
Ch 50: The end of the Tournament and Prelude to War.

"Hello and welcome back everyone to the Amity colosseum!" Port announces.

"Yes and for today we have our final 2v2 battle Team FNKI vs RWBYS. Then we move on to 1v1s." Oobleck says

"Yes that is why Sapphire is not here with us today is because she will be the first fight of the 1v1s.


Kyra is sitting in the seats watching the fight about to start.

The second the match starts team FNKI taunts Weiss and Yang.

"*sign* you could taunt Weiss, however messing with Yang is a horrible idea." Kyra says to herself.

Suddenly the girls sitting next to her notice her.

"Hey it's you!" Nebula says

"It is! Sapphire thanks for the amazing strategies." Dew says

"Thanks, say Gwen? Have you ever thought of adding magnets to your knives? That way if you threw a few at once the path would be near unpredictable however if you had enough practice you could theoretically control them?" Kyra asks

"That's another great one! any for me?" Octavia asks

"Well it depends? Is your semblance limited only to Sand or is it something like Ground shrink?" Kyra asks

"Ground shrink?" Octavia asks

"It's like taking a step and moving 3 meters instead of a half a meter." Kyra says

"It's like that." Octavia says

"Can you go through objects?" Kyra asks

"I haven't tried." Octavia says

"Well my adoptive sister who is also my girlfriend has a semblance that is super speed however she becomes intangible. She can faze through objects." Kyra says

"That sounds cool." Nebula says

There is a massive boom as the entire arena shakes.

"And that's why I said you shouldn't taunt Yang." Kyra says and looks back at the arena to see the entire thing covered in cracks and no place for roller blades to work.

Neon Cat is punched by a full semblance Yang and knocked out of the ring.

Yang still in a rage punches Flynt straight out right after he disarmed Schnee.

"That everybody is why you never taunt Yang Xiao Long." Port says

"Next up we have Sapphire Kyra Stark, Versus Mercury Black." Oobleck says

'6 hours. That's what my spies in white fang told me. They shouldn't be able to abort. Salem would kill them. Must've not helped they couldn't hack into Penny.' Kyra thinks to herself.

"Well finally time for something exciting." Kyra says with a smile knowing she's going to taunt the hell out of him.


Kyra is in the center of the stadium.

Kyra has Jarvis delay the start and mute the field so no one could hear them.

Mercury looks concerned.

"Hello. What? expecting Yang?" Kyra asks with a smile.

"Before we start. Would you please give these back to Emerald! Master thief! Tell her to please not take my money. I barely have enough to get by." Kyra says

"S-sure." Mercury says stuttering a little it sounds too similar to how he taunts Emerald.

Emeralds frustrated screams could be heard from the audience. Cause she saw the Scroll and wallet being handed to Mercury.

"So... are you the master of illusions or is that Emerald?" Kyra asks with another smile however before Mercury can say anything he's cut off again.

"I'm looking for Marcus Black." Kyra says

Mercury pales a little.

"What? No dead body to spit onto this time?" Kyra asks

"And you're his son. We saw your fight from the tree line. He's taught you well." Kyra says with a massive grin while Port and Oobleck are checking their microphones wondering why they are not working.

"Awe still silent. Well then Mercury tell me. Are you anything like your father?" Kyra asks

"What is it your dad always said? "If you need to know a city, ask the rats."" Kyra says one last taunt before everything in the arena turns back on.

"Is this thing on. Yes it is anyway! We are sure to see an interesting fight!" Port says

"True Sapphire likes to show off. Especially when you know what her semblance is you know she could end it in seconds." Oobleck says

"Well shit!" Mercury says

'Just need to knock him out for a few hours.' Kyra thinks smiling with a really scary sadistic smile.

"I wonder Mercury are you as good as your father was?" Kyra asks

"3! 2! 1! Begin!" Port shouts

Mercury immediately launches himself with his shotgun legs. Kyra is dodging kick after kick as he Mercury loses his rational thinking trying to remove Kyra as quickly as possible.

Kyra blocks a kick with her arm. Her aura on the board hits 99. Kyra takes a kick to the head afterwards her aura on the board stays at 99.

"Not that bad. There's some decent power there." Kyra taunts.

"Oh yes, I completely forgot."Oobleck says

"What did you forget." Port asks

"Sapphire Stark actually has the largest aura pool in history." Oobleck says

"Oh right, and she needs it too." Port says

"Very much so. Her semblance runs off of her aura." Oobleck says

"You're not even taking me seriously?" Mercury asks

"Nope." Kyra says popping the P disappearing from her spot and appearing next to Mercury.

