
Chapter 24: He is Sounding Forth the Trumpet

April 23, 2020 12:21pm:

Song of the Day: Battle Hymn of the Republic

He is sounding forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat!

Put on your armor men of valor and women of courage! The battle is not too far distant! And we shall never call retreat.

This battle between good and evil is real. "Satan is a real being set on destroying you and people are following His influence at a younger and younger age.." -Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

We must put upon the armor of God daily! For the firey darts of the adversary will try to take you down. A snake in the grass he is.

He may have power to bruise your heel, but you have power to crush his head! So pick up your swords! Deflect with your shields his cunning vices!

The battle has just begun..

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