
What Lies Beyond

Numerous eyes peered into the rift as the entity on the other side started to extend a tendril unto the mortal plane. The entity on the other side showed hesitation as if he has done this sort of action before and was damaged.

Once the first tendril managed to emerge from the rift, numerous tendrils then flooded the rift as if the entity is excited to step onto the mortal plane. It was not only tendrils that flooded the rift as an amalgamation of the faces of both human and monster came with it.

The amalgamation of the faces looked like the ones from the visitors of the imperial capital. The dark god has finally arrived in the mortal plane. The Dark God of a Thousand Faces, Nyarlathotep, has arrived at the mortal plane.

The dark god could not believe that he has finally step foot once more in the mortal plane. He relished the moment as he used his thousand changing faces to see the beauty of the mortal realm. 

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