
chapter 17 part 2

The next place they are going is the Kalos, Ash, Mark and Lillie arrive at Lumiose City. They quickly head to the Lab, only to find it being surrounded by Team Rocket leading by Clemont.

"Clemont also joins them?" Ash says in anger. Then they see in the lab there are Professor Sycamore, Alain, Aria, Palermo, Serena, Grace, Bonnie and Meyer.

"Why don't you surrender?" Clement says. "Joining Team Rocket, that way all of you can be safe."

Bonnie yells, "We won't ever join them, I am very ashamed to have a Brother like you."

Serena says, "Now what should we do?"

Just then, Mark, Ash, Pikachu and Lillie decide to take action. They shoot out Thunderbolts to the the Rocket grunts.

"Who is there?" Clemont says, only to be hit by an Electro Ball from Pikachu and then falls down.

As the 4 people head inside, Ash asks, "Is everyone okay?"

"Ash!" They exclaim. Bonnie immediately hugs him and Dedenne greets Pikachu. "I really miss you!"

"Hey Bonnie, long time no see." Ash says as she gets up. After getting up, Serena says, "Ash, it has been a while."

"It really is." Ash says.

"You are here just in time." Palermo says.

"I am sorry to be late, Grandma." Ash says.

Serena says, "Wait, you two are related?"

Alain says, "Not just them, we both are."

Mark says, "Alain, Aria, we also saved your family from Team Rocket. Right now we need to leave this place immediately."

They nod as they teleport away. At the island, a lot of adults see Palermo and quickly go to greet her.

"Mother, I am glad you are safe as well." Aurora says.

"You can thank Ash for that." Palermo says. "But the Kalos Region is under Team Rocket's control..."

Meanwhile, Ash also introduces his siblings to Serena and Bonnie. Bonnie asks, "When did you have a lot of siblings?"

Ash says, "They are forced to leave due to Team Rocket, we just get reunited. And this is Lillie, she is my girlfriend."

"It is nice to meet you." Lillie bows. Bonnie greets her, but Serena heart sinks as the crush she has hs a girlfriend that isn't her. Mark notices this and asks, "Serena, is something wrong?"

Serena says, "Oh, nothing."

Mark says, "Serena, can we talk privately?"

Then the two leave, Dawn asks, "I wonder what he is going to do?"

Ash shrugs and says, "I don't know."

At outside, Mark asks Serena, "You like my brother, right?"

"Eh..." Serena asks with a little blush, but then she says, "I did, but now I think I didn't have a chance since he has been taken..."

Mark says, "I see." He then takes a breath, then he asks, "You had a crush on Ash, is it because of how he helped you back at childhood?"

Serena nods and asks, "How do you know?"

Mark says, "Well, since we look the same, and I was also there at the Summer Camp."

Serena nods and then says, "I see."

Mark says, "You know, when I see you, I feel like I have found a diamond."

"Really?" Serena looks at him surprised.

"Yeah, Although we just met, but I actually fall for you." Mark says straightly. Causing Serena to get shocked.

Serena looks at him closely, although he isn't Ash. But he is his twin brother. Not only that, Ash has been taken, but he isn't and he really cares for her, too. Her feelings for Ash is still there, but she doesn't know why, the feelings for Mark is stronger than Ash's.

"I know you didn't feel the same, I guess let's just forget–" Mark says.

"It is fine." Serena says, "I don't know why, my instincts tell me that my feelings for you is stronger than Ash. I think I am okay to hang out with you."

Mark smiles at her and holds her hand, "Thank you. Let's get back to the house."

As they head inside, they see Aria and Alain hugging Cynthia.

"I am glad you two are safe, Alain, Aria." Cynthia says.

"Thank you, Mother." Aria says. "I thought that Team Rocket has captured you."

Serena says, "Aria, you are related to the Sinnoh Champion?"

Aria says, "Well, yes. And we are also Ketchums."

Mark says, "Their father is my mother's sibling. And Grandma Palermo is our grandma."

"No way..." Serena says in shock.

Ash comes with Lillie, Ash asks, "So what have you been up to?"

"Oh, brother. Nothing." Mark says.

Bonnie says, "So Ash, Do you have all your Pokemon back?"

"Of course." Ash says. "We are creating new regions, we want to gather some help as possible."

Serena asks, "New regions? How is that possible?"

Ash asks, "Bonnie, Serena, remember the accident we had in Dahara City?"

Bonnie says, "Of course, that memory is so vivid."

Dawn asks, "What happened?"

Ash says, "We meet a Mythical Pokemon called Hoopa, he can uses rings to transport. He has an evil form, which is sealed in the Prison Bottle. This Meowth here opens it and frees him, then the evil spirit controls Kyogre, Groudon, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Kyurem to attack us."

"6 Legendary Pokemon at the same time?" Diantha asks.

"But thanks to the help of Mega Latias, Mega Latios and Mega Rayquaza, we buy some time to make another Prison Bottle and purify the evil soul." Bonnie says.

Dawn asks, "But if Dialga and Palkia battles, wouldn't the same thing in Alamos Town happen?"

