
Chapter 62: When Times Get Tough, You Get Tougher

February 15, 2022 3:56pm:

I just want to give an example.. I'm literally exhausted most days and I know it's the devil working on me and trying to distract me from doing the Lord's work. This is my example and courage to push through by continuing to write, God willing.

It's never easy to do the work of the Lord and the harder things get when you are doing the right things it just means you're a threat. You are a threat against what Satan wants to accomplish. Keep being that threat, because God has so much He wants to bless you with when you are doing His work.

It's not to earn salvation, no, it's because He promises us that when we do what He has commanded, or what He says, He's bound to bless us. I have been wronged by many of the people in the Church even and even my records removed by vicious men. That's the thing they are just men.

Even though they have wronged me severely I don't blame God, they will have their reward. What you sow is what you'll reap, so be careful for that's what you'll eat. Karma or whatnot, it's real.

My friend Amanda talked about darma which is good karma. Anyway, truth is everywhere. You can find truth anywhere and everywhere.

For all good things testify of Christ. God is making us tougher through the tough times that Satan puts on us. Keep praying and watching for the day when He returns. Choose to build up, not tear down.

There will be a time when Christ will tear down the enemy. For us, it is required for us to forgive. God will choose whom He will forgive and God will give you justice.

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