
Chapter 50: Letting Go

October 21, 2020 1:59am:

My life has never been easy.. Right now I'm going through my divorce.. It's been killing me, but at the same time it has made me stronger.

I started my welding class on the 19th, which would have been mine and Lilly's 1 year anniversary of when we started dating.. And come to find out yesterday that welding isn't my passion at all. But at least I tried it out.

I had to let go of my selfish desires and come back to what really matters in my life. Writing and music. And I hope my readers feel the same way.

I haven't been very consistent on my writings here and I do apologize. Another thing that is killing me is my teeth. I just can't find a Dentist anywhere that will take my insurance..

Truly this covid shiz needs to go away.. It's ruining most of everyone's life in some aspect. I think the numbers are skewed in my opinion on it.

Mercy hospital wheeled me into the front of the hospital without a mask back around May, closer to when it all started. I'm tired and worn of this world..

I'm just wondering where my Jesus at? Where I find Christ is in the actions of others. One of my caseworkers bought me a hot meal yesterday evening..

She didn't have to and my friend Ben didn't have to help me have a roof over my head. I wish I could make a living at what I do, but realistically its not going to happen. So I'm letting go right now.

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