
Ultimate 17: Beyond Super!

Anime & Comics
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The future is ever-changing, alternative worlds ever increasingly born into existence because of these ever-changing futures. This is a story on one of those alternative universe characters who gains knowledge of these universal truths & what they do with it!

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Chapter 1Arch & bend in time space, & birth to a Loophole!

Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective parties, all with the exception of my original characters & scenarios.

The following is a concept for a short story or fanfiction novel so don't get too invested in it.

I posted it as proof of concept & to not let it get lost in my shuffle of notes.

It may be or maybe not continued in the future. take it as just a peek into an idea that crossed my mind, that may or may never exist to completion in the future, Please read knowing & understanding that. So take it as a one-shot. Thanks.


In a world with seemingly perpetual grey clouded skies, three people are gathered in what remains of a formerly populated, now ruined city's main street.

One figure was a disheveled elderly human woman, wearing a tall pointed hat, dark oversized one-piece gown, who now was gripping her chest with one hand & holding a now cracked crystal ball in the other!

Standing across from her are twins in their late teens; a beautiful blond-haired female with a distressed manner, & a handsome jet black haired male with vacant expression face; who is currently laid out on the floor!

These two aren't simple Twin teen siblings, but the Masterpiece creation of Goku's lifetime nemesis the red ribbons army's Dr. Gero's grand handy work!

The older twin sister formerly named Lazuli now Cybernetic Human # 18, C-18 who was now hovering in place over her brothers still figure, frozen in place with shock!

While Cybernetic Artificial Human # 17, or C-17 formerly named human Lapis, was sprawled upon the ground with vacant eyes!

The one responsible for the development was the older sister of the Turtle Sage Master Roshi, The Witch Fortune Teller Baba!

The at least 5 Century-year old witch with vast techniques, & knowledge just released a Forbidden Suicidal Soul Attack with her Voodoo Witchcraft!

As someone as long-lived as she was, who even has revival techniques that you could grant a one day Resurrection of the dead under special circumstances; a soul-destroying attack is not out of her informed reach for her!

However, this performance is not without drawbacks of an equivalent exchange requirements, in this case, her own mortal soul!

The half a Millennium year old Witch Baba falls to one knee, watching her handy work with resolution in her eyes!

(That tykes kid will finish what I started!) She reassured her self in her thoughts that it was all worth it!

Out of her shock, C-18 kneels beside C-17 & begins rocking him gently awake...

"Hey, C-17! are you okay!"

"Hey wake up?"

"Stop playing around it isn't funny..okay?!"

" HEY!"

She then begins increasingly firmly shakes him to gain a response. But nothing!


In anxiety & panic, her eye gleams & C-18 suddenly turns toward The Witch!


"You did this didn't you?"

"What's wrong with him?!"

"Why won't he wake up?!

"What did you do!!!"

Cybernetic human #18, C-18 asked many questions hastily, as she's gripping the collapsed Cybernetic #17, C-17 in her embrace!

Breathing heavily, blood spewing from her mouth, nose, ears & eyes, Baba smirks with a shit-eating grin!

"For all your Cybernetics..enhancements your still two...human souls...susceptible to Ancient Majin & Demon soul magics in the end!" Baba answered proudly.

"Soul Magic?!" Asked C-18.

"That's right! I scrambled his soul till it became mush, he's become a fool now & forever!"



Strong wind gathering as Energy dispersed from C-18's body who was now giving a beyond murderous face!

"... FIX.HIM.NOW!!!" C-18 said in calm, icy & monotonous voice .

Air crackling at the outburst & the

Earth shakes as dilapidated buildings crumble & fold as they found not able to withstand!

"Ha.. hah"

Breathing harder under the pressure Fortune Teller Baba responds defiantly:

"IMPOSSIBLE!" Baba barely could say.

"WHY?!" C-18 asked while applying more atmospheric pressure.

"It's only a tattered single-page piece of a lost Ancient forbidden spell book I found, that devoured half my soul to perform, ...& even if I could reverse it... I WOULDN'T! YOU Monsters!"




Baba's Maniacal inhumane laughing cackling!

