
Chapter 1: Stepping Into Inner Realm

My mother and father were the rulers of the Outer Realm. Daddy was the Emperor of the Outer Realm and the strongest man ever. He ruled with a diamond fist and his trusty war hammer that has killed thousands. Daddy has had plenty of assassins try and kill him but so far not a single one out of the hundreds have managed to even make him bleed. Even the Ancient Gods don't mess with my daddy anymore after he killed their last Chosen One.

My mother was the second strongest person in the Outer Realm but also the prettiest. Daddy said that I got most of my looks from her and thankfully his strength as well. As the Empress of the Outer Realm, my mother was mostly free with her time to spend time with me. She didn't have to do much unless Daddy needed her help with his army. Mommy was a better commander than Daddy but Daddy was a stronger fighter than Mommy was.

I was their daughter and currently the princess of the Outer Realm. Princess Ran is what the I'm known to the subjects but my parents call me just Ran or another nickname they think is cute. Thanks to my upbringing, I've been taught various different lessons by my parents and the royal guards. I've been taught on how to kill a man, how to wield magic, how to command over subjects and rule them through strength and fear, and many more during my upbringing.

Right now, it was time for me to go and take over a realm by myself. I've just reached the age of 10 and my Father and Mother believe that I'm ready to conquer my own realm. Together they have conquered and merged over a hundred realms into Outer Realm, making our realm one of the most diverse in terms of races and culture. I was even taken by them to watch as they conquered realms together or with the army.

I've always dreamed of conquering my own realm after my Daddy took me with him to take over Frost Realm. The look on the faces of the inhabitants of that world opened my eyes. After seeing me take the life a man with my own hands that day, my father said he has never been prouder that I was his daughter. That was when he gifted me my own war hammer. I call her Stacy. It was smaller than his and more fit for my size. I was initially disappointed at the size but my daddy told me that he'll give me a bigger one when I get older.

My hammer could still crush a man into pieces and if that wasn't enough, I could tear a man apart with just my bare hands. So, I wasn't all too broken up about it. My mom and dad along with their army were gathered together in the throne room to watch me enter into the realm. The swirling green portal in front of me was the entrance to the realm known as Inner Realm. It was deemed fresh enough for me to be able to handle whatever was inside, at least in time.

My daddy didn't want this to be an easy experience for me and neither did I. As Princess of Outer Realm, how could I feel satisfaction in taking over a weak realm? No! My parents taught me better than that. I would be letting them down, if I couldn't accomplish something like this. My father frequently told me that only the strong are allowed to be satisfied and the great are never satisfied. Even when I conquer this realm, I should be expecting to conquer 9 others later and then 90 more after that.

"Have you taken everything you needed Ran?" Father asked me.

"Yes Daddy. I'm ready to conquer this realm and force its inhabitants to kneel before me!"

My mother decided that I should wear my warlord clothes instead of my fighting outfit. She said it would inspire fear better than the other one. My dad just said that every outfit is a fighting outfit if you have the right tailor. The tailor was one of dad's subordinates and one of the army captains. His race of people allowed them to manipulate cloth and the like into anything they wished. They could even fashion a suit of armor and make it feel as comfortable as pajamas apparently.

My pajamas were a pink onesie but my warlord outfit was similar to my dad's. It had an armored breast plate for my chest, spiked shoulder pads, spiked knee pads, spiked bracelets, a skeleton helmet that covers most of my face with the exception of my eyes and mouth, covered sandals, and some black shorts. I would look like a mini version of my dad if you didn't count my mother's silver hair.

"Make sure to be wary. We don't know what kind of realm this is but be careful nonetheless sweetie." My mom warned me.

"I will stay on my toes and bath in my enemies' blood!"

Her father smiled at that one but I was the only one who saw it.

"Go now. We will await your success my daughter."

"I'll be back victorious!"

I stepped into the portal and entered the unknown realm. The first thing my senses took in was that I landed on a small island. The sea was the only sight before me besides the island. It might be some time before I can conquer this realm if this is my starting location. Even if I used my magic to materialize a portal somewhere, who knows if I may just drop into the sea afterwards? I'll have to go about this in a different manner.

