
Piggy Bank

Adrian reappeared back in the Paradox Planes and headed towards Ascalor's abode. He briefed Ascalor on what is happening and the latter also called the other elders. Bronx and Koronn hurriedly went to Ascalor's place that they even used self-made portals.

Adrian relayed everything to them about what is happening to the faction of the undead king. They had worry in their face when they heard of the name "Lich King" but other than that they listened calmly. Koronn even looked somewhat bored while Bronx listened attentively because he is the leader of the Daemos Corps.

"I see. If there comes a time that war will come then we might intervene." Ascalor stated.

"What do you mean by might intervene?" Adrian asked as he thought that the Daemos would cooperate fully.

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