
Chapter 42: The Sabbath Day

April 26, 2020 11:38am:

When is the Sabbath, is it today? Was it Saturday? You know what? It doesn't matter.

As God praises us each and everyday may we praise Him the same. Heavenly Father and Christ really do give us their undivided attention because He works through people like yourselves. Keep reaching out.

Remember I told you were angels? You truly are. Don't give into the lies of the adversary.

He'll try to drive you to suicide and such making you feel like you're not good enough. I'm here to tell you, you are worth it. That's why the Lord gave us the Sabbath day, which I personally practice on Sunday.

He wants you to have a day of rest from your labors and cares. Not just to focus on Him, though that is important. It's important that you never give up.

Support one another, be an angel in somebody's life today. That person you are thinking about now needs encouragement. We all do.

Keep praying, keep fighting, you are going to make it! I promise.

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