
Chapter 32: We Are All Enlisted

April 23, 2020 6:59pm:

For those of you that are still reading, congratulations you have passed! I don't bring up certain subjects to create conflict, I obey what the Lord has been teaching me. I hope you will too.

"We are all enlisted til the conflict is or! Happy are we! Soldiers in the army there's a bright crown in store. We shall gain the victory by and by!"

That is actually a hymn paraphrased. I exhort you to check it out and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's talk, "We Are All Enlisted."

Satan will drive you to hate and to be harshly judgemental. But we are not the judges, Christ is. Thank God He is.

He is a good judge, a perfect judge, and because of Him we graciously have mercy. It is complicated to understand why we need to love our enemies, but it's what the doctor ordered. We must be understanding and forgiving of one another.

The battle cry will sound and we need a sound people to answer the call. Will you serve?

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