
The maids arrive (skiable chapter) {old}

Drake: akeno come with us, I have something for you

Akeno: ara~ara~ it seems like Drake Sama wants to cheat on rias Sama

Rias shot a glare at Drake

Drake: first of I am not calling you to fling, there is something important I need you to see

Akeno : *sadistic * sure Drake Sama, I can satisfy all your needs

Drake: you clearly got that from your mom

Akeno became a little sad

Rias : *whispers * Drake, don't talk about her mother, she had a very bad incident

Drake: oh she is in for a very big treat when she reaches home

{drake's house}

Xenovia: you seem to have a large amount of money

Drake: my parents were very wealthy and since my mangas are getting animes this year it will increase (cliche shit)

Rias: wait you have manga

Drake: it goes by the name of my hero academia, ever heard about it

Rias's jaw drops

Rias: stop joking

Drake pulls out an editor's copy of the next volume

Drake: here it's the editors copy for the next volume

Rias glanced through it to find that it was true

Rias: why didn't you say so

Drake: you never asked me

As all five of them arrived in the drawing-room they saw six girls sitting together

Drake: Where's Tia

Merlin: welcome back master, she is currently in her room reading your works

Drake: that lazy dragon, oh by the way how are you to doing ingvid, Valerie

Ingivd: fine, Drake

Valerie: I was scared before but Merlin and ingvid treated me very nicely and the voices seemed to have stop disturbing me

Drake: that's good to hear

Rias: Drake who are these people

Drake: ah, meet my two other maids

Points to Merlin

Drake: that's Merlin

Merlin: nice to meet you

Drake: she can be considered as the strongest witch she is also someone who helps me with experiments

Rias: oh, but I've never heard about her before

Drake: well I never bothered to register her and wanted to keep her a secret for a little while, moving to the other

Points at saber

Drake: that's sabre and she is kind of my knight

Rias: nice to meet you

Saber just nods

Drake: don't think too much about it she is a little shy and these two are people that I rescued and now a part of my team

Ingvid: hi, my name is Ingrid, nice to meet you

Valerie: my name is Valerie tepes nice to meet you

Rias: hold on, do you know gasper

Valerie: yes, is he fine

Rias: oh he is fine, he will be very happy to see you

Akeno: ah, Drake Sama what did you want to show me

Drake: oh yes, Shuri come here

As akeno turned she saw a woman with black hair and golden eyes, tears started to form her eyes

Akeno: m-mother

Shuri ran towards her daughter and hugged her

Drake: I found her in the purgatory a few months back and since I dug through some archives I knew her identity and thought of reviving her

Akeno: thank you

Drake: you guys do and catch up while my maids will prepare lunch

Suddenly a magic circle appears in the room

Grayfia and ravel step out of the circle

Drake: welcome to the mansion

Ravel looked at Drake

Ravel: I want to apologise for thinking so lowly of you

Drake: don't worry about it

Drake then looked at grayfia

Drake: I want you to register as a teacher at the school to keep an eye on what's going on, but you are not allowed to participate in the current affairs

Grayfia nodded

{ next day}

Old school building

Kiba was standing alone

Drake: you know that revenge will bring you nothing, Isaiah

Kiba looks at Drake

Kiba: how do you know that Name

Drake: there is nothing secret for me Kiba, apart from that I have news for you

Kiba: what is it

Drake: there is another survivor by the name of Tosca

Kiba then looked at Drake with hope in his eyes

Drake: she is currently with the church, apparently she had a sacred Gear that was able to save her from the explosion the church found her and rescued her

Kiba: is that true

Drake: do you think I will give you false hope

I always help my allies and will even cut them down when they go overboard but I will never give someone false hope

Asia was in

Asia: good evening Drake San, Kiba san

Drake: good evening Asia,

Asia: Drake San, I felt really bad when you said that God is dead

Drake: I only stated the facts, God died along with the four original Satans during the Great War, the heaven is currently being looked over by archangel Michel, you can ask raynare since God of the Bible was her creator she has a connection to him, apart from that I can get confirmation from Azazel and zeches

Asia was about to get mad at Drake because of saying something like that

Drake: but since you pray Asia the heaven can bestow upon miracles and blessings, even though God might be dead, the system is still working but with some bugs, think about it your sacred Gear can heal every creature including devils, akeno senpai is a hybrid between a fallen angel and a devil, do you think it would be possible if God was alive

Asia then started to get a little depressed

Drake: don't be sad Asia it's just that the church might look good and they want the believers to not fell in despair hence they don't say that God is dead, because of your prayers the heaven and church still functions as they are

Asia looked at Drake with some hope


Author here

So I was really really bored while writing this chapter

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