
Chapter 15: You're A Fighter

April 22, 2020 4:00pm:

You are loved. Simple as that. You are.

How do I know? Because I care and love you. Don't let the nay sayers in your life determine your destiny.

You were born to win! Don't let people that have already given up on their dreams make you give up on yours. You got this!

I believe in you! Your Savior believes in you! And I know we aren't the only ones!!

You were born for greatness. Yes, you. I'm talking to you.

If you are reading my books you have been called to something greater. You were meant to reach your full potential and I am here to guide you!! We are here to guide each other.

I need you, your friends need you, heck even a stranger you don't even know is already cheering your name. You just don't know it yet! You get back up and you turn this ship around!

You are not done here! You have other people to uplift and quitting isn't you. I'm telling you, it's not your middle name.

Each road block you come to is sending you on your own trail. You make your own roads! Remember that.

There is only one you, so make "you" count. You are unique, you will not be forgotten, and your name will always be remembered. I'll make sure of it.

Try a little harder, dig a little deeper, you have just begun to fight!

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