
Character Sheet @ End of Vol. 3

A/N: For some reason, every time I schedule this chapter for release it fails so I'm releasing it now. Sorry if that got anyone's hopes up for an extra chapter this week.

Name: Silvers D. Markus

Age: 16

Class: World's Enemy (1.25b)

Level: 145

Exp: 26,296,250/26,645,000

Hit Points: 3,830/ 3,830 (+150.3/30 seconds) [6,890/ 6,890 (+315.2/30 seconds)]

Willpower: 4,890/ 4,890 (+190.7/30 seconds) [8,800/ 8,800 (+400.4/30 seconds)]

Strength (STR): 324 [583]

Vitality (VIT): 383 [689]

Agility (AGI): 274 [493]

Spirit (SPT): 489 [880]

Wisdom (WIS): 318 [572]

Charisma (CHA): 170 [306]

Luck (LCK): 157 [282]

Attribute Points: 0

Belly: 148,124,034,350


Life is but a Game


Your life is just a game to entertain those watching. Still, this gives you a bit of a boon. As a character in a game, you benefit from having a game character's body. Pain is fleeting. Your mind is indomitable. Sleep will remove all negative status effects and fully restore your Hit Points and Willpower. No matter how you are hurt you will not die until your Hit Points reach zero.

True Strength


Your Strength has grown to an impressive degree giving you insight into how to use it best.

+50% Melee Damage

-50% Willpower cost for melee skills

True Vitality


Your body is your temple. Let them worship as well.

Hit Point recovery time reduced by 50%.

Hit Point recovery rate reduced by 50%.

True Agility


There's fast, then there's you. Contortionists bow before your flexibility. Your accuracy is unmatched. Your every move embodies the word 'agile'.

+50% Ranged Damage

-50% Willpower cost for ranged skills

True Spirit


Your Spirit has grown to an impressive degree giving you insight into your own mind and body.

Willpower recovery time reduced by 50%.

Willpower recovery rate reduced by 50%.

True Wisdom


Wisdom comes in many forms. For you, it comes in the form of knowing yourself the best. Knowing when to fight and when to rest. Knowing every cell of your body. Your body has gained some of your Wisdom as well.

+25% Hit Point recovery rate

+25% Willpower recovery rate


[Active, Level 67, 32.1% Experience]

When you use this skill you will enter a deep meditative state that enhances your physical, mental, and spiritual recovery. Leveling up this skill increases its effect.

+67% Hit Point recovery per minute

+67% Willpower recovery per minute


[Active, Level 55, 15.7% Experience]

Analysis lets you analyze and understand the world around you. The higher the level the more information you can uncover about the items and people you see.

Physical Resistance

[Passive, Level 62, 6.7% Experience]

They say 'no pain no gain' but that's not entirely true. This skill lowers the damage received from physical attacks and lowers the sensation of pain.

-46.5% Physical Damage

-31% Pain Sensation

Observation Haki

[Active/Passive, Level 87, 79.2% Experience]

Observation Haki grants the user a sixth sense to observe the world around them with. Depending on the level of the skill the user can potentially feel the presence, strength, emotions, and intentions of people around them. Extremely high level users of the skill can even gain precognitive abilities and glimpse the future for a few seconds. As this skill increases in level more features will be unlocked.


Sense people and incoming threats within a distance of one foot. Distance increases by one foot per level of the skill.

Current Range: 87 Feet


Increases the sensing range of the passive effect by a factor of ten.

Current Range: 870 Feet

Cost: 1 Willpower/second

Armament Haki

[Active, Level 91, 7.9% Experience]

Armament Haki allows the user to physically harden their will to increase their defensive and offensive capabilities. The greatest benefit of Armament Haki is the ability to harm Devil Fruit users, even Logia users. Armament Haki can be applied to parts of or even the entire body of the user. It can even be applied to weapons when it reaches a certain level. Advanced users can even project Armament Haki a short distance from their bodies while extremely advanced users can project it into an opponent's body to deal internal damage.

