
Chapter 8:

Ace put down the book and sighed, it wasn't a sigh of boredom but more of a sigh of amazement, he had started learning languages yesterday, he had started with Spanish, believing it would be the easiest and most useful to learn short-term. As he had soon found out, he learned the language extremely easy, vocabulary was a breeze to memorise and since grammar was simply memorising rules and applying them, well it was not very hard. For now, he had been focusing on his fluidity and accent. He assumed that would take a while, but he was extremely happy with the progress he had already made. His package had been set to arrive in a few hours so he had some time to kill. He had already done his exercise routine a few hours earlier so while his muscles did not hurt, he was still extremely tired. Instead, he decided to look some more at the various streaming sites in order to finally decide what game he would play.

He had been looking at them for half an hour now and had already decided what he would play. He knew that with his enhanced body, he would be able to master any game, it was all a matter of time, therefore, he focused on games that looked fun, disregarding their supposed difficulty. He found two FPS [A/N: First Person Shooter] with a more tactical [A/N: Focused more on team tactics than an individual's strength due to their realistic aproach] outlook, they would be harder to master but ace enjoyed the tactics. Their names were CSGO and Rainbow Six Siege, Ace thought of starting by playing CSGO, getting used to aiming and the overall feel of an FPS, then, once he had gotten good enough, he would start streaming it. Finally, once he believed his skills were good enough, he would start playing Rainbow Six Siege, he assumed this would be by when school started in a few months. Luckily for him, the game now seemed to be on Beta [A/N: Testing phase before the game launches globally], so he would not be behind as much. He hoped he could find some friends that would be happy to play with him, as he needed a squad of five, of the which he would be one, and so he would be able to stream the game once it came out with a consistent squad.

He started doing research on CSGO, ready to begin playing it once he could finish building his PC, he started learning the maps, watching various guides on the weapons and various interactions. He spent about an hour and a half on it and then a maid notified him that the packages had arrived.

He began by assembling the chair he had bought, it would fit snugly against his desk and seemed to be extremely comfortable. He then opened the various packages that contained the final pieces of his PC, then finished building it. He connected the various peripherals he had bought and begun booting up his PC, all the while, hoping he had not fucked anything up.

The PC seemed to switch on properly, and he cued all necessary driver and software downloads, this would take the better part of the rest of the day, so he left the PC alone, and went to the kitchen to eat something. His maids had prepared steak just how he liked it, medium rare with a dash of butter and salt on top, with a side of pan fries - as close to heaven as you could get. While eating, his grandmother called him asking when he would be ready to 'tell' her about his choice of high school, code for: I have time for you to present your side of the argument, you better be ready. He answered smoothly, telling her that he would be happy to 'tell' her whenever she had the time. In response, she then said that she would be happy to listen to him in about an hour give or take and that a car would pick him up. Ace smiled and answered cheerfully, saying he was looking forward to seeing her. Then, once Samantha hung up, Ace quickly finished his meal, he ran into the projector room and begun practising his presentation like mad.

The car that came to pick him up was the black Mercedes-Benz Class S he was used to seeing, nevertheless, he knew it would be a different one, chosen from among the vast fleet of cars his grandmother had at her disposal. The chauffeur this time was an older man, yet he still had the build of a much younger man, missing the beer gut most men his age would sport. He calmly opened the door, but he was surprised when Ace thanked him, probably not used to having the stuck-up young masters of rich families 'dignifying' themselves to thank him. They drove silently, no communication between the two apart from a flew glances directed at Ace by the driver, who was attempting to figure out what made him stand out so much that his boss would ask him personally to come to pick him up for a meeting with Her.

Ace stepped into the lobby, directly walking to the reception in a calm and measured yet confident manner, a replica of his grandmother, he knew better than to show weakness, Samantha's opponents waiting patiently for a picture of a stumble that would somehow make it frontline on the papers. The receptionist smiled at him and asked: "Good morning sir, how can I help you today?"

Ace answered, "Hello, I have a meeting with Samantha.", the receptionist, clearly well trained, smiled, nodded and handed him a pass while telling him that someone would come promptly to pick him up. For all her training, however, she was deeply surprised when Her assistant came to pick him up, and he seemed unphased by it, even if he clearly knew who she was.

Ace smiled, "Hello Veronica, you look amazing as always."

She answered, "Thank you, young master, the same could be said about you. Please follow me."

They walked through various doors, both Ace and Veronica having to tap their passes at each and everyone, a measure of security Ace surmised until they reached a grand wooden entryway, the board meeting room.

Veronica opened the door and held it up for him, he looked at her, smiled and nodded thanks. He then calmly looked around the rooms, his eyes searching for clues that would help him in his future endeavour, various men and women sat around a large mahogany desk, his grandmother at the head of the table. He walked up to the screen, all the while laughing internally, he knew who each and every one of these people was, and was delighted by it, it seemed that great minds thought alike and Ace was not even impressed one bit that his mother had managed to round up some of the most powerful people in the world just so that they could listen to her grandson speak. Ace knew this and was delighted, these people were all the main investors of the Gold Institute, it seemed that his grandmother had already decided what school he would be going to, Ace now knew that this was his chance to gain a favourable reputation with them so that he could begin school with a bang.

"Good morning, as most will already know, I am Ace Goldsign…"

Today's chapter, also I realised that I had made a typo in a previous chapter when naming Samantha's assistant in a previous chapter, but that should now be fixed.

Also, tell me if you want me to write about the presentation in the next chapter or do you just want me to skip it, I think It could be fun writing about startled, powerful people and the MC totally owning them but it's up to you since its not a pivotal part of the story, and it could be considered 'filler'.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

_Insidious_creators' thoughts
Next chapter