
Chapter 4: Attack on the Three Mile island facility

Now that almost everything is prepared I should go outside and get some fresh air and gather more information about this world to know which marvel universe that I'm in right now and if this is the movie marvel I should be fine because I know almost all of the plot of the movies.

After reading the new paper know the date it was 1979 the year of Wolverine origin movies and with more secret information that I have bought from the black market in hell's kitchen, I can confirm this is exactly the movie marvel universe I had wished for, after knowing that wolverine and mutants exist in this world it's gonna be more problematic than I thought it would be.

But after I sorting out all the information I realize if x-men exist and base on the movies doesn't that mean a bunch of mutant children is getting dissected alive and study like a lab rat in the secret military base somewhere right now remember what they did to them like in the comic and movie and without my gamer mind passive turn on my anger goes through the limit the metal coffee cup in my hand getting crush into scrap metal by newly discovered eleven million tons of strength and getting much attention I decide to pay the bill and leave the coffee shop.

for an hour of racking my brain trying to remember the research lab located in the movie plot now I'm thinking about the plan to rescue all the children, I should go all out because base on experience I have test bullet in this era can't even past through my projectile protection enchantment it getting bound off like all the bullets are made out of rubber. after another hour of preparation, I'm ready to go.


Third-person View


Outside of Three Mile Island facility, four guarding soldiers spot a person slowly walking toward them after the person getting close they can clearly see a man wearing armor and holding a sword with red color after looking at each other for a while 3 of them decide to get close and tell the person to leave the iland but after getting close before they can say anything with a single swing of the man 3 of them getting cut in half after seeing the cruel scene the last soldier immediately get scared and speak to the communication device "we are under attack captain" after speaking he also getting cut to death.

After hearing the message and not hear even a single gun shot the captain get suspecias and lead a small group of soldiers to check out the situation with a single glan toward the gate he saw 4 dead bodys on the ground he immidiatly yells at the communication device "raise the alarm we are under attack" after speaking he suddenly hearing glass breaking sound after than he hearing another cold voice behind him "even what you did is following the order you can't escape death today" and that the last word he hears before his head spinning into the ground after seeing their captain getting decapitated the remain soldiers start shooting toward the man but bullet getting bound off after rounds and rounds of ammunition the man decides to walk slowly toward them and starting drinking some kinda potion after finish the bottle suddenly he starts to run quicker with just a few second all 6 soldier all so getting cut down but before the man can do anything the base alarm start to ringing and many soldiers come out from the base with a single look they see a man stand near the corpses of their comrade so they start shooting at the man but without fear the man rush and start to slaughter them.


Major William Stryker office room


A soldier rushes into the stryker office and report "Sir there an enemy attack" immediately Stryker says " then hurry and get rid of him" soldier "but sir every weapon we have doesn't seem to work on him, sir" and after he saw the camera footage that the man killing and getting close to his office floor he immediately press the self-destruct button and hurry to evacuate via his secret entrance.

After he got on the helicopter and take off he looks back at the base and says it in his heart " to all

the Soldiers all your sacrifice today not gonna be in vain once I killing all the mutants"

in this chapter and the next 2 chapter I want mc to make his first appearance in a big way and his first contact with X-men especially professor Xavier.

TheRandomGuycreators' thoughts
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