+455% Damage Dealt, can harm Devil Fruit users

-91% Damage Received

Cost: 6 Willpower/Second

Conqueror's Haki

[Active, Level 65, 0.0%]

Conqueror's Haki is the rarest form of Haki and cannot be learned in any case but yours. Only one in several million people can possess this skill. Users of Conqueror's Haki can manifest their will and use it to oppress the will of others. This most often renders the targets unconscious. In its rawest form, it is an unconstrained wave that affects anyone within range but when controlled competently it can be used to target specific individuals. When used this skill will release a wave of Haki that will render anyone with a Spirit lower than yours unconscious.

Less than 25% of your Spirit – Targets rendered unconscious for 650 minutes

Less than 50% of your Spirit – Targets rendered unconscious for 325 minutes

Less than 75% of your Spirit – Target rendered unconscious for 65 minutes

Subskill Haki Clash:

When clashing with someone else who possesses Conqueror's Haki, you may spend Willpower to increase the strength of your Haki if necessary. The cost will vary based on the opponent's strength.

Beginner Sword Mastery

[Passive, Level 115, 0.0% Experience]

As a beginner in the path of the sword, you have some minor skill with a blade. As you walk down the path of a swordsman you will become stronger and strive to become one with the sword.

+115% Attack Speed with Swords

+57.5% Damage with Swords


Breath: Feel the breath of the world to be able to cut, or not cut, whatever you desire.

[This skill can evolve.]

Beginner Gun Mastery

[Passive, Level 102, 0.0% Experience]

Grants the user a basic understanding of how to use a gun in combat. In essence, 'never look down the barrel of your own gun.' As the level of this skill increases so too does your skill with a gun.

+102% Reload Speed with Guns

+51% Damage with Guns


Better Aim: Feel the movement of the wind and see the rise and fall of your target to hit them unerringly.

[This skill can evolve.]

Brawling (Mastered)

[Passive, Level 100]

Brawlers are not martial artists but they are fighters in their own right. Rough and undisciplined, brawlers trade blow for blow and aren't afraid to fight dirty! As a brawler you gain a bonus to damage dealt while unarmed or when using improvised weapons.

+100% Unarmed Damage

+100% Improvised Weapon Damage

Image Training


When you use this skill you enter a meditative state that allows you to fight against people you have met. Defeating the conjured enemies will allow you to gain experience points. Damage taken during combat will lower your hit points, death during training will lead to real death. The more often you defeat the same opponent the less experience you gain for defeating them.

Pussyfoot Maneuver

[Active, Level 93, 89.4% Experience]

Using a unique footwork you are able to vastly increase your speed while reducing the sound you make, temporarily. The higher the level of the skill, the faster you move and the less visible you become.

+930% Movement Speed for 93 seconds

Cost: 25 Willpower


[Passive, Level 15, 2.7% Experience]

From simple fried eggs to one hundred course feats, cooking is a skill that everyone should possess. The higher the rank of this skill the more delicious and nutritious your food becomes. At high enough ranks your food will provide temporary buffs.


[Active, Level 88, 89.7% Experience]

The Tekkai technique is one of the six techniques of the Rokushiki, the six marine skills. When used, the Tekkai skill hardens the user's muscles to the level of iron. This vastly increases the user's defense to reduce the damage taken from attacks up to a certain strength. At low levels the user is unable to move while using the skill, only at higher levels can Tekkai be used offensively.

-75% Physical Damage Taken from enemies level 88 and below.

Cost: 5 Willpower/Second


[Active, Level 92, 0.0% Experience]

The Shigan technique is one of the six techniques of the Rokushiki, the six marine skills. By stabbing forward with a finger the user is able to stab their finger into a target leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound. When raised to a high enough level the user can use the Shigan technique to fire off sharp compressed air bullets thus dealing the same damage at a longer range.

+184% Melee Damage

Cost: 5 Willpower


Tobu Shigan:

Allows the user to fire a compressed bullet of air, similar to a flying sword slash. Deals the same damage as a regular Shigan out to a range of 92 feet.


[Active, Level 96, 0.0% Experience]

The Geppo technique is one of the six techniques of the Rokushiki, the six marine skills. The Geppo technique allows the user to use the strength of their legs to create and step on cushions in the air. This gives the illusion that the user is walking on the air. The higher the level of this skill, the longer the user can keep themselves in the air. A true master can stay in the air as long as they desire.

