
To Hogwarts

After getting back to the headquarters, Hermione accosted Harry, demanding to know what Amelia wanted with him.

"Nothing really, she just wanted to know the proper details on the night Voldemort came back" replied Harry, "She seems a lot more open minded about the situation than Fudge was.

Hermione sighed with relief then the two went towards the others who were busy cleaning the rooms while chatting, as they hadn't gotten much time to just talk over the last several days.

"How are things with Ron, Harry?" asked Hermione, rather timidly.

"Not good I suppose" replied Harry, with a frown. "I really don't feel like forgiving him this time Hermione, he keeps pulling the same crap"

"I - " Hermione started to say but then stopped. "I understand, I won't force you"

They eventually reached the room the others were busy cleaning and went off to help them. Surprisingly, Kreacher was part of the group as well, running around, helping everyone out the best he could.

Eventually, dinner time came around and after the meal, Harry went up to the empty room and took a seat on the floor.

He put a hand in his pocket and pulled a metal object out.

"What should I do with this ring?" wondered Harry aloud. "This must be the resurrection stone that Professor Dumbledore spoke about"

Harry rolled the ring around on his hand, looking at it intently. Finally, he focused his attention on the symbol carved into the ring, the symbol of the Deathly Hallows.

'I already have two of the three Hallows, don't I' thought Harry, 'Is that a good thing or a bad thing?'

'If I wore it, I might be able to see my parents. I might be able to talk them properly, maybe even get to know them' thought Harry, 'Do I really - want that?'

Harry clenched the ring in his hand, he really wanted to wear it but something in him held him back. 'What if - what if the story is true and my parents turn out to be dull and lifeless, would I even be able to handle that? What if it's not just a magical construct and it's the real souls of my parents, can I do something like binding them?'

Harry felt his frustration grow. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether he would regret wearing the ring or regret never trying it on.

He spent hours trying to figure it out, his inner turmoil building up without any sign of release.

"Urgh!" he yelled out, his frustration having built up to a breaking point. "Never mind! I'll just keep it for now and think about this annoying bloody problem later!"

He had half a mind to punch the wall just to see if he could reduce his irritation but he was somehow able to stop himself. 'Destroying a portion of the house is probably not the most constructive solution'

Harry eventually made his way to his bedroom and after getting into bed, slipped into a fitful sleep.

A few days went by and Harry eventually started feeling better. He put the issue of the ring to the back of his mind and moved on with his life. Finally, the day the letters arrived, Harry was in his room, reading a book when Fred walked in.

"You got your letter mate" he said, throwing a letter towards Harry.

Harry suddenly remembered, 'Isn't this the time Ron becomes a prefect but I don't' thought Harry, 'I really don't want to be here for that'

"Oh great, thanks" said Harry and quickly opened his letter up. 'Just as I thought, no prefect badge'

"Well, I'd better go talk to Mrs Weasley" said Harry and made his way out of the room as quickly as he could, not waiting for the drama that would soon ensue.

He found Mrs Weasley in the drawing room, talking to a woman Harry had met only once.

"Oh Harry dear, did you get your letter then?" asked Mrs Weasley. "Give it here then, I can go get everything in it for you later"

Harry nodded and handed the letter over to Mrs Weasley and turned to the other woman. "Miss Vance, it's nice to meet you again" said Harry with a pleasant smile.

Harry had a nice impression of her and he remembers her being rather powerful, 'Though it's a real shame she was killed' thought Harry.

"You seem to be doing well Mr Potter" she replied with a smile of her own. Though the elegance she displayed could be seen through her countenance.

They had chatted for several minutes and Harry got to know her a little better until eventually Emmeline had to return, so she bid them farewell and left.

"I had better go get the letters from everyone else, I really don't get why the letters are so late this year" said Mrs Weasley, shaking her head as she got up and walked upstairs.

'I should probably congratulate Hermione later' thought Harry. 'Life is better this time around but it feels so much more complicated'

He sighed heavily and waited around for a while, eventually the uproar became rather loud upstairs and he could hear excited voices all over the place.

Eventually, everything died down and time passed, in the evening they had a party to celebrate Hermione and Ron's achievement.

"Congratulations Hermione" said Harry, with a sincere smile.