"Cinder is walking right into my trap. I mean unless she managed to hack atlas. I could stop her with the power of Stark Industries." Kyra says while Mercury tries not to show the relief on his face.

"Let's get serious." Kyra says punching the ground as her aura instantly drops to 90%. The fighting floor shatters as the entire arena experiences a large earth quake and begins losing altitude putting Mercury and Kyra in free fall.

"Kyra calm down!" Oobleck shouts into his microphone panicking a bit. Kyra is moving about freely in the air hitting Mercury everywhere. Like she's playing human ping pong.

The arena begins to stabilizing.

Mercury's aura is at 21 needing to go below 20 to go out.

Before Mercury hits the ground Kyra hits him one last time with an aura burn punch draining 5% of her aura.

Mercury leaves a massive crater in the ground and the arena loses bit more altitude having near critical damage.

Kyra lands on her feet.

She jumps up both hands in the air.

"That was a blast! Let's fight again someday!" Kyra says facing away from the crater.

She turns around. "Uhhh, Oops?" Kyra says while the audience is struck speechless not knowing weather to boo for her foul or cheer for her fight. Yet it seems like it was all an accident and the girl just got too excited.

"I just remembered the unofficial reason why Kyra is only able to fight 1v1s." Oobleck says with a face palm

"Yeah, to be honest I forgot she was a battle maniac." Port says

"She doesn't realize she is one. Something about just liking fighting." Oobleck says

"Her semblance also grants her immense strength for short periods of time too." Port says

"Yeah it runs off of her aura. She calls it aura burn, the more aura she's willing to give up the harder she hits. So she can't keep it indefinitely." Oobleck says

"Yeah, it's smart to dodge her blows and let her tire herself out." Port says so everyone can hear and knows how to counter her so they don't end up having to be evacuated under ICU.

"Sorry!" Kyra shouts looking upset with herself.

'He shouldn't wake up for a bit.' Kyra thinks

Suddenly someone walks into the booth and whispers into Ooblecks ear.

"It appears the next match will have to be the last for the night. till tomorrow while the Amity Colosseum is repaired by Atlas." Oobleck says

Kyra is surrounded by Atlas robots.

"Hehehe." Kyra chuckles nervously remembering the time she was with Penny.


Before the fight.

"Remember the plan." Cinder says selecting Yang Xiao Long on the tablet and running to steal an ambulance ship.

Heading down the hallway she can hear the match begin.

Walking up and knocking on the door of the ambulance she knocks out the medical staff and gets dressed in their outfits.

"Why am I floating?" Cinder asks her self running to the cockpit to make sure they are still attached to the colosseum.

Seeing that she is. "The plan Mercury you were supposed to follow the plan. The blonde wasn't that strong." Cinder says

And they stop falling and begin to recover altitude.

Cinder steps out to see Mercury being carried on a stretcher with Emerald following.

"We got transport over here!" Cinder says to the medics carrying the stretcher.

"The hell happened to the plan!" Cider yells angrily as they take off.

"Somehow he ended up fighting Sapphire Stark." Emerald says

"She shouldn't have been this strong!" Cinder yells

"It's her semblance. It grants her a massive power boost the more power the less time she can use it though." Emerald says

"It probably takes a toll on her body. Plans have to be changed we take out the maiden now then leave." Cider says

"No can do there is only one more fight. Too much damage to Amity Colosseum." Emerald says

"Seriously?" Cinder says shocked

"We have to stay the course then. Will Mercury wake up anytime soon?" Cinder asks

"I don't know he got hit hard." Emerald says

"We won't get to watch the next matchup." Cinder says upset at the uncertainties that are happening pass the point of no return.


"Do you know what you did?" Ozpin asks visibly exhausted.

"Uh, Sorry kinda an issue with my race." Kyra says

"Faunus are not like that." Ironwood says

"Do you think a Faunus can achieve godhood?" Kyra asks

"Good point. So your race is full of battle maniacs good to know." Ozpin says

"There aren't many left alive home world was destroyed." Kyra says

"Got it." Ozpin says

"For our next match we have Pyhrra Nikos and Penny Polendina." Port says over the screen.

"You need to stop that match now. Pyhrra's semblance is magnetism." Kyra says

"So?" Ozpin asks

"Penny is a sentient robot with a soul she will die." Kyra says while Ironwood quickly takes out his scroll.

So this took a bit to write and it should take me while to get through the battle of beacon.

Commonnerfercreators' thoughts
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