Walk in the air for 100 steps

Cost: 5 Willpower per step


[Active, Level 72, 0.0% Experience]

The Rankyaku technique is one of the six techniques of the Rokushiki, the six marine skills. Rankyaku is a powerful projectile technique. By using a fast and powerful kick the user is capable of launching a sharp compressed air blade. With enough practice, it's possible to launch the compressed air blades from almost any part of the body with any length.

+375% Damage out to 720 feet in up to a 72-foot wide arc

Cost: 25 Willpower


[Active, Level 49, 0.0% Experience]

The Soru technique is one of the six techniques of the Rokushiki, the six marine skills. Soru is a rapid movement technique that allows the user to dash at extreme speeds to dodge attacks or to attack at a higher speed for greater power. To activate the skill the user must kick the ground a number of times in a very short interval. The number of kicks required is reduced as the level of the skill increases.

Kick the ground 6 times to travel up to 98 feet instantly.

+98% Damage for Soru based attacks

Cost: 25 Willpower



The Kami-e technique is one of the six techniques of the Rokushiki, the six marine skills. Kami-e is a simplistic looking technique that allows the user to flutter about like a piece of paper and dodge incoming attacks with ease using extreme flexibility. The technique is purely defensive in nature and prevents the user from attacking while actively dodging.

+100% Dodge Chance while active

Cannot attack while active

Cost: 10 Willpower/Second

Seimei Kikan

[Active/Passive, Level 46, 24.9% Experience]

Seimei Kikan grants the user full control over all of their bodily functions. The effects of this skill are many and varying. Examples include being able to quickly and efficiently digest food, controlling the shape and look of the body, and controlling body parts that normally cannot be controlled or even moved. The higher the level of the skill the more control the user will have over their body.


Control every aspect of your body.

Cost: Varies


Changes made to the body remain until they are reverted.


Instant Digestion:

Instantly digest any amount of food eaten.

Appearance Control:

Change your appearance at will. Body type, hair color, anything.


[Active, Level 65, 0.0% Experience]

The secret Martial Art Technique of the Chinjao family. This Martial Art allows the user to generate powerful shockwaves with their attacks using any limb of their body. The shockwaves are concentrated and deal high damage. Attacks with Hasshoken are nearly unblockable and reverberate potentially shattering defenses.

65% Melee Damage converted to True Damage

65% Chance to shatter the target's Defense for 60 seconds

Cost: 50 Willpower


Shatterpoint - Using the reverberations of the Hasshoken skill you can destroy any solid surface in a single blow.

Cost: 15 Willpower

Basic Medical Knowledge

[Passive, Level 5, 0.0% Experience]

This skill gives you medical knowledge based on its current level. At the moment you are proficient in giving first aid and CPR as well as bandaging minor wounds. As the skill levels up you will gain additional knowledge.

The Power of Friendship


A man with no friends is destined to die alone and lonely. A man with many friends will fight until the end and have a merry life. Which will you be? With this skill, you gain a bonus of 10% to all attributes for every friend within 1 mile of you. This bonus doubles to 20% for every person within range who loves you, whether platonically or romantically.

Current Bonus: +80%


[Active, Level 45, 0.0% Experience]

Crafting is a simple skill with infinite possibilities. Learning this skill unlocks a special feature in your inventory that allows you to design and create items using the materials you have stored. The maximum rarity of an item you can create is based on your Crafting skill level.

Can craft common items.

Deconstruct items.

Can craft rare items.

Seastone Resistance

[Passive, Level 35, 0.0% Experience]

Constant exposure to seastone has allowed you to build up a resistance to its weakening effect. You still won't be able to use your Devil Fruit abilities but at least you won't be completely useless.

35% Seastone Resistance

Skill Fusion

[Active/Passive, Level 1, 0.0% Experience]

This skill allows the user to combine two skills together flawlessly and thereby increase their effectiveness when used together. The fusion doesn't prevent the user from using the skills separately or leveling them up. At level one the user may choose two skills to derive a fusion skill and again at level ten and every ten levels thereafter.


(Level 1)

Raiju [Active]

A combination of the Pussyfoot Maneuver and Lightning Speed skills allowing the movement speed of both skills to work simultaneously.

