The Avatar of Horus Cheops and the Avatar of Hathor Heba are glaring at Adrian, but they could not fight back because they were the ones that started it. Kanlaon could be seen hissing at the two avatars while Saena, who is perched at Adrian's shoulder, puffed her plume in a threatening gaze. Sirius could be seen growling inside Adrian's shadow waiting to bite the necks of the two avatars should Adrian give the command.
Powerful bloodlust could be felt from Adrian as his soulbounds went into full defensive mode to protect their master. Adrian told them to stand down as he knew that his soulbounds would undoubtedly attack them if they even showed a hint of aggression. He does not want to suddenly start a war with the other temples in the western continent.
"May I ask where the two prophets went, Champion Equinox?" The High Priestess Estet asked which is heard by the three avatars.
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