
The Alliance with the Sun

Awraka got fully healed by Saena while she had a bit of difficulty with the thing afflicting the young boy. She could be seen struggling a bit as the thing affecting him did not want to get eaten. Cersei felt that the thing affecting the boy is a curse which is why she lent her expertise and weakened it. Finally, the boy opened his eyes.

"Hello. What is your name?" Adrian asked as the boy woke up when Saena absorbed the Curse of the Slumbering Light that affected the boy.

The Curse of Slumbering Lights was not an easy curse to absorb because of the immense magic power used to cast it. It only became weakened when Mishiel got killed and Cersei weakened the curse using her mastery of curses and hexes.

"My name is Amun. My father gave me that name. What about yours?" Amun asked.

"My name is Equinox." Adrian replied as he introduced the others.

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