
{~5~} Road Rage is the same for everyone

Ryu held onto the handles of her bike with a displeased hiss escaping her lips at the sight of traffic up ahead, another route would be her next best option. "Call Gregory," tapping the side of her helmet she waits on the call to go through with her hands gripping the handles of her bike tightly. It luckily went through on the fourth ring "Hey, eyes and ears I need some assistance to beat the traffic so I can make it to my dad on time."

A chipper tone filled her helmet belonging to the blonde haired human hybrid hacker they had hired six years ago "you got it big boss lady ma'am." In a teasing tone he did his best to distract her from the tapping of his fingers against the keyboard at his desk in the dispatchers district at the company. "Alright got it, sending your bike the coordinates now.." he let out one loud tap and left her to deal with figuring out how to make sure she made her way to that location without hurting anyone.

A light thanks is tossed his way before she hangs up and heads out down the path the GPS displayed for her "Sssss" an unamused hiss fills her ears as one of the snakes slips into her helmet the best it could. "yes I realize this is a different path, I'm taking a faster way there so we can get there before all the fun is gone."

A soft pink tongue flickers against her neck while she did her best to ignore it and face ahead as she drove through traffic and avoided cars best she could. The road was one place she felt she related to humans, road rage was always something she struggled with and apparently so did every humanoid being capable of thinking for themselves.

A loud honk confirmed her thoughts as though the person she cut in front of and around had read her mind even before she did it to them. "Anger understood my friend." She chuckles and kept her bike steady as they enter the new path and shot forward to the battle grounds. Some part of her hoping it was a false call on what she had been told. Though something told her that was a false hope rising.

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