
Chapter 41:

Ace had just been enjoying himself with a bowl of fruit after his workout, when one of the maids came up to him, holding a thick envelope in her hands. He thanked her, and made his way to his office, picking the silver letter opener on his desk, and in one smooth motion, opening the envelope. Luckily, today was a holiday, so he had a weekend extended by two days, both Thursday and Friday were only his, no need for any obligations.

He began to take out all the pieces of paper, and stacked them neatly, Ace saw a letter at the top of all the papers, and quickly read it.

[Hope this helps, be careful when dealing with this person, and warn your grandmother you are dealing with him before anything, she will help you. We will contact you when it is safe to do so. Bong]

As he read over the letter, he did not notice any codes or cyphers hidden within, and after a few tests with UV lights and so on, he burnt the letter. He then began to leaf through the file. All the information was laid out neatly, and he read it quickly, engaging his enhanced brain to memorise the contents, from the pictures to the smallest motes of ink on the papers. After he had finished, 20 minutes had gone past, and he burnt everything. Then, he went to the fridge grabbed a few energy drinks, and sat down on a couch with a bloc of notes and a pencil, he had to think….


Ace finished his routine, he had done double today, and he had to lay on the floor a few minutes before gathering the strength to go have a shower. He had realised another aspect of his body, he could maximise the number of muscles engaged with each exercise, and to a point, control how much effort was externalised through each of them. This was good, as it meant that he could, in a 30-minute workout, do as much work as a 2-hour workout, which allowed him to save a lot of time. Furthermore, it also tired his mind out, which he also felt getting stronger, he was getting sharper and sharper, and his body developing to become a fine tool.

However, there was also a vain aspect to it, as his body had grown and developed, Ace now looked a lot older than he actually was, he was almost 175 cm in height, but his muscled and toned body made him appear about three years older than he really was. Ace smiled, he was not stupid, whenever he started posting pictures in his I-Gram account, people would go crazy. A sense of excitement and pride implored him to begin posting as soon as possible, but the calm reasoning that had kept him sane through years of extreme pain reiterated that it was not yet time. As a favour for the years of enduring, he would listen to his cold reasoning.

He had a lot of things on his mind, most specifically, he had one, but it branched all over his thoughts. What he had found out through the files had shocked him, it was more than he expected - a lot more in fact, but it only made him want to know more. There was something big going on, and Ace was pretty sure that his grandmother was involved somehow.

Zach's organisation, Lucrum, as it was called, has recently become more engaged in activities in America, specifically North America. However, as Ace read on the news, he noticed that it was just not them, some of the biggest Triads and Famiglias seemed to be trying to worm their way into the USA. Of course, it was not only them, the Bratva and yakuza were also reinforcing various headquarters they already had throughout the continent.

From what was on the file, there was no violence as of yet, but Ace had no doubts that various groups would soon be at each other's throats. While a gang war was scary, the reason for it was even scarier: an oil well had been found. However, this was not a normal one, the average cost of an oil well was usually between 5 and 8 million dollars, however, the estimated profit one could get from this specific one was bordering on 20 million dollars, and that was now.

The government was going to obviously try it's best, however, they had a problem, it was in a privately owned plot of land, land owned by none other than Samantha Goldsign. 'Well f*ck'.

With this, it all made sense, as other sources were beginning to dry up, countries would be interested in buying the oil, some would attempt to barter for a cheaper price while others would attempt to buy it simply so they could keep monopolizing the oil market for a while longer. The gangs were now also trying to get their bit, and if possible, bolster their future income by buying a few units of it now.

At first, Ace was curious, I mean, 20 million dollars to the people involved were pocket change, until one got into the hundreds of millions, most of these guys would not even show their faces, lest actually be interested. However, that was not all, it seemed that his grandmother had recently made plans to build a tower. Not just any tower mind you, but the biggest building one had ever built, spanning over 400 metres, it was planned to be a paradise for the rich, it would contain suites and various luxury shops and commodities. And it was all going to be built in a privately owned - of course, private island to the east of the Caribbean.

Then, the pieces of the puzzle began to fit, the countries wanted the oil, and the gangs wished to make favour with his grandmother in order to be the first ones to set up their own respective business… It was most definately going to be a fuckfest, and the only one that would come out unharmed would be Samantha.


Ace finished up the round by running back to the bomb site, and killing the attacker attempting to plant the diffuser... He had needed to take his mind off things, and streaming was the best way. He played both games and music for his large amount of growing viewers. 'Chat', now consisted of slightly less than 1000 viewers, but during times of playing music, his viewership would almost double. He tried to keep to a schedule so that the people that wanted to watch him play music knew when to tune in. Ace had been enjoying himself, thinking about the tournament he would participate in tomorrow.

He was super excited and knew that it would be his first shot at building his legacy, he could not wait...

Today's chapter is shorter but packed with information, next one should be the tournament chapter, and who knows, there might even be a little surprise...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and as always, thank you for your support, I hope you are all doing well.

_Insidious_creators' thoughts
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