why you did that?" he asked from Azula in a neutral tone.

"No way," she replied, spinning them around, he against the wall now. "Am I gonna let you leave, after that, you're too valuable to be wasted in the front-line."

"Really?" he asked, eyebrow-raising and smiling again, pulling her by the waist closer, their faces only inches apart. "If you don't want me to leave, just say so."

"I don't beg...ever," she whispered.

"I see that," he replied, kissing her on the cheek. "Doesn't hurt to try?"

"Only if I grew wings," she added.

"That is something I can arrange," he replied, earning him a light slap, on the face.


The next couple of days passed quickly, most having to do with setting up a department for Zhan, that Azula had privateer herself. 'She experienced some disapproval for the war-minister at first, due to the amount she was transferring, but once he had seen the assortment of plans and inventions, he agreed no questions asked.'

Officially now, Zhan fell under the war-department, his own Special Division, 'to which he had several ideas already and thought out, yet what he lacked were funds and resources...not anymore. His former Scorchers troops, remained as they were, with a new officer. Although from what Zhan had told her, the Scorchers could handle themselves, with or without an officer.'

She had also wanted for the [Special Division] to be under the Palace her explanation was; "that a genius like him, was far too valuable to be left elsewhere, such resource that we utilize, efficiently." 'She wanted him closer to her, not that she will tell him that or anyone.'

"Well? How do you like your new profession?" asked Azula, leaning at the doorway.

Not bad, he replied, leaning in his chair. 'His new workshop was larger than his old home, has a more private place for inventing, tinkering and a sleeping room of the size of a regular bedroom, and a testing ground next door, about the size of his estate. Now he can use the old bunker at home build by his great-grandfather Sozin perfect for the new secret war-technology division,' then he looks at Azula. "It may not have the old view, but it sure has one more beautiful that can replace it."

Azula was caught off guard by his comment she blushes and quickly changes the conversation, "father has sent word for funds, resources, and staff. It'll take a couple of days before they're all set up," she added.

"Well...didn't expect this quick of response, maybe in ten years not this soon," he said while pondering about it.

"Well," she replied, going behind his back and looping her arms around his neck. "Considering what you can do. I won't be surprised if we win the war...the the next day."

"I feel like the goose that lays golden eggs," he chuckled.

"You're, okay here?" asked Azula, it was sudden and maybe forceful on her part.

"My father was proud that I was working at the Royal Palace. Well, my mother didn't have any problem with me getting involved in the Palace. She was ecstatic more than dad. I don't know, is it because I was climbing in politics or if she got half the estate to herself," he replied, eyeing Azula behind him. "I'll miss, the view though."

"I can't be that bad?" she asked, leaning in closer.

"It isn't, I got a better view of something, more beautiful in front of me," he replied, kissing her.


Omake: What could go wrong?


We can see both Azula and Zhan in the laboratory, while Zhan was sitting down interracting whith some chemical, beside him was Azula. "Hey Zhan are you sure this is safe?"

Zhan stops paying attention to the chemicals in his hands and looks at Azula, "Yes, princess, this as safe as when you drink any alcoholic drink... I think," he said with a broad smile, Azula rolls her eyes.

"How many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me, PRINCESS!" while she stomps the floor, trying to acts as if she was angry, only earning a grin from Zhan.

"Like will you take this seriously," she started to play with her hair, "Oh, it seems that my teasing most be working,' this earn him a crimson Azula.

"Zhan, will you stop from bringing that up?" Azula started her sentence in a modest, tone slowly lowering her tone from feeling embarrass from what she did that time.

"What do you mean? Zhan acting oblivious, trying to control himself and not hug this cute little princess.

Quickly Azula tries to change the conversation, "so what are you making?" soon she, did remember when he said before. 'Yes, princess, this as safe as when you drink any alcoholic drink... I think.' That small pause worries Azula that something foreboding would occur, she quickly saw Zhan mix two chemicals, together and a small explosion happens.

"Well, that could have taken been a lot worst," he looks at Azula. "My princess, like the new look you have." she just gave him a questionable look as he slowly passes her a hand mirror.

"Zhan we shall not ever speak about this ever again," he looks at her a little bit disappointed, "but the white goes well with you," Azula just gave Zhan, a look and he quickly shut up.

He just hugged her to cool this fiery ruler no one got injured since the blast was not as powerful, well the only change was the color of their hair a beautiful silvery-white.


Well, another chapter and another omake, praise me some more!

Anyway, getting the bragging out of the way hope you enjoy the chapter and have good days.


DriedSnugcreators' thoughts
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