On the island were two trees and the sand beneath my feet. Hanging from the trees were a strange yellow fruit. I pulled it with my magic and sniffed it to see if it was edible. It didn't smell nasty, so I bit into it. The outer part of the fruit didn't taste as well as the soft inside but for now it would have to do. It doesn't even compare to the food I dined on back home. Not even 1% of it was close enough to that.

I've had enough of this island and my goal of conquering this realm got no closer the longer I stayed here. I tapped into my blood energy and let it flow through me. The power running through my body would be enough that this water could no longer stop me. I started running. I ran so fast that I was running on top of the water. It wouldn't be long before I could find some sign of this realm's inhabitants.

Hopefully this realm wasn't filled entirely with water and the inhabitants I'm looking for aren't underwater. I don't think I can breathe underwater. If I can, my parents haven't told me if I could. Plus, who knows what this water is made out of or if it is even drinkable. Poison Realm's water is only sustainable for the races that are native from there. Anyone else who tries will die shortly after.

As I was journeying across the unending waters of this realm, I manage to spot a strange flying object above. It was black all over and had spinning blades as it flew overhead. Is that one of this realm's inhabitants or is it an object made by them? What better way to find out than to look for myself?

I leapt off of the water's surface towards the mysterious object and latched on to it. Through the glass of the object, I could see living beings! I've found those who I'm going to rule over. They looked strangely identical to the races from the Middle Realm. I wonder if they had the same strange magical abilities of them as well.

I've also forgotten to mention that since I've latched onto the flying metal object, it has been flying out of control. The beings inside have a look of terror and fear on their face and I haven't even done anything yet. Maybe I'm a better conqueror than I thought I was if all I have to do is nothing to inspire fear.

"I have come to take over this realm! Bring me to your realm's defenders or face the consequences!" I ordered with a punch through the glass, allowing me to enter the flying object. The glass shattered against the might of my fist.

This show of strength just made them scream even louder as the one who I guessed was controlling this object, desperately tried to stop them from plummeting into the sea below. Besides the one who was controlling this machine, the other 4 were huddled together in the back of the flying object with eyes filled with terror as they looked at me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"Don't hurt us! Please!"

"We'll do anything! Don't kill us Ms. Kindle!"


"I'm too young to die!!!"

"Quiet!" I ordered to the pathetic men. Hopefully they were men. They looked like most men in outer realm.

"Like I said before, I have come to conquer this realm. Tell me where your realm's champions are located or die!"

"Fighters? You mean the Kindled?"

"Whoever protects this place from the invasion of other realms, bring me to them. I'll meet with them all eventually."

"Well the strongest Kindles are in Reft City. That's where a majority of them stay anyway."

"Are you not a Kindle child?"

"I am Princess Ran! Daughter of the Immortal Han and Empress Kiera. Demigod, put simply. I do not hail from here. I come from Outer Realm."

"So, she's an alien?"

"An alien princess that wants to take over our world?"

"Or just a retarded Kindle that has watched too many cartoons."

Insulting me straight to my face? He will do good as an example to the rest. I walked over to the one that called me retarded and took hold of his face. He grabbed my arm and tried to pry them off but my strength was too great. I slowly started to squeeze and his grip tightened around my arm. His screams of anguish as my hand slowly crushed his skull filled the others with panic. With a firm squeeze, his head burst and covered me and the other 3 in blood, brain, and pieces of his skull. His body slumped down and the others started screaming all over again. They crawled over to the one controlling this machine, like frightened dogs.

"Let that be a lesson to you all. I do not take well to insults." I sat upon the body of the dead one.

"Now tell me about these Kindled. Why are they known as your strongest fighters?" I asked.

I could see it would be a while until we reached any land. Might as well pass the time learning something that could be useful, instead of terrorizing these pitiful men. If I was 5 years younger, I would be toying with these weaklings for fun but Daddy got that out of my system early. He said that playing with weaklings shouldn't be fun. I should have fun trying to conquer and dominate those equal or stronger than I am.

