
Ch 205: Hogwarts express

Early the next morning.

"Harriet dear it's time to get up." Kyra says walking into Harriets room.

"Hmm?" Harriet says tired.

"Don't want to miss the train do you?" Kyra asks

"No?" Harriet says still mostly asleep.

"Let's get up then." Kyra says shrinking down Harriets trunk putting it on a necklace chain.

"Why?" Harriet asks

"Cause if you don't I will dump water on you." Kyra says

"I'm up!" Harriet says sitting right up.

"Breakfast is down stairs." Kyra says with a smile.


Downstairs in the family dining room not the student one.

"Will you join me like you joined big brother Naruto?" Harriet asks

"Yep, I will be arriving at the station with you as a Phoenix." Kyra says

Harriet nods.

"What about Hedwig?" Harriet asks

"Well, she's still your owl. And your Familiar." Kyra says

"Can witches have 2 familiars?" Harriet asks

"No not usually Sorry girl." Kyra says petting Hedwig knowing that she can't be Harriets official familiar if Kyra pretends to.

"Wait, actually says Hedwig's been your familiar for a few years and the Phoenix randomly showed up wanting to make a bond." Kyra says

Harriet nods.

"I will if people ask." Harriet says

"Well do you have your things?" Kyra asks

Harriet panics and is about to run upstairs.

"It's fine I got them." Kyra says quickly.

"Really?" Harriet asks

"Yep." Kyra says putting the trunk necklace around Harriets neck.

"Thanks mom." Harriet mutters

"So ready to go?" Kyra asks.

Harriet nods.

Kyra takes Harriets hand and leads her over to the next room so she can say good by to everyone for a few years well besides summer.


On Platform 9 and 3/4.

There is suddenly a burst of flames as Harriet appears with a Phoenix in her arms and Hedwig on her shoulder.

It's still several hours early so Harriet quickly boards the train and locks the compartment door.


A few hours later at King's Cross Station.

"Where is she?" Molly Weasley says to herself.

"Who mom?" Ron asks

"Harriet Potter should be coming in from the muggle side according to Dumbledore." Molly says

"Really?" Ron asks with wide eyes sparkling.

"Yep, remember she's going to need to marry to continue on her Family name." Molly says nodding at Ron.

Fred and George look at their mother in disapproval Ron was basically groomed from birth to marry Harriet so they could have access to the Potter Fortune.

"The Train leaves in 40 minutes." Fred says

"We are going to get moving." George says

The twins followed by Percy enter platform 9 3/4.


Meanwhile at the Ministry of Magic Fudge is currently staring at a letter which is sealed shut with a wax seal.

That's a completely normal occurrence, however the seal is a really big deal.

House of Wyllt/ Ambrosius.

Merlin's house... A decedent of Merlin!

"Is it real?" Fudge asks

"It would appear so." Amelia Bones replies

Lucius nods fearfully since he was just hearing from Amelia that the two "muggle born" he was trying to frame happened to be from House Ravenclaw. Not sorted in to Ravenclaw but Lady Ravenclaw took them as her wives.

Now a long thought dead family was writing to the minister, something big was going to happen soon.

Minster Fudge opens the letter before going pale.

Amelia bones suddenly snatches it out of his hand.

"Is this true!?" Amelia shouts

Lucius looks away.

"I'm brining Black in for trial summon Wizengamot now!" Amelia angrily says flooing away.


Meanwhile inside Harriets cabin she can hear people talking outside.

"Say Georgie?" Fred asks

"Yes Freddie?" George asks

"Did someone lock this door?" Fred asks

"I didn't know that was possible?" George says

"The door seems to be held shut." Fred says

"With sticking charms." George says looking at the door frame.

"'You know they probably aren't going to leave you alone.'" Kyra tells Harriet through Telepathy.

Harriet sighs before opening the door.

"What do you two want?" Harriet asks

"Teach us." George

"how you did it." Fred says

"I'm always up to no good and my mischief is never managed." Harriet says under Kyra's instructions before slamming the door shut sticking it shut again.

"Why did you want me to say that?" Harriet asks

"'You will get it later.'" Kyra says with telepathy while chirping a little.


Meanwhile outside.

"Did that Firsty?" Fred says

"Just say what we think she said." George finishes.

"I believe so dear brother of mine." Fred says


Meanwhile back on Platform 9.

"Where is the that girl." Molly basically growls.

"Mom, we need to go or I will miss the train." Ron says

"Okay hun." Molly says going through the pillar along with Ron.

They hear a train whistle as the train takes off towards Hogwarts.

"I missed it!" Ron says

"It's okay. We can Floo to Hogsmead and you can still make the boat crossing." Molly says

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