
Chapter 30:

"Hey Fudz! Thanks for joining me on Stream! Yeah, I'm new, this is my second stream, but I'm super excited to learn.", Ace had enjoyed speaking with his viewers for the last 30 minutes he had been streaming. He had gotten home, changed and quickly booted up his PC, he had done all his assignments, and he did not have to catch up on anything for the classes he had missed earlier as he already knew the content, so he could just play until bed.

He now had 17 viewers, and a few of them were frequent chat users, so for now, he was able to answer every message that came through the chat. Ace had just logged into a game, when one of his viewers asked him to do a pistol only round. He had already tried to do this, but last time, he had told his team about what he was planning on doing, which resulted in him getting kicked out, so this time, he would just do it without telling his team. Then, a new message came in from IcedStupidity: "Do a rush!!!", Ace smiled as he came up with an idea, and selected Ash.

"Ok guys, I am about to show you the true pistol rush, you must pick the stun grenades as your secondary, and be prepared to use your main gadgets as necessary." Ash's main gadget was a launcher that would shoot a pellet that would explode on impact, and could make large holes on non-reinforced walls, damage enemies and destroy devices or gadgets. They were playing the secure area game mode, so Ace ensured to find the site with his drone, regardless of whether it would get destroyed. His plan was to distract the enemy team long enough that by the time he had rushed to the site, they were still deploying their defences.

As soon as they spawned, Ace began directing his character to run full steam ahead with her pistol out. He already knew the shortest route to get to the bomb, and as soon as he saw a wall that was not reinforced, he shot one of his pellets, which exploded before he got near so he did not have to stop running. He kept at it until he made a large hole on a wall that was currently being reinforced on-site, due to the proximity of the enemy, when the pellet exploded and made the whole on the wall, the opponent also died. Ace threw three flashbangs, right, centre and left, and as soon as they went off, he ran into the room, pistol in hand.

Bang! 1 dead

Bang! 2 dead

Bang! 3 dead

He had hit consistent headshots on enemies that were crouching and attempting to hide behind obstacles or furniture on the site. There was now only one enemy member remaining, but a few seconds later, Ace saw that he had left the match, and they had won the round.

His team was shouting at him on the voice chat, each of them in a different language, but he recognised Russian, Spanish and French, but the last one's mic was so bad it could honestly just have been grunts for all Ace heard.

His chat also exploded with comments, about 6 people spamming 'Clean' on it.

Ace smiled, even if they could not see it, and said: "And that my friends, is the true pistol rush."

As Ace played more and more, he realised that more and more people were joining the stream, until it got to a point where he had about 60 consistent viewers, but he had only been streaming for about 4 hours that day.

"Wow, thanks to everyone for joining me! I think I will probably play for a few more hours, but I will most likely go off soon after that."

Then, he read a message, it was not really that bad as only about a third of the viewers really used it, but it was becoming increasingly harder to read, even with only twenty people writing. He then remembered the chats of the truly famous, thousand and thousands of viewers hammering away at their keyboards, 'I still have a long way to go…'

He then told his viewers, "I think I am going to limit a user to one message every 20 seconds, this way, I can make sure that I read everyone's message, but I will not cause too much trouble either." He then changed the settings, and that was that.


"5 enemy players remaining"

His whole team had died, and now it was only Ace remaining, he was playing as Sledge, and had tried to go on his own, trusting that his teammates would do well all going together, but three of them had been killed by the same C4, and the other, in the panic, had been knifed from behind.

"Well guys, It is time to activate Ace mode", this was a lame joke one of his viewers had made after he had mowed down 3 enemy players in quick succession, but it seemed to have caught on with his other viewers, so he ended up using it as well.

He first flicked through existing drones, attempting to find signs of enemy players, and he did, down the hallway and the room to his left, one opponent seemed to be crouching and aiming at the door. This seemed to be a relatively new player, that did not realise he could be shot through the wall, so Ace capitalised on that and wall banged [A/N: When you kill an enemy through a wall] him. His chat spammed "1", but Ace ignored it and focused on the game. He heard another playing in the room adjacent to the now-dead opponent's, so he calmly peeked through the doorway. He spotted a shoulder, but it was too late to fire as the opponent kept moving, oblivious to the impending danger.

Ace threw a frag grenade after cooking [A/N: When you hold a grenade so that the timer counts down and you can control when it will explode.], he bounced it on the door frame opposite the opponent, and it exploded exactly after bouncing off.

1v3 assaulted his screen, the game informing him that he had killed another enemy, and as he advanced and looked at the corpse, he spotted that it was the Pulse that had died. He had now gotten rid of the two roamers and only the three in the bombs were remaining. Ace threw his last drone, and ran to the upper floor, where he went prone and manoeuvred his drone, attempting to find someone in the bombs, he scouted A, but no enemies seemed to be there, He then went to B, where he saw that two enemies were peeking the door that connected the bombs, and the other was camping in the corner, waiting to see if Ace would come in through the barricade that connected to an outside hallway.

Ace did not spot them, and moved his drone around quickly to ensure his teammates would not either, he then had his drone hidden, with it looking at a wall. Pinging an enemy, while it would show you their location for a few seconds, it would warn the enemies that they had a camera looking at them, and they would usually move to another place. Furthermore, it was meaningless for Ace to do that as his brain could draw a perfect mental mao for him, and he could simply imagine where his opponents were. He sued his main gadget, a hammer that could destroy non-reinforced walls almost silently, to destroy a hatch that would directly take him to bomb A when he dropped, so he did. He then instantly threw a frag grenade at the enemy that was camping in the corner, it did not kill him as he had seen it coming and only did minimal damage, but that was not the goal. With it, both of the enemies looking at the doorway looked back, which allowed Ace to take a good position without being spotted, and plant the diffuser.

His teammates were probably new at the game, so they had reinforced the walls that connected the bombs, and now the only way they could come in was through the door. As Ace finalised defusing the bomb, and the diffuser timer began to count down, there was nothing the enemies could do. They all came in through the doorway at the same time, and as Ace aligned his crosshair at head height, a quick swipe killed them all.

"3", "4" and "5" were spammed in his streaming chat, it was going crazy, more than it had before, and Ace realised that he was truly having fun…

As Ace ended the stream, tired from the gaming, he noticed a message in his chat: "Make a U-Tube account, and post your clips."

Ace thought it was a brilliant idea, so he noted it down on his imaginary to-do list and went to bed.


As Ace got home, he quickly created a new channel and called it 'Ace', just as he had with everything else, linked his streaming account, and began to prepare a new video. It took him about thirty minutes to cut all the clips in his video, do some light editing and posted the video, calling it "Streaming Highlights #1". He linked his streaming channel in the description and then booted up his PC and began streaming. Editing was one of the things he had done a small modicum of research in when informing himself about streaming, so he had the basics down.

The first thing he did was change his channel bio, linking his U-Tube account, and as people began tuning in, informing them he had made a youtube account and already posted a video, and with that, he began to play the game.

Today's chapter, I am truly sorry for the late release, but stuff happened and I could only post it now.

Thank you all for the amazing support, I hope you enjoyed the second streaming chapter, that also gave a big hint on what is to come.

_Insidious_creators' thoughts
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