
Calling her name

Jimin's POV

Where is she? It's been hours since the game ended and everyone was sick worried about her. I should've followed her but the teacher told us to separate ways from girls, we might be doing something.

I look at the forest and averted my eyes from it to Jennie. I have a feeling that she had something to do with this. Knowing her, I knew she got something about it.

I went up to her and did my work.

"hey, have you seen Leilein?" my voice was filled with hatred every second passed

"uhh... No"

"are you sure?"

She look at me and back at the woods before she made it clear that she didn't saw her. If she didn't saw her, why did she smirk then? There's my answer.

"Alright, if you want to save yourself, then I guess you tell the truth." threatening her won't do anything but I just did it anyways to send a warning to her.

She glared at me and walked away. I hurriedly went back to my tent and gathered some of my friends. We planned to bring a bag filled with foods and water, flashlights, and emergency kit.

I had told them about Jennie and Jungkook volunteered to deal the problem. I don't know but my heart dropped when he mumbled that he'll do anything to punish her.

Don't tell me he's falling for her?

Enough Jimin, now's not the time to talk about love.

We all waited until Baekhyun signaled us that the coast was clear. We didn't move like some spies, instead we walk normally. It's not like they will notice us, anyways. All of us were heavy sleepers. So there's no way we will get caught, unless there's one person who's still awake at twelve midnight.

We paired up and went to different directions, in hope of finding her. I calmed myself and prayed that she's still alive. Of course, she would be. I don't think a college girl would kill a person, especially Leilein. She can easily take them down.

She's strong, I reminded myself. She's been fighting for her life, I'm sure she'll be fine.

An hour later,  Baekhyun and Chanyeol intersected our way and they told us that he still haven't seen her.

I just smiled faintly at them and move on. When I was starting to ramble, I heard breathing sounds. I looked anywhere and saw no one but blood on the cold ground and Leilein's ring. I followed the blood and made sure not to trap myself. I called her name a little loud and I could hear breathing sounds again but more louder this time.

I saw her leaning on the tree sitting on the ground. I quickly ran to him and Taehyung called the others that we found her.

She cried and hugged me, tightly. "you found me. I thought no one will save me" she clutched my shirt tightly and I was hell-bent on comforting her, giving her my hugs.

"ssshhh, it's okay, it's okay. I will always save you, even if I put myself in great danger" calmed her down. She's probably traumatized. I scanned her body and let a loud growl.

"who did this to you?" I said, slowly caressing her swollen face. I wiped the tears away yet it continued to flow.

"n-no... o-one"

"don't lie to me"

"J-Je-nn-ie" she cried.

I knew it. It was her. Taehyung ended the call and bent down to her level. I opened the bag and let her eat some bread and drink the water.

Minutes later, Jin and Jungkook appeared and so was the others. Mouth were hanging, tears were threatening to fall from their eyes. I could see Chanyeol cry behind me.

The only thing I could hear is everyone's cry for her and their sharp breathing. I gently helped her stand and Taehyung went to grab the folding bed that Daniel and Namjoon carried.

Slowly, she layed down and closed her eyes. Four boys carried her on the bed, Daniel, Namjoon, Kai and Sehun.

I told the rest who did this and they had promised that Jennie and her little girls will pay. It's time to get up and give them a tight slap.

Jin opened the clinic tent and the boys who carried her out her down, every so gently. I had call Jihyo and the others to help her clean so that me, Jin hyung, Jihoon and Luhan could treat her wounds.

Jungkook, Daewhi and Xiumin hyung made a report about this incident while the rest, they look out for us who were inside, doing our best to treat her.

After treating her wounds, I had told the rest to take their sleep but everyone refused. So, I told them that we were going to make a schedule on who will stay with her. Of course, I listed myself first, then Tao, Kris, Woojin, and Minhyun.

For tomorrow morning, Daewhi, Yoongi hyung, Kuanlin, Kai, and Sehun. And for the remaining days, I had already settled them and they accepted it.

I told Tao and Kris to carry her because I'm going to put her black colored duvet and the matching pillow. She relaxed as soon as the pillows hit her back and I fanned her. I would check her from time to time, unable to relax after this incident. How could I?

"you should sleep" Minhyun hyung said while laying on the other folding bed. I nodded and lay my head down on her bed while my hands were still holding hers.


She woke up by a piercing sound, a high pitched sound. She groaned, trying to get up but she failed. In result, she woke the person sleeping beside her.

Jimin quickly regained consciousness and worry filled his face. He examined her and asked if something was wrong but she just smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you for taking care of me." she said while looking at him in his eyes.

"you don't need to thank me. It's my duty to take care of you" I looked at her, holding my tears back. I slowly kissed her forehead before I sat back.

"you're not my body guard" she laughed, lightly hitting his shoulder.

I just took a bath and when I woke up, I saw notifications. I couldn't believe what I saw. Thank you for voting for my book. It means a lot to me ?. I don't want to promise since that's a sensitive thing, but I'll try my best to update. I usually update on My Kudere Husband.

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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