Realizing she wasn't going to be of any further help; In a fury C-18 screams:

"IF You Can't Help You Old Crone Bitch, Then GO TO HELL!!!"

Light gathered in C-18's open palm & escaped towards Fortune Teller Baba!


Energy blast engulfs & disintegrated her as she just laughed maniacally.

But If you listen closely; The whispers of:

"Roshi I Did It" is heard before the ensuing explosion!!!


A large smoke-filled crater is made where half the city once was!

Despite killing her C-18 doesn't feel any better but worse as she thought:

("Dammit, she is right. Gohan & that kid trunks might capitalize on us in this situation!)

Gazing pensively at the non-responsive C-17, Grinding her teeth she makes a decision.

("I can't fight both of them Saiyan's while protecting the fallen C-17!! Gotta retreat!)

C-18 Grabs him in her embrace & brings C-17 with haste to a faraway city, towards the abandoned Capsule Corp hospital that wasn't completely destroyed during their planetary reign of terror.

Quickly powering up the technology-heavy medical facility, hooking C-17 up to various diagnostic X-RAY machines.

With her Cybernetics upgrade came a vast library of various knowledge such as superficial routine repair knowledge.

As well as medical expertise that can provide support for human members of the Red Ribbon Army.

(Damn it, all vitals are clear! No abnormalities except for brain activities having gone to a vegetative state!

Negative on any damage to his Cybernetic systems deep or superficial.

"What's going on? Did that crone really hurt his mortal soul? How can I fix him if that's true?!" She asked herself out loud.

Tears fall as she did remember how

he stepped in front of that Witches' attack when he noticed something wasn't right!

The blow was meant for her, as she was the killer of Master Roshi!

Long forgotten tears shed from C-18 & fell upon C-17's face.

Caressing his cold to touch cheeks, Brushing fingers through his jet black hair with affection.

Shivering slightly as the thought she was probably alone from now on & that frightened her deeply to her core!

They're Always together, so she never realized how much they depended on each other to stay sane after their shitty hand in life!

Initially acting out the hate that took their human lives from them; even the reason for enduring their abominable procedure, Goku had died long before they could kill him!

No meaning to existing, full of angst & rage towards the world!

So they let loose, indulged in whims as they didn't truly have plans goals dreams but at least they had each other!

But now she might have to drift all alone!

She was scared for the first time since the experiments on them finished by Dr. Gero!

(What am I suppose to do now?) She sniffled & asked.



Her face pales as she yells:

"OH NO!!!" She hugs 17 in her arms quickly to flee, dashing through the corridors at Mach speeds but it's too late!


The entire area where the hospital is fade away by a blue light beam!!!

The area is swallowed in the mushroom cloud of black smoke after the explosion!

A voice circulated everywhere:

"COME OUT!! I know that's not enough to destroy you two, today is your reckoning for all the lives you took!!

"Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha Roshi..." Gritting his teeth as power surges & expanded from his body!

Raging emotions are felt in the atmosphere that are so thick, it is cuttable with a knife!



The wind produced Clears the smoke, showing A disheveled fleeing C-18 with C-17 in her arms with one gash on her beautiful face.

The Golden Aurora blue-eyed warrior who was primed & ready for battle was Gohan!

The last survivor of the Earth's Z fighters!

Gohan looks on coldly relishing in the distress these monsters finally feel & must endure with what he & humanity had all along lived with, Fear!

When he got a message from Baba's familiar on what she planned to do he sped here only to see C-18 disintegrate her while he watched on hiding his ki in the shadows in trepidation!

When he saw C-18, recalling her emotional outburst, now her actions & the C-17 fainted unconscious body, he knew a change had come!

Baba did it!

She somehow incapacitated C-17! Leveling the duo's numbers game on the playing field.


Gohan sent a message to Yajirobe

& the rebels army humans that he

he taught Ki tactics to; that he was going for finishing move & that if he doesn't provide his weekly coded address to them, then he failed & they should go dark!

Looking at the fleeing C-18 he smirks & looks towards a direction...


Fleeing with all her might. She had been slightly injured protecting her vonerable brother from the impact of the surprise attack.