Serena asks, "You mean the space collapses and everything starts to disappear? Well, Arceus comes and stop this from happening, and with the help of Hoopa's rings, the tourists are saved."

Trenor says, "That Arceus is our father."

Bonnie asks, "Seriously? Arceus is your father?"

Ash says, "Yes, so that is how we can create new regions. Serena, Bonnie, do you want to come with us?"

Serena says, "Sure. We like to."

Bonnie says, "Me too, I want to help create new cute Pokemon."

"So are we going to find the next members of the family?"

"Sure." Lillie says.

"I can't wait to know the other family members of you, Ash." Bonnie says excitedly.

The next place they are heading is the North section of Lumiose City, there they can see a lot of League officials down with blood covering them and Diantha, Seibold with 4 children fighting one member.

"He is really crazy at killing." Seibold says.

The Team Rocket says, "If it wasn't that Professor Oak wants you alive, I could have killed you like those weaklings." The member, known as Hydrogen says.

"As if we will surrender." Diantha says as she tells Gardevoir to use Psychic on Weezing, only to be dodged.

"Now use another Explosion!" Hydrogen yells, Weezing does it and it creates a big smoke, as it clears, the 6 members are gone.

"Hey, where did they go?" Hydrogen says as he looks around. "Oh well, I probably had killed them." He shrugs.

Meanwhile, at the island, Ash and Mark brought Diantha and her family there.

"Thanks a lot, Ash." Diantha says. "I really appreciate that."

"No problem." Ash says. "But seriously, what is that guys problem? He looks like he is born to be a killer."

Mark says, "I guess he is the brutal member, Hydrogen I think."

Serena asks Mark, "So Diantha is also related to you?"

"Yes." Mark says, "She is the second close to mother."

Then Dinathia also introduces the famoly members, Konomi, a Figheart in disguise and a great teacher. David, a Evilhard in disguise and an inventor, Elline, an actress and a Zapceus in disguise, and finally, Oscar. A Sonceus in disguise and a music writter.

Aurora says, "So are you fine, Diantha?"

"I am fine, Sister, but that guy has killed a lot of officials." Diantha says.

"I guess it can't be helped." Ash sighs as they leave them talking.

The next place they go to is the Snowbelle City, there Miette is leading the rockets to fight Wulfric and Valerie along with their 4 children.

"This is getting really annoying." Miette says as she commands Slurpuff to use Draining Kiss on Abomasnow, but a Dazzling Gleam stops her and then Moonblasts send all the Rockets flying.

"Are we saved?" A girl asks. Then Ash and his group arrives.

"Ash! Mark! Serena! Bonnie!" Valerie says.

"Good to see you again, Aunt Valerie." Ash says as he greets them. Bonnie says, "Ash? Valerie is related to you?"

"Yes, and she is closest family member to Mom." Mark says.

"No way..." Serena says.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped since we Ketchums doesn't want to be chased by the press." Valerie says.

"Indeed." Wulfric says.

They introduce the family members, Eve, who gets the Professor license a year ago and a Dreaceus in disguise, Alice, a Iciceus in disguise and a performer. Flora, a Meadceus in disguise and afashion designer like her mother, and finally Pina, a Wisheart in disguise and a top coordinator.

"So your children are Pokemon, too?" Bonnie asks.

"You can thank my sister and Adam for that." Valerie says.

"Well, as much as I want to leave now, but I have something that I need to do at the Pokemon Village." Ash says as they head there.

When they are at the inside, Ash says, "I guess that they are there." Ash says as they start to run, they see 2 Zygarde and a Greninja breaking the red tree.

"Is that?" Serena says.

"It is!" Bonnie says as she wants to go there.

"Wait, Bonnie, it is still dangerous. Let me go." Ash says as he goes there.

As Greninja is dodging the vines, Squishy says, "These vine are so hard to break…"

"We still can't give up. We have come this far." Z2 says.

Greninja nods, but then a vine is about to hit Greninja, until an Aerial Ace from Ash breaks it.

"Ash!" Squishy, Z2 and Greninja exclaims.

"Guess I come just in time, huh?" Ash asks, "Greninja, let's go."

Greninja nods and they starts to raise hands. Then Greninja transforms into another form.

"What is that Greninja?" Eve asks.

"That is Ash-Greninja, so far Ash and Greninja are the only ones who can do this." Bonnie says.

"Indeed, I have battled him with my Mega Abomasnow, I can say I gladly lost to him." Wulfric says.

"Dad? You lost to that Pokemon?" Alice asks.

Oscar says, "I can see he is a strong Pokemon."

As Greninja and Ash are in sync, Ash says, "More power! Use Mega Shuriken!"

Greninja then defeats the trees as the red energy starts to fade away.

Squishy looks over to it and says, "Now the mess is finally over."

Greninja returns back to his normal form and walks to Ash.

"Greninja." Ash immediately holds his one hands and says, "Do you want to go back to our team?"

Greninja gives a nod. Then the others also come to them.

"Squishy!" Bonnie says as she hugs the Pokemon. "I miss you!"