Cost: 250 Willpower/Second

Goro Goro no Mi Control

[Passive, Level 15, 57.0%]

The basis of using any Devil Fruit is the user's control over the abilities the fruit grants. The Goro Goro no Mi allows the user to control, create, and become lightning. The more familiar the user becomes with their Devil Fruit the more efficient and powerful their abilities with the fruit become. Every ten levels that the users gains in Goro Goro no Mi control allows the user to design a custom skill based on the fruit's power. This doesn't prevent the user from creating skills on their own.

Damage dealt by the Goro Goro no Mi is based on the Spirit attribute.

+15% Damage with Goro Goro no Mi abilities

-7.5% Willpower cost to Goro Goro no Mi abilities

Level 10 – Electro-Repulsive Net

Logia Intangibility


As with all Logia class Devil Fruits, the user of the Goro Goro no Mi is invulnerable to all normal attacks. Unlike most Logia's, the user of the Goro Goro no Mi can also use their intangibility to travel through solid conductive matter. This intangibility stops working when faced with Armament Haki, seawater, seastone, or a Devil Fruit that can be considered an insulator, such as Gomu Gomu no Mi and it's rubber property.

Electricity Detection


By detecting the electrical signals emitted by just about everything in existence, the user of the Goro Goro no Mi can detect things at a much greater distance and with more clarity than normal. This skill increases the range of the user's Observation Haki by a factor of 1,000.

Lightning Speed

[Passive, Level 2, 78.3%]

One of the greatest aspects of lightning is its sheer speed. However, you are not fully prepared to deal with it. This skill will restrict your top speed until you grow used to it. Additionally, Lightning Speed cannot be increased by other movement techniques.

2% of Maximum speed unlocked (4.4 Million MPH/1,222 M/PS)

Quick Travel


A special feature implemented by the system. By using the System Map the user can automatically travel to anywhere they have been before using the maximum speed of lightning.

Cost: 500 Willpower

Cooldown: 12 Hours

Second Life


When your HP is reduced to zero a jolt of electricity will restart your heart and bring you back to life with 1 HP, provided you are still conscious.

Cooldown: 1 Year

Lightning Bolt

[Active, Level 65, 5.0%]

The most basic attack of the Goro Goro no Mi, the user is capable of firing a bolt of lightning at a target within sight.

+130% Damage

Lightning Blast

[Active, Level 45, 0.0%]

A more powerful version of the Lightning Bolt attack that the user can control the power of. By increasing the amount of Willpower used for the attack the user can increase the damage dealt.


+90% Damage

Cost: 1 Willpower

Extra: +2% Damage per additional Willpower Point spent


Lightning Sword: Change the shape of the Lightning Blast into a Lightning Sword. The weapon damage is based on the amount of Willpower channeled into the skill.

-Damage: Willpower Spent*1.5 – Willpower Spent*2

Lightning Wall: Changes the shape of the Lightning Blast into a wall. The size and strength of the wall depends on the amount of Willpower channeled into the skill.

Electrical Self Defense


When attacked, the user of the Goro Goro no Mi will automatically counter attack with electricity. This automatic attack deals the same damage as the Lightning Bolt skill.


[Active, Level 1, 0.0%]

By passing electrical current in a circuit through a medium, such as water, you are able to separate a material into its chemical components.

Cost: 15 Willpower/Second


[Active, Level 37, 0.0%]

This skill allows the user to generate a strong electromagnetic field that propels a projectile at extremely high speeds to deal devastating kinetic damage to the target. The more Willpower spent to charge the skill the more kinetic damage the skill will deal. Though the damage slowly drops off based on the range to the target.


+3,700% Damage

Cost: 50 Willpower


+37,000% Damage

Cost: 500 Willpower


Railgun Burst: Form the core of your Railgun skill inside of a target. Once activated, the skill will rip the target apart from the inside. Damage based on the charge level of the Railgun skill.

Electro-Repulsive Net

[Active, Level 7, 22.5% Experience]

This skill allows the user to create a net of controlled electromagnetism. The size of the net is determined by how much Willpower the user places when activating the skill. The shape of the net must be visualized when activating the net. Once erected, any object that touches the net will be captured by the electromagnetism and can be repelled with a thought.

1 Willpower generates a 10 square foot section of net.

Repulsed objects deal 221% damage.

Next chapter