
Chapter 51: War with The East ( Part 2)

Alexander knew the instant the eastern magi entered Europe. As all of the world except Asia's mainland was his kingdom so no one could enter without him knowing. Alexander knew that two teams were send to investigate. Alexander also knew that the second team had a powerful magus leading them. Alexander thought, " Now, the question arises was whether the first team was a bait or a probing tool but in the end, it doesn't matter as both would be captured" Alexander ordered his men to first attack the advance team and when the team led by magus is completly focused on the advance team then ambush them from behind. Alexander send 80 crystal stage magi to attack the advance team and 50 magus to ambush the magus as the magus was more powerful than the magus Alexander had under his command except Alexander himself.

The magi did not start attacking immediately as Alexander wanted to check the level of training the advance team had in order to estimate the capabilities of the magus team. One of the former spies was send to meet the magi and a small play was conducted to surprise them. Alexander sensed that the advance team did not balk at being surrounded by so many wizards and were ready to lay down their lives. Alexander then ordered to test their fighting abilities while the magus sent by Alexander began encircling the eastern magus and his team.


The team of recruits dodged the powerful spell fired at them and with a pre-planned attack pattern started fighting back. They did not hold back and fired every spell in their arsenal while covering Dev who was doing a long chant. The team leader panted and said, " They are too many and they are all aiming to take Dev out. We have to give it our best to protect him We all will try to escape after Dev fires his battle spell, through the escape points. I tried to message the headquarters but was blocked. While escaping try to contact home, Good Luck!!!"

Shreya, " Rina , You are planning to stay behind, aren't you?"

Rina just nodded with determined look and kept on firing spells. The rest of the team had pained expressions and their eyes showed their fury. They also started flinging spells all around him. They could see some of the wizards and witches withdrawing after being severely injured but no one had died on the opposite side. Ajay said in a tone of realisation, "They are testing us. Why?"

Rina, " I think that they want to know the level of training our forces have, on the basis of the fight with us. These bastards are using us as a measuring tool. If they want to use us as measuring tool then let's give them a measure that they won't forget in their lifetime." With saying that, Rina started firing spells with renewed vigor, her spells took off limbs of some of the opponents then, the devious girl started flinging killing curses left and right. Her team also followed and started firing killing curses. Their surprise attack downed many wizards and witches on the opposite side. At last, Dev's chant was complete and he unleashed his spell.

Suddenly, the weather started to change and a massive tornado started descending on the battlefield. Both the sides were shocked at the results of the spell. Ajay turned to look at Dev and said, " I admit that your spell is capable of taking all of our opponents but it would take us out too."

Rina, " Let's run before it touches ground. We cannot appariate or portkey as this tornado is a result of magic so it is interfering with the ambient magic. Dev!!! We are going to have a long talk about using Tier 4 war spells in midst of your comrades. These spells were used as opening salvo in magical wars."

Dev, " The spell is not complete yet."

Shreya, " What's left in it?"

Dev smirked and said, " My personal touch." After that, Dev casted fiendfyre in the tornado. The end result was terrifying. The fiendfyre and tornado combined to form a burning tornado in which different mystical animals could be seen running around. It was oddly beautiful but no one doubted the destruction it would cause to the world. Dev then turned to look at his teammates and said, " Team Leader, you said that we will give them a measure that they won't forget in their entire lifetime. This is my answer to your words."

Ajay, " You Madman!!!! Now, we cannot escape."

Dev, " We would not be able to escape previously also. They greatly outnumbered us. They were just testing us. This would give them a reason to fear the east."

Rina, " What's done, is now done. I am grateful for having a teammates like you. I must say that this is very beautiful. Let's enjoy our last moments, watching this." All the team members turned to look at the descending tornado with awed eyes.


The advance team watched as the recruits fought with a vigor and spirit that impressed even them. A female member of the team stepped forward and asked Sindh Pal, " When are we going to rescue them, sir?"

Sindh Pal, " The enemy is testing the recruits in order to gauge the strength of our overall forces and we are doing the same. Look!!! The recruits have also realised this and have decided to show the true strength of our people which is never giving up even in face of unsurmountable odds. I am impressed that they managed to take out so many wizards and witches of the opposite side."

The woman continued, " Sir!!! I am having a bad feeling about the spell being prepared by that recruit in the back. We should move back a little."

Sindh Pal, " Don't worry. The spell summons a tornado on the battlefield and devastates an area of few hundred metres. It is not something that I cannot control. I will restrict the spell so that our recruits can ran away safely and our enemies suffer most damage."

As the advance team was watching the tornado, they saw how Dev released fiendfyre in the tornado and let go of his control over both the spells. Sindh Pal said in worried tone, " This is bad. This spell has become much more dangerous than before. I would try to control this but I am not sure. I want one of you to exist the magical influence of this unholy child of fire and wind and contact the headquarters. Ask for powerful backup. This spell has the potential to destroy the world. The longer it remains in existence, the more powerful it will become. " Sindh Pal tried to stop the spell but he was only able to delay it from touching the ground.

Alexander was quite surprised on sensing the burning tornado. Alexander tried to eject the tornado from his kingdom but surprisingly it didn't work. The tornado has grown too powerful to be able to eject it from his kingdom without the use of king's might. The tornado had grown this powerful because of the intervention of the eastern magus. He in his attempt to stop the spell, tried to stop the tornado which increased the pressure inside the tornado. The idle way was to wait till it descends and then limiting it's area of destruction.

Alexander orders the remaining magi to withdraw. The recruits had made Dumbledore lose his 35 opponents. As Alexander was not sure about the strength of these fellows, he had not send the magi of his army but the murderers who fought against Dumbledore in the ring. Their loss would not have been too great to bear for the kingdom as Alexander had millions of such criminals under him. Alexander along with 300 magus shifted near the location of the magus team. Alexander turned to look at his men and said, " You people take out the magus and his team while I take care of this burning tornado."

Alexander moved towards tbe tornado while his men moved towards the magus and his team. Alexander for the first time after becoming a magus, completely let lose his magic and a silver pillar of light started emitting from his body. Alexander looked otherwordly in that instance. The amount of magic was releasing was in millions of units. Alexander simply directed his magic towards the tornado and and willed it to end. The tornado simply vanished and only silver light of his magic was left behind. Alexander looked around and saw that all the magicals present in the forest were knocked out. Alexander peered into the past and saw that they were knocked out due to the amount of magical pressure released by him. The eastern magi even had some broken bones and torn muscles while the magus had simply fainted. Alexander ordered the elves to come and take all the people present away. Alexander thought, " Looks like I need more practice in controlling my magic. "


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