Squishy nods as he returns the hug. Greninja is quite confused that a lot of people are here, so Ash gives them a condensed version of the story, Greninja is willing to kill them all after the hearing, Ash and Z2 calms him down. Z2 says, "So My lord, since our work is done, I wish to become your Pokemon."

"Sure, welcome to the team." Ash says as he captures him. Squishy also chooses Bonnie as his partner, Bonnie is very happy about it.

After taking the family back to the island, they head inside the wetlands and Goodra gives Ash and Dedenne a hug. Ash then tells all the Pokemon in the wet lands about everything, true to say, they are very pissed off, including Florges, who has been tricked once by Team Rocket. Goodra then accepts to go back with Ash, the Wooper that is the best friends with Goodra and Florges' daughter, Floette also joins Ash's team. Ash thanks them and bids farewell to Keanan and the other Pokemon.

The next place is the Anistar City, they see Olympia with two children fighting against Drew and his team.

"Now!" Olympia says as the Future Sight hits all the Pokemon.

"Our Pokemon..." A Grunt says.

Drew says, "Don't back, it is only a Future Sight!"

Just then, Sleep Powders come as all the grunts fall sleep.

"I have been waiting for you to come." Olympia turns to Ash and his friends.

"I am sorry that I am late, Aunt Olympia." Ash bows.

"Fear not. We must leave the place now." Olympia says as they teleport away.

As Olympia greets Lucian, Serena says, "I never knew that even Olympia is your aunt."

"Well, you know it now." Mark says.

Then Anabel also introduces her siblings, Daniel, a Mindceus in disguise and a space researcher. And Yuni, a Spookeus and a Magician.

"Now we have one more family we need to get." Ash says as they teleport away.

The last place is the Shaulor City, where Korrina and Gurkinn are fighting Stephan and his group.

"You sure are persistent." Korrina says as Lucario defeats another grunts.

"You can be a great help for the Mega Evolution, so we will be capturing you." Stephan says.

"Well if it isn't the Steven?" Ash says.

"It is Stephan!" Stephan yells back as he now sees Ash. "So you are finally here, huh?" 1

"Too bad." Mark says as Ash and Mark both uses Close Combat to defeat the Rockets, then Ash gives Stephan a Focus Punch as he passed out.

"Korrina, Grandpa, are you okay?" Ash asks.

"I am fine. good to see you again, Ash." Korrina says.

"Indeed. So I guess you have saved others?" Gurkinn asks.

"Including Grandma." Ash says.

"So you are related to Ash, too?" Serena asks.

"We are cousins, I was from the Rota until Grandpa take me mere for Mega Evolution Training and the Gym Leader." Korrina says.

"We can talk later, let's go." Mark says as they teleport away.

At the Island, everyone greets Gurkinn back since he is the father and grandfather of a lot of members. Korrina also greets back Queen Ilene as Serena, Bonnie, Dawn and Cilan are shocked to know that she is a princess.

"So is all the members here?" Adam asks.

"The Aether family is done, but there are two more missing and they are in Alola." Insey says.

"I know, we will go there, we will also save Professor Kukui." Ash says as he, Insey and Lillie leave.

At the Melemele Island, Professor Kukui, Samson Oak, Kahili, East, which is a Skyceus in disguise, Lana, Sophocles, Mallow and Kiawe are fighting the rest 5 team rocket members, Gary, Misty, Chris, Harley and Morrison. They are pushed around the corner as Gary says, "Time to finish it off."

"I agree." Morrison says.

Before they can attack, Ash and Insey arrive in Arceus' form and they use Earthquake, Round, Surf, Dark Pulse and Flash Cannon to defeat all the Pokemon.

"2 Arceus?" Chris asks in shock.

"That must be Ashy Boy and who knows what the other one is." Gary says as they try to attack them, but in futile as Ash uses Hyper Beam to knock them off.

"Wow...so Arceus come to save us?" Mallow asks.

Then Ash and Insey change back as well as Lillie appear with them.

"Hey guys." Ash says.

"Ash! Lillie!" The four trial captains greet them. "You are back!" Sophocles says.

"I know." Lillie says. "Good to see you again, Professor Kukui, Principal Oak."

"I am glad that you are safe." Kukui says.

"It is Goodra, too." Samson Oak says as everyone sweat drops.

Kahili says, "Ash, Insey. You have finally arrived.

"Sorry Aunt Kahili." Ash and Insey says.

"Wait, Kahili is your aunt?" Lana asks.

"No way." Mallow says.

"It is true." Ash says. "We are related."

"By the way, Ash. Who is she?" Kiawe asks.

"This is my sister, Insey." Ash says.

"You have siblings?" Lana asks.

"I remember you have 3 more. So they are at your place?" Kahili asks.

"Yes. We have to leave, I'll explain everything once we get to the place." Ash says as they teleport away.

Meanwhile, Professor Oak slams the table, he says, "Not only they save the Professors and Champions, they even saved all of their family members and my traitorous Cousin..."

Goodshow says, "It is unfortunate for us. But we still have some people that are with us."

"I know. But what should we do now? We need to stop them before it is too late." Oak says.

"Right now they won't be attacking, we just need to train all our members so they can on par with them." Goodshow suggests.

"I hope." Oak says as he looks outside

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