
Just like her back pain

Mrs.Dong entered the apartment only to see Xia Ri who was smiling at Her while stiring soup . Dong Heon was the one to open the door .

Xia Ri turned off the stove and took an unnoticeable deep breath. Xia Ri smiled ear to ear while walking over to Mrs.Dong and greeting her . Mrs.Dong looked at her daughter in law and was disappointed to see her still wearing a showy dress and still not having marks on her body .

Didn't they consummate their marriage yet ?

Her smile perfectly hiding her disappointment. She slightly patted Xia Ri's back . Xia Ri's eyes twitched but she didn't even react a little to the pain .

Xia Ri looked at Mrs.Dong,"Mom , What would you like to drink . I had already prepared some cinnamon tea . You wanna try that ?"

Mrs.Dong smiled ,"ofcourse I would." Xia Ri looked at Dong Heon ,"Heon , would you like some?"

Dong Heon shook his head slightly,"I'm good."

Mrs.Dong smiled at her son,"I wonder how you got such a beauty to marry you , I never knew she could cook."

Xia Ri smiled meekily and walked away , Dong Heon smiled wierdly ,"well I didn't know too."

Xia Ri supressed her laugh , got such a beauty to marry him , she was forced to do it anyways . Fuck it !

She concentrated on making the tea not caring about what they both were talking about .

,"Have you been too hard on her ?" Dong Heon looked at his mother surprisingly . What did she just say ? His mother looked at him ,"are you bullying my daughter in law , hugh ?"

Dong Heon scoffed ,"Why would I bully her , she is my wife." Mrs.Dong smiled ,"Son I am your mother , look at her , she is so serious and even looks a little paler than usual."

Dong Heon rolled his eyes ,"Mom , you notice Minor details." His mother nodded while she shrugged lightly ,"Just like her back pain."

Dong Heon was really dumbfounded.

His mother smirked ,"I ll send medicine , don't forget to apply it daily for a week." Dong Heon wanted to ask her something but he was cut off,"I know you don't wanna tell me whats wrong , but its fine . Hope you both can sort it out real quick."

Dong Heon nodded and looked at his mother apologetically. His mother smiled amd carrassed his cheek ,"I know son , its a part of a marriage, and its good keeping the arguments and fights within yourself not letting someone know . The more people know about it ,the more it worsens ."

Dong Heon nodded and his eyes landed on Xia Ri . She placed the tray in front of them and served the tea for herself and Mrs.Dong . Taking a seat beside her on the couch she asked ,"what you guys been talking about?"

Mrs.Dong replied,"Yes , I was asking him , if he is bullying you ?" Xia Ri chuckled,"he indeed bullys me ." Mrs.Dong shot a side look to her son,"what does he do ?" Xia Ri replied,"He is teasing me all the time and he even doesn't let me work in the kitchen always trying to hug me ."

Mrs.Dong wasn't expecting that . She laughed,"Aww , I never knew my son could act so cute ." Xia Ri winked and said,"All thanks to me hugh ?" Mrs.Dong chuckled and Dong Heon awkwardly scratched his neck .

After that Mrs.Dong and Xia Ri started making plans about going out for shopping someday . Dong Heon would occasionally reply when either Mrs.Dong or Xia Ri asked him something. He had noticed how Xia Ri was arching her back time to time and adjusted her sitting posture .

His eyes occasionally met hers and he could see her dimples when she laughed or smiled . He was trying his best to ignore her but couldn't and since his mom was around he didn't wanted to act like a rude person.

Time passed quickly . Xia Ri served the lunch amd the trio had an amazing meal cooked by Xia Ri . Dong Heon was indeed impressed by her cooking skills . She had made an amazing lunch with soup which was really delecious. Never did he expect her to cook so well .


Mrs.Dong smiled amd whispered something in Xia Ri's ear which made her blush . Seeing that Dong Heon rolled his eyes . Mrs.Dong looked at her son ,"You too work hard to give me a grandchild."

Dong Heon rolled his eyes,"Mom come on now ." He hugged his mother before bidding her good bye .

It was almost dinner time when Mrs.Dong left so Xia Ri went back to the kitchen thinking what to make for dinner , where as Dong Heon returned back to his usual self ignoring her and walking in his study .

Xia Ri prepared dinner for him only , sice she didn't feel like eating . She sent him a text to come downstairs and have dinner . She herself walked up to the room , taking a bath and changing in her pyjamas . She was wearing a loose shirt with matching loose pyjama pants .

she picked up a blanket and herself walked downstairs and seeing that Dong Heon hasn't come downstairs. She decided to go to sleep . But how will she sleep on the couch . She will have to sleep on her stomach for tonight since her back hurts . She heard bell rung .

Lazily walking to the door , she opened it just to see the bodyguard with a brown paper bag in his hand . He passed it to her and said respectfully ,"young madam , Madam had sent this For you."


Dong Heon headed downstairs lazily since he was feeling hungry . It was almost 12 pm . He sighed , he should have come downstairs and had dinner on time .

His eyes landed on Xia Ri who was sleeping with her head resting on the couch . More like she was sitting and fell asleep . Her back might be hurting, that's why she is sleeping like this . He pursed his lips . Silly !

His eyes then landed on the medicine lying beside her on the side table . He sighed ,"Did she apply it yet or not ?" Mumbling this , he headed towards her . She was sleeping with a frown on her face , she didn't seem to be sound asleep yet . He called her name ,"Xia Ri." Xia Ri opened her eyes and looked at him lazily . He pursed his lips ,"get up !"

Xia Ri clicked her tongue and pouted . She stood up ,"you need something ?'

He picked up the medicine and grabbed her wrist dragging her with him to the room . She was wide awake now , being dragged like this .

He odered ,"remove your shirt ." Xia Ri widened her eyes ,"what did you say?"

"Remove your shirt now , I don't have much time , I need to apply this medicine and get back to work ."

Xia Ri made an 'o' face but she denied ,"Nah , its fine ,you don't have to do it..." "I haven't asked you ."

Xia Ri pursed her lips hesitantly before turning around and taking a seat on the bed . She unbuttoned her shirt and removed it hesitantly , sice she wasn't wearing anything underneath , out of habbit . Her pale skin was exposed . And her back was slightly swelled and red . Dong Heon gulped . 'MEN WILL BE MEN'

He took a seat behind her and he observed her back , it was indeed a little too much . He pursed his lips ,"why does women have to be delicate ?" He thought .

He opened the tube and slowly started applying the cream on her back carefully . Xia Ri stiffened time to time , when his finger touched the swelled part . Dong Heon could feel her pain and cursed everytime she hissed slightly.


Domg Heon looked at the girl sleeping on her stomach. She confused him , a lot . Who she really was ? He was confused . Really confused .

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