
Ch 248: Meeting an old friend.

"Huh mom why did you call me?" Harriet asks

"Well, to talk to you about your grades." Kyra says

"Mom... those are next to useless back in Remnant, especially since in graduated from your combat school." Harriet says.

"..." Kyra

"No to mention I am fairly certain Luna also wants to leave this doomed world, if she some how didn't get out through us then she said something about the fair world." Harriet says

Kyra sighs heavily holding her head.

"You make a good point, and well, as long as your not caught off guard you should be fine." Kyra says

Harriet nods.

"Well I might aswell do what my orginal plan was." Kyra says

"Knew it." Harriet says as Kyra places her hand on her head.

"This May hurt a little." Kyra warns as Harriet begins to feel her body burn and blood boil.

"A little!?" Harriet shouts her voice cracking.

"And done." Kyra says removing her hand.

"What was that?" Harriet asks still feeing a bit numb.

"That was me awakening my bloodline in you. You are now genetically my daughter." Kyra says

"I'm gonna be flat?" Harriet asks

"I am not flat!" Kyra shouts turning around to see the door close and Harriet gone.

*Sigh* "I really wanna say I don't know why they act like that ,but I think it's my fault." Kyra mutters as she goes back to grading papers on her desk.

"Damn it Hermione, you don't need to give me 10 pages when I ask for one." Kyra says as an owl arrives in her office.


"So? How was the conversation with your mom?" Luna asks

"It went alright." Harriet says feeling her skin to make sure it didn't melt off.

"That's good, so what class is next?" Luna asks

"Luna? I don't know your schedule and then I also don't really go to class." Harriet says

"You don't go to class?" Luna asks

"I don't see a need to, if you have potions I can teach you though. Momma Weiss taught me a lot." Harriet says

"Sounds fun." Luna says with a bright smile.


Meanwhile at a coffee shop in Germany.

"Hallo, Kaffee mit milch, bitte." (Hello, coffee with milk please.) Kyra says to the man at the counter. "Ein kaffee, Sahnekännchen ja oder nein?" (A coffee, creamer yes or no?) The man asks

"Nein." Kyra says the man nods as Kyra goes to sit down.

"Your German is fairly good Yume." An old man says sitting down.

"How are you doing old man." Kyra asks

"You calling me old that's something." He says

"I thought you would've wanted to meet in France." Kyra asks

"Not really it's a beautiful country, the people however." Nicholas Flamel says

"You of all people saying that Nick?" Kyra says with a smile as Coffee is delivered to their table.

"Danke" Kyra says to the server.

"So my stone?" Nick asks

"Yeah, here." Kyra says as she sets it on the table.

"It seems more... powered?" Nicholas asks

"I may have improved it a bit, can't have an old friend dying on me. Much less become a walking corpse." Kyra says taking a sip of her coffee.

"An old friend huh? I remember you marching out on me when I was making the stone teacher." Nicholas says

"You could've told me that the city was wiped out by an invasion! I thought you were using human

Souls! It took me forever to finish your notes and see it was actually blood." Kyra says

"Ah, yeah probably should've corrected that." Nicholas says

"It will give you your youth back. Sadly I couldn't do much to fix Perenelle's infertility." Kyra says

"Why is that?" Nickolas asks

"Well study biology, the female body only produces a certain number of eggs." Kyra says getting up to leave.

"Thank you." Nicholas says

"It was no issue, also I would recommend not trusting Dumbledore's. His mind seems to have went sadly." Kyra says

Nicholas nods somewhat sadly thinking about his student.

"It was great seeing you again master." Nicholas says

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