
The Creation of Albion pt 2

Jason was scrolling through the build menu looking at different types of castles there were western style castles eastern all types even fantasy ones for elves and other races after scrolling for a few minutes he came across a palace that caught his eye.

(renaissance palace)

Description: beautiful large and elegant four story renaissance palace fitting for a king of high caliber. the exterior is a beautiful white brick while the interior is a mixture of a white marble ceiling and walls with gold decoration of various flowers and animals with a black marble floor (it includes fifty guest bedroom,30 servants quarters, pool/spa,throne room, 1 master office, 3 kitchens,10 bathrooms, vault,living room,meeting room,master bedroom) also it has four 7 story round towers at each corner with a blue roofing matching the palace roof the garden is filled with (magical flowers, training area,lakes,fountains,stables,armory)

Jason was thrilled with this palace it was exactly what he was looking for although he wanted to make a few changes. he went to the customize option and started making his perfect palace/home

he started with his room he made it more modern same with the on sweet(he put a walk in shower toilet and bath and sink), he also changed his throne room, he chose the gold lion king throne with black fabric,he also got two gold lion statues and he put one on both side of the stairs leading to the throne, he also started making a underground. he put his pool and spa there he also put his vault underneath his throne room the entrance is his throne,he put a finger tip scanner on top of the lion statue forehead ( obviously its not noticeable) once he puts his finger on it his throne lifts up and reveals spiral stairs leading down to a hallway (he makes the hall way 10m high 5m wide) he puts 5 metal knight golems on each side of the hallway with swords and shields at the end of hall way is a golden door 5 meters thick with a red orb in the middle ( which is a retinal scanner) which opens up to a big ass room (which can fit a lot of treasure) he decides to put two more golems standing on each side of the entrance. once he finished with the vault he starts making a washroom for the servants on male and female (it looks like a student dormitory shower toilets sinks 5 of each).

after he was done with palace he starts putting a sewer system and water system. the sewer system is connected to every house and shop in the city underground the waste from is burned by lava he put at the end of the sewer where all the waste goes (it looks like a square box half filled with lava )

same with the water system (same big square box but it has a magic rune that once the water lowers to a certain level it will fill it up back up an so on forever) he also puts protection walls around his palace with a black gate with two golden lion heads on it when it opens it leads to a beautiful stone road on both sides a beautiful garden at the end of the road is fountain with a golden lion on top spitting water out of its mouth and behind that is the grand entrance to this beautiful palace.

after doing all that its finally time to start making the citizen that are going to live in this grand city

he ask the system what will be the appropriate amount to start off with it suggested.

System: "100 thousand "

he asked the system to make 25 thousand women and another 25 thousand men all them with different jobs (carpenter,clerk,tailors,chemist,librarian,doctor,miners,farmer,etc) he decided to make the other 50 thousand soldiers but decided to wait until he had everything ready minute by minute groups of men and women start flooding soon all fifty thousand men and women started to Jason who is currently at his palace gates, when they arrived in front of him they got on one knee and shouted.