
Chapter 55: Press Forward with Faith

November 8, 2020 8:44am:

Right now the world is in great commotion. With the virus (I'm just so sick and tired of even saying it's name) going ramped, for me I have been running into a bunch of crazies, and right now I'm rediscovering my faith in my Savior.

I say my Savior just because many of you reading may not claim Him at all, but I still love you.. The Savior loves you. Nothing you can do will ever keep you from His love.

Anyway, I have a few books I'm going to be studying today (that should help me with this faith walk I'm on).

I know God is real. We have a higher power.. And I want you to know this morning that there is hope.

A hope for a better world.. A hope for a loving family, and a hope for a brighter future with our God.

Press forward with faith and pray often.. He does hear you and He will answer in due time. Let's show our faith by our works.

Not for praise or boasting but because we love God. Why praise God? Because I know that He has helped you this far in your life and in my life..

We are still here.. Because of His grace and mercy. Just remember to count your blessings for there are many.

Press forward and never look back!

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