As runs in mach speeds, in her enhanced hearing, she pick-up sounds of Hurried but stealthy footsteps coming her way!

Tap, Tap, Tap!

C-18 Braced her self for an assault in the direction of the noise of the footsteps is coming from!

But it was actually sound misdirection as the attack comes out of one of C-18's blind spots!


A sword is pulled from it sheaths & brandished from the fleeing C-18 blind side!!


She is forced to toss her brother to the ground, away from the assault to block the blade & it strikes toward her vitals crossed her arms!

Her reinforced body, along with stolen KI techniques by Dr. Gero's operatives, allowed her to hold off the blades sharpness & cushion the blow of centrifugal force with coating her arms KI!

Looking up from her position, she saw a teen with lavender purple colored hair & blue eyes staring at her with fury in his eyes!

"Your time is over Android!" The teen apprentice of Gohan said with vigor.

"We are Cyborgs, Stupid Idiot!" C-18 responds with cool indifference.


She pushes the sword blade away to the side, shoulder blocking him, then kneeing him in the gut!

C-18 takes a backward side step then back heel spin kicks him in the chest!

That blow Sends trunks crashing into an adjacent abandoned building!


But the facial expressions he was sporting, that knowing & cocky smirk worn as was he is thrown away violently, it was this tell-tale sign that has her blood freeze in realization!

But it's All but too late as she quickly turned around, only for her to see the most demoralizing scene in both her human & post cybernetics augmentation life!

How did he get there!

She couldn't reconcile, & only helplessly asked to herself!

She was watching his position from the start, only glancing away for a second! JUST ONE FUCKING SECOND!

What C-18 saw that had her so frazzled is that Her brother was being hoisted by his throat up in the air with one of Gohan's arms, the Golden hair blue eyes warrior other arm was busy with gathering energy in his cupped palm & bracing ready to thrust it forward!

C-18 eyes go wide as she dashed, throwing her self with full power into this moment but its too far to arrive in time so she pleas desperately!

"WAIT! We Surrender! Please Gohan! NO DON'T!

Without pause, ignored her & he performed Turtle Style signature move one-handed!


"STOP!!" C-18 screams with an outstretched arm in front of her hoping to reach somehow in time! but...


The point-blank blue light engulfs her brother visage & the surrounding area fades jointly, smoke blinding after light clouding the scene!

Destitute faced after giving her all, C-18 doesn't stop her high speed lunging figure like string cut she just drifts in the air with the previous built up speed & just falls face-first planting her Into the ground floor!

After a second of silence...

She raised her ragged disheveled head, brushes the hair & concrete away from in front of her eyes.

"Hahaha" She begins laughing with madness in her eyes!


She screams so loudly that it's nearly heard by the entire planet as the remaining living hidden beings of earth quakes in place at the sound of her voicing out her declaration of intent!

However, instead of dashing towards the perpetrator Gohan's direction that still distorted in the smoke of the explosion; she goes the opposite way at light speed!

C-18 then arrives where trunks is currently raising from the crumbled buildings debris!

Catching him unaware punching him in the chest then quickly Grabbing trunks arm putting it behind his back in a hammerlock!

Her other hand gripping his front throat from his backside, holding him in front of her body as a hostage, facing Gohan's direction waiting for the smoke to clear the Battlefield!

She was awaiting the next battle to begin!

But the unfolding scene has her, & the then still struggling in her arms trunks at a loss for words also!

Two figures appear as the smoke fades but their situations were now reversed from before.

Thought to be destroyed by Gohan, C-17 was alive & he stands above the now black haired again, unconscious Gohan with his foot pressed on his neck & on the jugular!

C-17 isn't even focusing on the Saiyan he's treading on, but gazing up at what he has in his hand, his spoil of war which is Gohan's arm ripped from the socket!

With a wild beating Heart at this miracle reversal, as tears streaming with furver down her disheveled face, she yells with a radiant smile!


While gazing around the area, taking in the situation & environment, C-17 hears her excited call & a smirk smiles at C-18's direction.

Whispering to himself, he says:

"Now This...is interesting!"



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FictionOnlyReader · Anime & Comics
285 Chs