"Harry - I" Hermione looked down with a guilty expression. She looked around quickly, noticing no one else around then whispered, "I really thought it would be you and not Ron"

"Haha!" laughed Harry. 'If it was the past me, I would have been jealous but I'm rather glad this time around' thought Harry but out loud he said, "Dumbledore must have thought of something when he decided on what to do so don't worry too much about it. To be honest, I'm kind of relieved"

"Relieved?" asked Hermione with a disbelieving tone.

"I know it's a great honour and all but honestly, with everything that's going on and all the responsibilities already on my shoulders, prefect is the last thing I need" he replied, "Not to mention, which prefect would break as many rules as I do? I doubt I'd be stopping anytime soon"

"You know we were there with you every time right? Breaking those exact same rules?" asked Hermione raising one of her eyebrows.

"Oh, you're right" said Harry, then continued with a playful smile, "maybe you should return that badge"

"Hey!" she yelled punching Harry in the arm, causing him to burst out laughing.

Hermione soon joined him, laughing even harder than him. Eventually, she stopped, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, she smiled at Harry. "I really am glad we made up Harry, sorry again about before"

"Don't worry about it and I'm glad we made up too" he replied.

The party went on for a while until Mrs Weasley couldn't handle the twin's shenanigans anymore and finally snapped at them, sending everyone to bed.

When Harry was passing Ron, he looked at him, sighed and said, "Congratulations Ron"

Ron looked back in surprise and mumbled, "Thanks"

Time passed and finally, with everyone completely packed, they made their way to King's Cross Station. Harry stepped in to platform 9 and three quarters and took in the bustling sight. 'This looks so much more cheerful than the last time I was here' he thought, 'Granted that was right after Dumbledore's funeral but still'

Harry along with Hermione, Ginny and Ron found an empty compartment and stuffed their trunks in, and took a seat. Ron, for some reason, still seemed to be avoiding Harry so he took a seat in the opposite corner from him.

Ginny took a seat next to Ron while Hermione sat next to Harry. The train whistle blew and the train set off, making its way to Hogwarts. 'It's been so many years since I found out that I'm a wizard but the moment when the train starts moving is still such an amazingly exciting feeling' thought Harry with a smile.

Time passed and several people visited their compartment, several of their fellow Gryffindors, like Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan.

Harry saw a head of silver hair walking past their compartment and excused himself and ran out, following that silver-haired girl. Catching up to her, Harry said, "Hey Luna!"

Luna turned around, a mildly surprised look on her face, "Hello Harry Potter, what a pleasant surprise"

'Oh right, we weren't friends until the end of the fifth year' thought Harry but didn't bother too much about it.

"How's it going with you? Had a good summer?" he asked, with a smile.

"It was splendid! We spent most of our time looking for Gytrash to domesticate" she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Gytrash?" asked Harry, curiously.

"A man-eating dog" she replied nonchalantly.

"You wanted to - domesticate a man-eating dog?" asked Harry incredulously.

"We thought they might make really nice pets" she replied, a strange smile on her face.

"So do they?" asked Harry.

"Not really, no" she replied, a little sadly, "They kept trying to eat us"

"Hahaha" Harry couldn't help but laugh, "Well, you really don't change"

Luna tilted her head with a look that would be perfect with a question mark floating over her head.

"Well, your misadventures aside, would you like to join us in our cabin? It might be fun" he said.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Of course, come on now, the others would be happy too I'm sure" said Harry and rather forcefully, dragged Luna back to their cabin.

"I found a Luna" announced Harry dragging the girl into their cabin, having her take a seat next to Hermione.

Ron looked surprised to have Luna in the room with them but Hermione and Ginny were very welcoming. They spent the rest of the journey chatting, Luna regaling them with more of her misadventures.

'I like this sort of a peaceful atmosphere' thought Harry, 'Wait for me Voldemort, it won't be long before I can hunt you down and end all of this'

Summer break is over and Hogwarts will finally start!

Not long before I can introduce the FL that people, I'm sure, have been waiting for (probably more than Voldemort being killed)

Thank god the weekend starts tomorrow cause I really need to think about how the plot will go cause way too much has changed from the canon so there might not even be any semblance of it left over.

Hope you guys like this chapter~!

Beynncreators' thoughts
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