
Chapter 29- friends and flying lessons

Harry's pov

Except explaining a hundred times about his new name and the circumstances behind it, the rest of the weekend passed quickly, Harry practiced his control on the coils at the in the Tesla room, practiced his charms at the experiments room and learned more chemistry in the study room. And all that without going out of the ROR! He was starting to fall in love with the room. Yet, Harry still got out, he made sure to visit professor Snape at his office hours to ask some questions about the interaction of ingredients in potions and about the difference between clockwise and counter clockwise. Apparently, while the ingredients are used to extract the magic in every one of them, the way which you spin your potion is more about the potion's final form, which means that if you don't spin correctly you don't create the best potion but you can still make a workable one, so Harry decided to focus more about the best ways to extract the magic out of the materials before figuring out the ways to create the best potions.

Harry also used lunchtime to sit with Hermione and Neville, as while he doesn't have much time do during the week and study with them. While he finished his homework at the ROR, he could still study something different while being with his friends and helping Neville with his.

Neville's pov

Neville wasn't sure if you suppose to be happy or sad.

A notice was just pinned up in the Gryffindor common room that made almost all of them groan. Flying lessons would be starting on Thursday -- and Gryffindor and Slytherin would be learning together.

While most Gryffindors hated all of Slytherin, he didn't, he only hated most of them. He had one friend in there, Harry. And while Hermione was he's best friend, Harry was his first one. Sure he had Play dates with Marcus, and he met a lot of pure blood children as a child but till Harry, no one called him a friend.

So that's why he was happy to have another class with Slytherin. The only way it could've been better is if Malfoy wasn't there.

Malfoy was a bully, he was rich pampered boy who made sure everyone knows he's the best even if he wasn't, he was also Marcus's arch enemy, is those two kept going and fighting all the time they met.

Which was why Neville wasn't surprised something like that happen.

"Give it back, Malfoy!"

"Why? The Squib needs you to defend him?"

"Gryffindors stay together, even if some of us are squibs!"

Neville couldn't help but be hurt, he knew Marcus was a bastard. He knew it since the time Marcus destroyed his birthday party with the saying "thing is my birthday party, as the boy who lived I deserve two."

But he really thought that they were at least allies, allies don't say staff like that about their allies, but apparently Marcus didn't have allies. He had fans, groupies, followers and enemies. But no friends or allies.

"What is going on here?" From behind Malfoy, professor McGonagle said.

"N-nothing" Malloy said

"He was trying to steal Neville's rememberball!" Ron shouted.

"No I didn't, I just wanted to see it up close"

Malfoy put the rememberball dawn and walked away with Crabbe and Goyle.

It was in the middle of the flying class and Neville couldn't wait for it to be over.

He never liked heights, but he really hates it since his granduncle tried to activate his magic by dropping him from the second floor window.

At least he wasn't alone in his feelings, as apparently, Hermione also hate Heights, so he had someone to share his unenthusiastic feelings.

Not that it was the only thing they shared, they always sat one next to the other, she trying to help him with most class, and him helping her with Herbioligy and making sure not only to study but also having fun.

Speaking of someone always studying, Harry was doing it, and not even to class. actually Neville didn't think he ever seen him doing homework, but whenever asked he always said he has already done it.

Not that they were always together, actually, Harry almost wasn't with them, having either different classes, different dorm rooms and different house mate, yet he made sure to always be there when needed, just like now in class

They have just put the broom between their legs when Madame Hooch said that she would count to three and when she whistle they should push themselves up into the air, but before she got to two, Neville was so nervous that his broom wouldn't work that he pushed prematurely.

The broom began to fly higher and higher and he had zero control.

Finally, when it reached 12 feet high he fell, yet when he reached the ground the earth was soft like a trampoline, he looked around confused, searching for whoever did the magic that made sure no harm reached him, yet not only no-one stepped forward, everyone including the teacher looked confused or worried.

Everyone except Harry who only had a concerned look on his face.

While Neville went to the infirmary, he could only think: "How the hell did he do that?"

Ron's pov

Since the start of the school Ron had the best time of his life.

He was best friends with the boy who lived, he was in Gryffindor, he was suddenly in the center of attention and best of all, the food!

But like with every thing good comes some bad.

He actually has to do homework, show up to class and learn things unrelated to quidditch, like it's ever going help him when he become a keeper to the Chudley Cannons.

Who cares how to create a lousy potion when you can stop Quaffles?

That's why he was so excited for this class, flying class.

And that's why he was so angry about the squib's actions, by flying and falling, Neville made sure he would have to wait a week until he gets to fly!

And he new whose fault it mast be, Slytherin.

After all who else was evil enough to prevent Marcus and him from flying other than the baby death eaters?

So when he heard Malfoy saying "look what I found" while holding the rememberball, Ron didn't even let him finish the sentence before saying "give it back Malfoy"

Malfoy looked insulted but Ron didn't see it.

"I think I should put it where Longbottom can find it- how about at the top of a tree?"

Malfoy was on his broomstick.

You should come down before Marcus kick your ass!" Ron yelled while helping Marcus onto a broom.

Marcus started chasing Malfoy across the field on his broom and you could see he was a natural talent on a broom as even if they both knew how to fly from before, Marcus could fly much faster on his broom than Malfoy could his.

Ron started feeling something ugly and familiar when looking at Marcus fly but before he could identify what it is Draco dropped the ball by mistake.

Marcus dived for the ball and just before it hit the ground he caught it.

It was that moment everyone heard professor McGonagall shouted "Marcus potter!"

An hour later when Marcus told him he got into the quidditch team Ron knew what that emotion was - Jealousy.

I know it took a long time, but I'm sick give me some sluck

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