
Chapter 3: God's Plan for Families and Friends

April 2, 2020 5:04pm:

It's storming outside now. Crazy Missouri weather for you. Last time we were walking there wasn't really a cloud in sight.

Anyway, thinking about my dad who passed away when I was 6 years old. It's been difficult not having him around all these years. Almost 21 years without him.

Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if he was still around. Would I still be as close to God as I am now? What kind of person would you be like if one of your loved ones were still around?

I can make you this promise that we will see ours family and friends again. Families can be together forever through Heavenly Father's plan. How would you feel being with those you care about most after this life is over?

I know some people may feel they don't want to be with certain people forever and that is ok. We won't be forced to. Heck there are some people personally I wouldn't want to see to be honest.

That can sound unforgiving but hey you can forgive and still stay away from someone's abuse. We should forgive and it is required of us to forgive. But like I mentioned in my other book yesterday: God will give you justice for those that have wronged you.

We all will have to answer for our sins, but the Lord won't let us suffer forever. Well unless you are Satan. Which I'm sure none of you are.

Satan doesn't have a physical body nor his demons. Remember in the New Testament when Jesus cast out Legion into the herd of swine? They were so desperate for a body that they pocessed the body of a pig.

Evil has no power on us. Evil only gets the power you give unto it over you. It's important to always remember Christ.

Christ is the center of it all and I'm so happy to be a part of His church. I know He lives and loves each and every one of us. Don't feel discouraged when you make mistakes.

Jesus Christ's atonement covers even our mistakes, not just our sins. He waits with out stretched arms to come to your rescue. He stands at the door and knocks.

Will you let Him in? Will you allow Him to heal you and to guide you? I promise that if you will turn off any distractions and stop and listen with your heart, not your ears, you will feel Him speaking to you.

If you ever wanted to be guided to the left or to the right. Listen for He will be your guide. He will also guard your heart.

Relationships can be difficult and can sometimes feel burdensome. One of the great goals in life is to overcome the natural man. Whether it's saying something hateful back, over eating, or succuming to pornography.

Pornography is addictive as we all know it is. It will grasp you with its awful chains and speedily drag you down to hell. Ask for help if you need to conquer this demon of yours, this weakness.

Remember God gave unto us weaknesses that we may be humble. And when a man or woman comes unto Him for help, He will always answer in due time. For you have made it this far!

"Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." -Thomas S. Monson

We need to be there for our families. Instead of chasing dreams that will not satisfy or to put it better appetites. Lust has an appetite where as love is willing to fight.

Fight to see not only others but yourself to be truly happy. There is a time and a season under the Heavens and though you might not have found the right person for you, you will. I promise you, you will attract like minded people.

If you are mean to others and use people you will attract users and mean people usually. Not in all cases of course but remember.. Birds of a feather flock together.

Don't give up on God, don't give up on your family or your friends, and especially don't give up on yourself.

You have infinite worth because you are again and will always be a beloved son or daughter of God.

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