None of the men decided to speak up. I glared at them while raising my hand towards them. My hand was glowing with blood energy. Showing them, that it doesn't only have to be one of them that has to die today.

"The Kindled are people, just like us. Well, almost like us. The Kindled are able to do things that no ordinary human can do. They can shoot fire from their hands, pick up cars and other things that only machines could lift, move fast enough to reach one end of a city in seconds, and even do things like flying. No normal human can match a Kindled with their bare hands."

"I see. How do they use these abilities? Magic? Soul energy? Or is it biological?"

"Magic ain't real. I don't even know what soul energy even is but all Kindled are said to have activated a long unknown gene within their genome that gives them their strange abilities."

"I see."

Doesn't sound too different from the races in my own realm. Most use magic, few use soul energy, while some of them have abilities built in from birth. My father's chief advisor is one such man. His race can gain strength from the sun and unleash a fiery hell without even trying. Even infants of his race could burn a man to ash without even trying.

Most of the ride inside the flying machine was spent in silence. I had nothing to speak about to the men and they were too scared to speak to me from my display of strength earlier. In the horizon, I could see buildings of great sizes. The time has come for me to fully conquer this realm by destroying its strongest fighters and forcing the rest under my rule.

The controller of the machine flew us overhead till we reached the top of the tallest building within the city. We landed and the 3 whelps fled out of the window. To greet me was 5 unknown humans. They wore silly outfits like the jesters back at home. Perhaps they already knew of my power and were already ready to submit under me. Maybe I'll be back home faster than I thought.

I exited from the flying machine and stood face to face with the jesters. They varied in appearances unlike regular jesters though. Some wore masks, some were children, some were women, and one was even an elder. Behind the jesters were 2 normal looking humans. I suspected that they were my guides and the jesters are for later.

"Take me to your Kindled." I commanded.

"Is this the alien conqueror? A little girl?" The yellow jester asked.

"This has to be a joke right? You called us here to handle a little girl?" The blue jester questioned.

"When you said alien conqueror, I was picturing some 9 ft tall, jacked as shit green dude with tentacles somewhere. Not a cute little girl dressing up for Halloween." The red jester spoke.

"Yeah I gotta agree with Phantom here. I'm not feeling any dangerous vibes from this little girl." Pink jester added.

"My scanners show that she is not from this planet. So, some caution should be heeded." Green jester informed.

"Hey little girl, are you sure you're not a Kindled like us and lied so you could meet some of your favorite heroes?" Blue asked.

"You can call me Princess Ran and I will give you one chance to bow before me and acknowledge me as your ruler. If not, you will perish here!"

"Awh... She's so adorable! Playing little evil ruler, I wish I had a little sister as cute as her." Pink said, not taking my words seriously.

"Yo Hero Association. Can I leave now? It's clearly obvious that the call in to headquarters wasn't serious and even if it was, our top heroes are out right now dealing with the crap that's happening in the south." Red said.

A show of force would be necessary for these fools to take me seriously. I'll start with the annoying one first. My blood energy cycled within me, making a pink aura surround my body. I charged towards the blue jester and before any of them could understand, my hand was through his chest and his heart was beating within my hand.

"Hey.... You're kidding right...?" Blue spoke his final words looking down at my hand stabbing through his chest.

"War Machine activate!" Green yelled. A robotic armor swallowed him whole.

"SHE KILLED MIKEY!!!" Red screamed along with Pink and Yellow.

"I won't repeat myself again clowns. Kneel and swear your loyalty to me or this will be your fate." I threw his heart to the ground while it was still beating and took my arm out of his chest.

Comment/Review on the story readers and give me ideas on possible events/characters/situations and things you want to see! No guarantees that I will add what you want. But it helps to have ideas out there. Please point out any mistakes you notice or anything you're not clear about. I'll try to answer them and fix them to the best of my abilities.

Please give any advice, tips, or ideas on how I can improve my first person POV writing.

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