
[Bonus chapter] Chapter 442: Alex's Death?

Alex coughed blood; it hurts a lot; never he would have expected such a day to come where he would injure an enemy using his body. It was only by experiencing his own bullet he knew how dangerous it was. If it weren't for Silveria killing some of the phantom bullet effects, he would have been injured more than that.

〖This girl became stronger, be aware that she hadn't used even half of-〗

A big explosion cut off Silveria's words. 


The river violently shook as if a terrible monster was about to jump out of it; however, what came out was a slender looking woman; however, surrounding this woman was a dangerous aura that turned everything around her quiet, even the falling water after Priscilla jumped out from the water seemed to fall back, almost afraid of enraging the queen slowly.

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