
Whispers Of The Past

A dark robed figure walked down a hall that had podiums each one with a red pyramid with some sort of strange symbols coating them. He approached one in particular picking it up and then it began to open. The pyramid began to shift in shape and then was encompassed by a bright crimson light , the figure heard a voice a feminine voice.

"Revan is power."

"Ah Darth Traya a sith that aided in reducing the jedi to what they were your role in their degradation was integral in the siths rise to power."

"I will have Vader reflect upon your teachings, your apprentice may have been a disgrace to the sith."

But then the holocron glowed brightly in reaction to his words invoking a look of suprise as the image of a cloaked woman before him something that never happened before.

"As I said Revan is power itself, you dare to mock my apprentice whilst you use my holocron, Sidious.

The robed old man began to focus trying to detect something.

"You will find nothing you old fool, the fragment you seek is irremovable and don't even think about trying to destroy my holocron I will not disappear with its destruction."

"What do you want Darth Traya?"

Palpatine already had an idea how she was before him she was using a technique that mimicked that of the Jedi spirits hes heard of.

"I am here to watch as our apprentices meet each other for the first time. Afterall it would be rather disrespectful if you continued to mock Revan on the day of his return."

Darth Sidious's eyes widen I'm suprise understanding the implications of what Traya spoke of a being that affected the galaxy as a whole just by changing sides. One who was described by many to be pure power, or the heart of the force itself. A being who many feared sith and jedi alike, a person capable of destroying each and every one of his plans if they were not mere tales exaggerated.

Palpatine thought how could Revan survive what he went through but them realized, he may have never died but was merely frozen in carbonite or has been in a stasis pod all along.

"His time has long past I will continue to be the emperor of the galaxy, and he will not change it. Darth Vader will neutralize him for the Empire. And if he somehow fails I will deal with him myself."

"Your arrogance will be your downfall."

"We shall see."


[POV Sith Temple]

As the sith inquisitors clashed with the rebels and Sith, the constant use of the force causing machinery sensitive to the force causing a pod in a dark room to come to life a nearby droid began to turn on a brown colored droid from a long forgotten era.

The whole temple begins to light up in crimson as the sith holocron flies away at amazing speeds. Causing the light to glow even brighter.

"What is this I thought this was but a mere weapon."

"Of course it was a weapon."

Kanan said exasperatedly.

"Kanan it doesn't matter right now we are going to have to deal with it!"

Spoke out loudly as the temple began to shift.

But then voice began to be heard to everyone within the temple.

As the pid began to open further, as a mist began to be created.

Revan was power... it was like staring into the heart of the force...

As soon as Maul and Ahsoka heard the name revan their eyes widened his recognition of the invoked stares from the others.

Even then you would see the jedi he would slay etched into his soul....

"Maul, ahsoka who is this Revan?"

Kanan questioned them wanting to know the answer.

"He is the greatest Sith to ever live, he created the concept of the rule of two. He caused the jedi civil war and caused the jedi to become what they were during the age of the republic no more than one hundred survived."

At the same time as Maul ahsoka spoke out.

"Revan was the greatest Jedi to ever exist, he single handedly led a group of jedi during the mandalorian wars and turned the tide in the republics favour even winning it as you probably know the jedi were the ones who won the war but it was specifically Revan."

But then both looked at each other in confusion and so did kanan and Ezra as the inquisitors made their retreat as they were scared away by the dark aura.

"Wait why are you telling to different stories?"

Saviour.. Conquerer.. hero... villain....

You are all these things... Revan...

In the end you belong neither to the light nor the darkness.... You will forever stand alone.

The pod was nearly open force storms began to appear all over the planet, and yet it seemed like the force itself was rejoicing all the force users were confused both light and dark.

"Maul, ahsoka who is this Revan?"

"He is the greatest Sith to ever live, he created the concept of the rule of two. He caused the jedi civil war and caused the jedi to become what they were during the age of the republic no more than one hundred survived."

At the same time as Maul ahsoka spoke out.

"Revan was the greatest Jedi to ever exist, he single handedly led a group of jedi during the mandalorian wars and turned the tide in the republics favour even winning it as you probably know the jedi were the ones who won the war but it was specifically Revan."

But then both looked at each other in confusion and so did kanan and Ezra as the inquisitors made their retreat as they were scared away by the dark aura.

"Wait why are you telling to different stories?"

Images began to appear in their very minds, echos of a time long .. forgotten.

A fleet of ships fighting another fleet yet one employing hit and run dog fighting tactics with their smaller ships bombarding the enemies.

At the start they weren't much of a threat to speak of, but once jedi Revan had taken charge, things began to turn against us.The republic fleets began to use more than just basic tactics, feints, counterattacks, mass deceptions....

Revan was a genius on the field.. Revan abandoned whole worlds of their defenders so others would be to fortified to strike, and was willing to make sacrifices in order to advance goals....

And in the end.. Revan proved too much for us.

Then and image of thousands of people began to kneel before a screen with a masked figure wearing a mandalorian mask.

Al saying in unison...

All Hail Lord Revan all at once

And then then the stasis pod was fully opened and Revan was awake, as the force celebrated in full force causing wind storms and force storms all across the surface as he stood up and the robot next to him was nearly completely on.

He fell to his knees as he tried to recover from his disorientation.


I do hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll seeya in the next one deadly orange is out here is the link to my discord server if you want it. And I do hope you all have a truly wonderful day or night wherever or whenever you may be.


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