
Just A Friend, Okay?

Samaira stepped back, flinching at Ilyan's aggression. "Sorry but I can't. Sir has strictly mentioned to not let anyone know where he is!"

Ilyan clenched his fist. "I am not anyone, Dammit! I am his son." 

"I know. Still. I am sorry." With that, Samaira left his room leaving Ilyan annoyed frustrated and infuriated - all at a time. 

He kicked the bottom of his bed, inwardly cursing at at situation that was giving him an unpleasant feeling for some odd reasons.

Ilyan scrapped the plan of catching up with the work that he had missed onto in the past weeks and instead spent his next half an hour in baking her mother's favorite strawberry cake to cheer her up.

Though she had forgiven him, his guilt stayed intact. Wanting to compensate for all the things that he had done with which he had unintentionally ended up hurting her in one way or the other, he headed to her room with the cake covered by a stainless steel lid.

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