
Chapter 27:

Ace quickly changed into some comfortable clothes and took the bowl of cut fruit that had already been placed in the fridge in his gaming room. He booted up the PC, excitement pumping through his veins, as soon as the computer was on he launched both the game and the streaming software, he had already created his account, and due to his grandmother, he had been able to secure 'Ace' as his username so he did not have to do any shenanigans like he had to do with his CSGO account. He also created the required account for Rainbow Six Siege, and he entered his username as The Ace, Ace on its own was taken, but that was fine as long as he could still be recognised. He set up a timer, he would stop playing at midnight, so he would still be able to wake and carry out his workout before going to school while still having a relatively healthy amount of sleep. His plan was to play for this amount as much as he could, while still completing all his required assignments and not dying from lack of sleep.

In a week from now, on the Tuesday of next week, he would have to play with the team of the videogame club, but he doubted he would actually end up joining their team if the rest of the people were as badly behaved as the leader had been. He had done a lot of research, and for new teams, the most important thing seemed to have good chemistry and communication, as they could all get better with time, but if they were not on good terms with each other, it would be impossible to create winning tactics and strategies.

At the moment, most people that streamed video games were playing Rainbow Six Siege, but the number of viewers was lacklustre, as most people were playing it themselves. Ace began the stream to 0 viewers, but by luck or fate, as he began his first game, a viewer entered his stream, Ace had a separate monitor with the streaming chat and the notifications, so he saw GodlyMonkey666 join the chat and said hello, "Hey GodlyMonkey, welcome to the stream, as you can see, I am new at the game and -", a beep and a new notification came up: [GodlyMonkey666 has left the chat], and that was the first of many fateful encounters...

Ace began playing, he had not played the Beta, but had memorised every map that was available at the time, and had practised his aim in CSGO and various training softwares, this was because CSGO had very different aiming mechanics so he could not just rely on that practise, he also searched for the best training softwares and logged many hours on them, so when an opponent on defence came out running from the main door, Ace was already expecting it, this guy had probably seen or played Beta content, and so he knew of a good spot where he could probably catch his opponents by surprise, and get some kills, however, Ace had expected someone to try this so he had already been aiming at the barricade, and as soon as it was broken, Ace quickly aimed were the opponent's head should be and let out a single, lonely shot, that killed the enemy. Surprisingly, the opponent did not rage in chat or call him a hacker but instead asked: 'Are you a Beta player' to which Ace responded: 'Nah, but I watched a lot of content', the guy seemed content with the response and he said nothing after that.

Ace noticed the flashing notification on his separate monitor, and greeted the new viewer, "Hey RussianSpy!", the username read Ru55i4n5py, but Ace assumed the meaning, "I'm not a Beta player, but I think I can deliver good content regardless.", to Ace's surprise, instead of leaving, the guy texted in chat, "OK, comrade, but you must play Spetsnaz operators, fighting for the Motherland." The operators were the characters one could play, and Spetsnaz was the Russian forces, 2 operators were based on this group, and they both had pretty interesting abilities, but one could be frustrating depending on the game mode he was picked in.

One, called Glaz, had a special sniper with an extra amplification scope that could see through the smoke from smoke grenades. The other, Fuze, had charges he could place on walls that had not been reinforced and on barricades, these charges let out small grenades that did a lot of damage to enemies if they were within range - usually killing them. However, he had bad fame as most new players that played him in the hostage game mode, would usually just kill the hostage and make their team lose the round. This meant that most people, when someone in their team picked Fuze for that game mode, they would prefer to just kick him out of the game.

As Ace won the first round with three kills to his name, he picked Glaz for the second round. His scope could be toggled on or off, and when it was off, he had a reflex scope that was more appropriate for use inside hallways or rooms. Ace however, did not go inside at all, he rappelled up to a tower where he had a good view of the objective and broke the window, and before they could respond, he accurately lobbed a grenade into the room. He quickly toggled the scope on and aimed into the room, he spotted a foot behind a desk, so he shot through the desk in 4 precise shots, enough to kill the enemy, he then covered himself and reloaded.

His sniper rifle had heightened penetrating power, therefore, if he saw a person's limb, he could usually kill them by shooting various bullets through the pieces of furniture they were using as cover. He signalled the fact that he had seen the shadow of an enemy on the other side of a door that was to the right of the room where the hostage was. He then quickly went down from his tower and repelled back up to the building were the window to the hostage was, he then smoked it to block the view of anyone that was aiming at the room, and went in with his pistol out in order to run faster, he then picked up the hostage, and ran back quickly to the window were he rappeled back down and ran to the marked area of extraction, he had won the round while most of his team was still clearing the bottom floor of the building and the opponents had been caught off guard.

Ace had noticed early on, that changing the pace at which you played the rounds was one of the surefire ways to catch the opponent off guard and usually win the round. In the first, they had cleared the building meticulously after one of the enemies had run out, and while some of his team members still died, they won the round. Now however, Ace used a faster approach where he only cleared one room and then quickly got the hostage. The first round, they had won by killing all enemies, but this one they had won by extracting the hostage. It was basic tactics that were still not fully mainstream as the game had just come out and most people had barely known the game before first playing it.

Today's Chapter, there was a large info dump but I kind of had to explain a few basic things about the game, I don't think I will consider this as one of the streaming chapters and will release the first of those tomorrow, and the next one in the next four days maximum.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and again, I wish to thank all of you for your support, we are already extremely close to 150 collections, and the growth is amazing. Thank you for it, I hope you are all doing well.

_Insidious_creators' thoughts
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