
Chapter 23- A latter, transfiguration and Room of requirements

Harry's pov

The second day started like the first, waking up, workout and shower, it was in breakfast that the first change came.

When he sat at the table, a plate with granola, honey, fruits and cultured milk. People gave Harry weird looks, but he paid them no mind. Just as he was about to finish an owl came for him with a latter.

'How dare you be sorted into Slytherin?' Was the first sentence he read 'there was not one Potter heir in Slytherin since before the status of secrecy was invented, and there won't be one! We will come Friday to take you from Hogwarts at Friday to the ministry to disinherit you!

James potter,

Lord of the house of Potter."

He declined to keep the latter as evidence so he took it to his room and then went to his first class, History of Magic

First class- History of Magic.

It took exactly 5 minutes for everyone to understand this class was useless except for getting more sleep, so it was not surprising to find everyone snoring while Professor Binns was talking. What was surprising, is that one boy wasn't asleep, but followed the ghost's words in the book, or at least that what you would think he did if you look from a far, actually, Harry was learning biology from the master's degrees books he had, as if there was one thing he didn't like was wasting time, by the time the class was finished, he was two chapters into the book, he hoped that by the end of the year he would finish the first year of every subject, but he wasn't sure he could do it.

Second class- transfiguration

As one of the classes he's been waiting for, Harry was the first one to be there. Well, it might have to do with the fact this class was with Hufflepuff just like History of magic, which meant the other students had to wake up from their nap.

After seeing it's just him and McGonagle in cat form, he decided to pat McGonagle as a way to make good impression 'without meaning too', but she just hissed at him so he took a sit.

When the time for class came, professor McGonagle shifted from her cat form to her human form. He raised his hand and said "Sorry, professor McGonagle, I didn't know." "It's fine, now lets talk about transfiguration.

Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned. Now one of the things about transfiguration is the fact that you are changing something completely, but only temporarily. One technically can change something forever enough magic but even Marlin himself didn't have enough magic to change a spoon to a fork, that's why you should never transfigure something non addible into at addible substance and never change the state of the staff you use from solid to liquid or air as it could kill you and everyone close to you." "Now, we will see where everyone are at the subject, take a match and change it to a pin."

The rest of the class passed quickly as they were all trying to change their matches. After a few questions and explanations, Harry finally understood how transfiguration works.

There is only one way known to everyone in doing transfigurations,

The basic way that most people use is learning some basic formulas for explaining how much magic you need to use and let your magic do the rest. This way of doing transfigurations make sure that the only thing you need to do for transfiguring everything you want is a perfect control of your magic, that's also why it's one of the hardest magical studies in Hogwarts and why every minute change of your wand work can affect your creation.

Another way to use transfigurations that Harry thought about is by understanding how everything is created by atoms, as such when you change one substance to another you need to attract or push Electrons, Protons and Neutron, so the atoms would change completely. This is also the reason why transfigurations go back to their original forms, the particles, go back to their original situations when the the magic energy can't hold it self in that state anymore, because of the fact you work with atoms, you need much better control over your magic than the regular way, but Harry prefers to do things with his brain and not heart, so he decided to use this method to learn transfigurations. That's why, by the end of the class, almost everyone managed to change at least the colors of the match while he only managed to make it pointier, but he didn't care, he knew he was on the right way to use transfiguration, he just need more knowledge and perfecting his energy control.

After lunch

The Slytherin and Ravenclaw had a free afternoon, is it night it was time for astronomy. Most students went for a nap or doing their homework but Harry had a meeting with a very important room. He did notice me not charm (invisibility charms were hard, Okey?) as he didn't want any of the students, stuff and more importantly pictures to notice him. As if there is one thing that the books confirmed is that pictures could be used for spying and he wouldn't say it's beyond Dumbledore to use them.

After an hour of searching, he found the pictures of the dancing trolls, he went three times next to the wall while thinking about a room to help perfect magic control and went in

Sorry, just took me a long time

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