
Ch 20: Teaching weapons Modification and Fabrication class.


Waiting about 10 minutes a small robot went around and collected all the one question quizzes.

"So, before I begin... what did everyone think of the question?" Kyra asks

"It seemed kinda open ended." A Student says

"That's cause it was. The question was so I could get a gauge on your personality and what you might do in the future with your weapon. Many of you probably put you would use your weapon to kill grimm, what about when the creature of the Grimm disappear? Some of you may have put to kill your enemy. Who is your enemy it could be a rival or someone that just doesn't agree with you. The best answer of all of them would have been to protect others. However some of you may have even put some of the many definitions of what a weapon is rather than what you want to use it for." Kyra begins

"So it was a test?" Another student asks

"In a way it was. Weapons are a tool made and designed in times of conflict to incapacitate and kill the enemies as quickly and efficiently as possible. What I want to know is since we are in a time of peace, what would you do with your weapons besides defend yourself and defeat Grimm." Kyra says as she begins looking through papers.

"Or do you plan on using the techniques I teach you to go into the military. Strengthening your country so that when we are inevitably at war, your weapon designs are used to slaughter innocent people? " Kyra asks

"That's why Stark Industries has never shared the formula for gunpowder or sold to countries directly. We don't want our weapons used to slaughter civilians." Kyra says

'Key word is sold. We have made deals but if they break it we cut off supplies and they end up with nothing more than a hunk of metal.'

Kyra's tail goes ridged...

"Who ever wrote they were going to use weapons to subjugate the wild animals. Can leave this room Ozpin will hear about this." Kyra says since they were heavily hinting at the Faunus.

Russel Thrush and Dove Bronzewing leave the lab.

"I want everyone to think about it. What would you do with your weapon if the Grimm suddenly stopped." Kyra says

"Anyway it's open Lab, go ahead and do maintenance try to upgrade your weapons. I am available if you need any help." Kyra says sitting down at her desk.

Suddenly Velvet comes up.

"Can you really help me with it?" Velvet asks since what Stark industries shows and what they have are very different.

"Yes however you need to promise me no one else will know what we do to it." Kyra says

"Okay." Velvet says

"So whats powering it?" Kyra asks

"You know what it is?" Velvet asks

"A box that projects holographic dust energy weapons sure." Kyra says

"Yeah I'm having power issues and after I use a weapon once it's gone and I need to scan it again." Velvet says

"So memory and power upgrade." Kyra says wondering if she could fit a terabyte SSD in there along with an Arc Reactor.

Why an arc reactor? Because Atlas can't copy it without a enormous risk of blowing themselves up. Even if they figure out the element they also risk causing a singularity.

"Yeah! Atlas tech was pretty revolutionary in designing this." Velvet says bringing it out.

"So this is what an atlas computer internals look like." Kyra said never bothering to modify the scroll or buying an atlas computer.

"Well what do you think?" Velvet asks

"Jarvis, could you project all Stark computer parts that can currently be manufactured and scan this and see if the parts are cross compatible with dust reliant computing." Kyra says

"Right away ma'am." Jarvis says out loud in the class room.

As a blue beam sudden sweeps across the box.

Suddenly the 3D holographic schematics show up on the desk.

"Let's work with this for now Velvet." Kyra says with her hand pointing towards the hologram and a table full of compatible parts.

And numbers displaying what the out comes would be. Like weapons stored hours run consecutively without a break so it could recharge dust efficiency and dust usage aswell.

"What is that? Didn't atlas just get technology like that?" A student from Atlas asks

"When it comes to war knowledge is half the battle if you underestimate your opponent you're in for a very sorry loss. I can tell you what I told Weiss Schnee about Stark Industries. Stark industries is a few years away from having cars that do not need dust to run. In fact we have a modification that can be put on dust cars that increase the efficiency and power at the same time." Kyra says as Jarvis projects a turbo on a dust engine for everyone to see.

"I call the device a turbo booster. It shoves air into the engine so we do not need wind dust with the fire dust to run the car." Kyra says while Velvet is at her desk arranging parts on the holographic box.

"That impressive, why is it not for sale?" The same student asks

"I don't want to be suppressed by dust companies so it's not advertised. You can however get it if you go to one of our advance stores and ask to have it installed. And Stark industries will have a space program in a decade. Since dust does not work outside the atmosphere we found an alternative fuel source for the explosive power a rocket would need and are still prototyping the engine that will take us to space." Kyra says while all the students that underestimated her are now looking at her in awe.

'To bad I can't talk about the Naval program I worked out with the kingdom last week with the help of Ozpin. If we were to go to war with Atlas and I didn't hack all of their tech. We could still win. However it's there to defend the coast from ocean Grimm. Ah secret deals.'

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