
Chapter 34: Dinner With The New Member Of The House

"Tosca... I'm Tosca"

Alex nodded his head, "Welcome to my home Tosca, I hope you enjoy your stay with us if there is anything you need don't be afraid to ask Aura or me if she is not available.", Alex said gesturing at Aura when he spoke her name.

Tosca nodded with a very quiet "Ok", before staring down at her feet. "What a shy child", Alex thought as he stood up from his kneeling position and went into the dining room, "I believe it is dinner time", he stated while entering the dining room.

"Ah!" Aura realized it truly was around dinner time and she hadn't even started, she stared down at Tosca unsure what to do with the girl while she prepared dinner but a voice from the dining room made the choice for her, "Tosca, why don't you come and join me at the table while we wait for dinner."

The girl hesitated for a moment before making her way to the dining room, she stood at the doorway unsure where to sit as she looked at the large table. Alex smiled at her as he gestured to his left and the chair moved back on its own allowing her to just sit in it. Tosa, of course, was amazed at what just happened, she stared at the chair with wide-open eyes.

"Well come on now", Alex's voice brought her back to reality, making the girl blush slightly as she walked towards the chair and sat in it. Yet again the chair moved, but this time towards the table stopping at just the right length for the girl to sit and eat comfortably.

Tosca was staring at the feet of the chair as it moved all the way until it stopped before looking at Alex in amazement, she might not have known how it happened but it was obvious that it was his doing.

"What?", Alex said as Tosca kept staring at him.

"H-how did you do that", the girl asked slightly flustered, but curiosity burned within her beautiful blue eyes.

Alex smiled as he waved his hand causing the candles that were decorating the room to lit up, "A simple trick, nothing special", he spoke casually as if there was nothing amazing about it and in truth, to him it was truly nothing other than a parlor trick but to Tosca, it was one of the most amazing things she ever saw.

"H-how?", Tosca asked again, her eyes practically shining as she stared at him.

"You want me to teach you", Alix asked with a smile as he saw the girl node energetically at his reply, seeming as if she had already forgotten all the horrible things that happened to her before. Alex, however, knew that the events still lingered deep within her psyche and it will take some time before she will truly be better again. The trust she had shown them was nothing more than a reaction of a child clinging to any earth it could find while being surrounded by the cold.

She was hurting inside, and Alex planned to do anything he could to help her, he did what he could for the other children, but they needed other mortal humans to take care of them, people like them without any abilities. Tosca, on the other hand, had awakened to her sacred gear thus she gained its ability with the ability to use and control manna. If left with normal humans she would be shunned and estranged, and that was not what she needed now while her mind was on the verge of breaking.

She needed people that looked after her and truly wanted to help her, she needed somebody to relate to and somebody as her shield and sport. Alex decided that he would allow Aura to play that role since they were both, female it would also make it easier for them to bond which was perfect in his opinion.

Getting back to the girl that was eagerly awaiting Alex's answer in whether or not he would be teaching her, Alex gave her a bright smile, "I will ask Aura to teach you, make sure you listen to her very carefully and never practice what she teaches you without her or my supervision"

Tosca kept nodding, her face lit up in a precious little smile as she thought about being able to make things move without touching them. Alex just stared at her as she fell into her own fantasies with a dreamy smile on her face.

Waiting for a few more minutes in silence, Aura came out of the kitchen while carrying a few dishes, she placed them all on the table while placing three plates down as well, one in front of Alex the other in front of Tosca and the last in front of the chair situated to Alex's right.

"Oh, will you be joining us", Alex asked her, Aura rarely ate so he was a bit surprised. Aura smiled as beautifully as always and nodded, "Yes, I believe its a special occasion, so I would like to eat with Master and Tosca if that's ok with Master?", she spoke.

"Of course, I would never mind having you eat with me at the table and you know that Aura,", Alex said, Aura nodded to his words her smile still on her face as she elegantly sat down.

The three ate in silence, while Tosca still felt reservations with dining with Alex and Aura it soon faded into oblivion under the two's encouragement, after that she ate like a starved person as she gobbled down the food.

Finishing dinner, Alex got up from the table, but not before thanking Aura for the delicious cuisine, causing the girl to ascend to the seventh heaven because of the compliment form him, Alex left the dining room but stopped just as he walked out, he turned around and spoke to Aura, "Please prepare the empty room for Tosca, make sure she has everything she needs and wants, oh and please teach the girl some magic, just the basics for now until she gets accustomed to it." he said the last part while sending Tosca a smile causing the little girl's eyes to lit up in the excitement but also her face to become red from embarrassment at the same time, all in all, it was an amusing sight for Alex.

Alex was just about to leave the two but he suddenly paused and turned to a certain direction his purple eyes pierced through the wall of the house and other structures in its way coming onto a devil, she was in no way doing well, a wounded man laid by her side as she was trying to protect him from other people dressed in priestly robes and carrying sword hilts that created blades made of light. In the devil woman, the left hand was a Blood-Red coin-like token, in which she poured in a bit of her manna activating it.

Aura, finding Alex's reaction weird asked, "Is everything alright Master", Tosca also staired at Alex with a confused expression. Alex looked back at the duo and said, "It seems I will have leave for a moment, please don't be alarmed I'll be back in a short while".

Finishing his words Alex disappeared under the worried eyes of Aura and astonished eyes of Tosca. Ripples formed in Alex's room as Alex walked out of it, his figure quickly changing as he once again donned the form of Mournomon.

"Time for fun", he said as he teleported to the devil's location using a magic circle he had prepared in his room that was conveniently connected to the golden coin he gave Cleria"

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