
Chapter 128: Tests and Plans


Alexander watched as the excited scientists in white hazmat suits running different tests on the blood given to them. It was very difficult to extract his blood. His body's regeneration was powerful enough to heal the wound before blood could drop out so he had to keep his wound open with his own hands. Frankly, he was quite miffed at the excitement showed by the doctors; it was his blood that they were experimenting on.

The hazmat suits were a requirement as the effects of exposure to his blood were not found yet. But Alexander was sure that his blood would have some effects on other people. He moved to his throne room to get the updates about the current situation of his kingdom.

As Alexander appeared on his massive throne, he saw a diminutive figure clad in the standard black hooded cloak standing before his throne. The figure bowed and a young female voice echoed in the room. Alexander spoke up, " So, you are one of Jonathan's candidates."

The girl spoke in a soft voice, " Yes, Your Majesty. I am Cristina Bantlor. Mentor has chosen me as one of the few who will have a chance to succeed him. Can I ask you where is he?"

Alexander, " It has been 450 years since Jonathan had a proper vacation. I gave him a compulsory vacation so that he could spend time with his family. Now, Cristina, what's the update?"

Cristina, " Your Highness, The kingdom is doing good. We have huge amount of resources in reserve for both civilian and military sectors. There have been some amendments in the inter-provincial economic laws on behest of increased attempts of acquiring pseudo-monopoly in some provinces. The new law states that no one can directly or indirectly in any form hold control over more than 21% of the provincial economy."

Alexander, " Even 21% is too much. Decrease it to 7 percent. Cannot have too many spoilt brats strutting around in my kingdom. Have the general population achieved Saint Realm?"

Cristina, " The slowest one will become a Saint Realm in a week, Your Highness."

Alexander, " Then, the gathering formations will be activated in 14 days. The infusion of the spiritual energy will increase the size of the kingdom by an unexpected margin. Our kingdom exists in the void so the chaos energy will be attracted to our kingdom. Now, don't activate all the formations at the same time; the amount of trouble we will attract would see us attacked by unsavoury characters. Also, the effect of chaos energy has to be regulated."

Cristina, " Regulated??"

Alexander, " The chaos energy is the most dangerous and useful energy in the omega verse. It has the inherent property of changing anything that comes into it's contact to itself but it can be permanently converted into other forms also. The process is difficult but it can be achieved. That's why we need to exercise control over the entry of chaos energy into our kingdom. Too much and our kingdom will cease to exist. We also need to make sure that no entities residing in the void gain entry into the kingdom. So, formations forming the Nexus will not be activated. Only auxillary formations will be activated. Do you understand?"

Cristina, " Yes, Your Majesty!!! The auxillary formations will only micro wormholes to attract the chaos energy while the nexus formations will open giant wormholes to the chaos dimension which are more than enough to grant entry to any being residing there. But, will the micro wormholes provide sufficient space to slip through?"

Alexander, " No, the micro wormholes cannot be sustained for long. The formations are designed to attract and contain only a set amount of chaos energy. After fulfilling their purpose they will collapse and the gathered chaos energy will be released to the conversion formations; which will convert the chaos energy into magic and qi."

Cristina, " This will surely fix the problem of low density of ambient magic in our kingdom, Your Highness. Despite thousands of trillions of magus releasing magical power passively in the atmosphere, the leylines of our kingdom are worse than dried husks due to the size of our kingdom. Only the magical flora and fauna continents of our kingdom conderned off by you, Your Majesty, 600 years ago are thriving due to the wards restricting the escape of ambient magic. On side note, several magizoologists and magical creature admirers led by Scammander, Longbottom and Hagrid families have been sending petitions to open the areas to the general public."

Alexander, " I have not checked up on them for 600 years. Let me take a look." Alexander dived into his mind and took a look on the two continents restricted by him 600 years ago. With the formation of the one giant planet, the area of two continents was increased to 25 percent of the kingdom's total surface area. Alexander got a bird eye view of his kingdom like those protagnists of Assassin games played by him in his previous life. He moved his gaze towards the two continents and watched the animal life thriving without humanity's interference. He saw multiple herds of unicorns numbering in thousands galloping across the lush plains. Flights of dragons moving in the sky. Carnivorus plants and trees eating the unsuspecting animals and much more. He thought, " The elves have done a magnificent job of looking after the wildlife of our kingdom."

Alexander then spoke up, " Cristina!! When the after effects of activation of formations are documented and there is no more danger of any sort of invasion, the continents will be opened to specialists. Only those who are respectful to the nature, will be allowed inside. No one would be allowed to harm the animals in any case."

Cristina, " What if the animals attack the visitors?"

Alexander snorted, " They are powerful Cultivators. A few scratches and broken bones should not impede them. Moreover, only qualified specialists will be allowed inside; if they cannot survive in such conditions, what kind of specialists they are. It took my elves 600 years to nurse the magical animals to respectable numbers. I will not let those animals be killed because of some people who don't know how to mind themselves in the wild. You should think about the impact on entertainment industry due to this."

Cristina, " We will pay attention to it, Your Majesty. The people of Tax Department will be the most happy. Your Highness, The Archivers have a suggestion."

Alexander immediately turned serious and spoke, " What they have in mind?"

Cristina, " They think that The Desolate Era world is too dangerous to go without proper preparations. There are plenty of ways I that world to destroy someone's soul. They think that proper security measures should be taken so that no harm may come to you, Your Highess."

Alexander, " Don't beat around the bush. Tell me what they think about this?"

Cristina, " They think that you should make a short trip too the world of swallowed star to acquire the Golden-Horned Dragon bloodline. Then, clone the Remote Ocean Body so that you never perish."

Alexander, " The idea has merit but there are some obstacles standing in my way. First, the human race of that world has been in constant war for thousands of years. I am a dragon not a human so getting caught will not be good for my health. Second, The Remote Ocean Body is not that easy to acquire. The main protagnist was able to do so because he had the permission of the leader of human race and even then, got nearly killed for his attempts. The Third and most important thing, that old monster who choose Luo Feng as his disciple and did experiments on his planet. That man is the most dangerous person. Desolate Era is much better choice. All I need is to get a good enough manual for all the three cultivation routes and enter seclusion. Also, I will not be going first."

Cristina, " Then, who will be going first?"

Alexander, " It's a secret. Now, go and prepare for the activation of formations and I will go and rest for the time being."

Alexander watched as Cristian left the throne room. After she left, he put up all the wards and spoke, " So, what do you think of her, Kage?"

A black cloaked figure appeared beside Alexander and spoke, " Her management skills are top notch. We have not started the proper spy training for the candidates so whether she will succeed or not, is up for debate. Only time will tell."

Alexander nodded and said, " Yes, only time will tell."


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